A number of people may not know the health benefits of dining on orach, especially because a closely related alternative, spinach, keeps stealing the heart of many. We will, in this article, discuss orach. But first, let’s take a quick background check.
What Exactly is Orach?
Orach is a plant of the Anaranth family, and is subclassified under the Chenopodiaceae family. It has an estimated 200-300 species that grow into red, white and green leaves. And like most plants, it grows annually.
Orach (or orache) naturally shoots up in saline environments — soil with a high concentration in the salt content. This is quite unique because most plants go through difficulties thriving in such conditions, and end up on the losing side. What`s more? It ably hoards a considerable level of the salt in its leaves. Little wonder it is referred to as saltbush. Then again, not all species of orach grow on salty soil. For example, the garden orach can be nurtured in environments with a low salt concentration.
If we could run a heat signature of the plant from the satellite, orach would be proven native to the continent of Europe and Asia. However, it has been naturalized in other continents such as Australia, South America, North America, and the Mediterranean region.
Did I mention that the orach plant is much easier and faster to cultivate, unlike spinach and other leafy vegetables? Apparently, it is bee and butterfly free from cross-pollination. It simply requires regular dealings with the current of air. In addition, orach plants are able to withstand storms and other torrent conditions.
Atriplex, as it is scientifically called, exists in a whole lot of varieties or species (about 300), and the Atriplex Hortensis (garden orache) is considered the most edible variety for human consumption. The edible parts of the orach plant are the leaves and seeds. The leaves can be eaten raw or cooked, but it is advisable that the older ones are cooked since they are tougher. Meanwhile, the seeds can be milled and pinched into soups, cereals, and other meals.
Over the past few centuries, people have had a preference for spinach, another plant of the Chenopodiaceae family. In some quarters, orach is even considered to be “mountain spinach”. While some, as mentioned earlier, recognize spinach and orach as being quite different. Spinach also has a number of nutrients that are beneficial to the body, and like orach, they share a host of nutritional ingredients such as calcium, magnesium, and vitamins. However, the world is agog again with talks of orache and its staggering qualities.
What are the Health Benefits?
Long ago in the ancient era, orach used to serve ornamental purposes until spinach became a consumers` favorite. However, orach has become more popular as a result of its exceptional contents such as minerals, vitamins, and organic compounds.
Word has it that orach can be a remedy to gout, throat tumors, exhaustion, jaundice and lung diseases. However, there is more to this amazing vegetable, as it aids the digestive and immune system, and it is also healthy for vital components such as the kidney, heart, bones, and eyes. In addition, it contributes to the prevention of conditions like anemia, cancer, and metabolic anomalies. So let`s see its benefits.
Supports Heart Health
Again, orach possesses a vital property which helps to keep the heart healthy — talk of some good level of potassium. Thankfully, as some studies have concluded, the presence of potassium helps to regulate the blood pressure and keep it at a low.
Preventing Cancer
Asides normalizing body processes of digestion and circulation, orach can also help against cancer. Cancer develops as a result of the mutation or damage of cells in the body, and orach is well-equipped with those properties that can provide a nip in the bud. In essence, it is vested with powerful antioxidants that ensure cancer is prevented.
Healthy Bones
Consuming orach is another way of breeding strong and healthy bones. With nutrients such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium, it keeps the bones in shape. I bet the plant kingdom would definitely be proud to have orach as one of its members; what do you think?
Improves Digestion
One of the biological routines in our body is the process of digestion. It is essential that we feed on and tap out essential nutrients from meals. It is a way of securing our survival. Orach improves digestion because it contains dietary fibers. This brings about a lesser risk of abdominal problems such as ulcers, constipation, and others.
What of the Kidney?
A regular consumption of orach ensures the elimination of excessive and harmful toxins in the body. This happens because the kidney becomes hyperactive in duties. This means that one should expect frequent visits to the restroom.
Gives a Boost to Metabolism
Orach also has a stake in the metabolic welfare of the body: it is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants that can help to wear down complex proteins. Consequently, it has a positive effect on the nutrient absorption process of the body. What`s more? The level of calcium and iron in orach activates a boost in the production of red blood cells, and this altogether guarantees metabolic efficiency.
Empowers the Immune System
With enough vitamin C, be sure that you have a chance against the infectious plot of pathogens. The garden orache possesses vitamin C, an essential nutrient in the body. It helps with the reproduction of more white blood cells. So what happens when you consume orache regularly? You`d simply be reinforcing your defense system. And of course, that is quite a splendid thing to do for yourself.
Lesser Risk of Anemia
An added advantage of having enough red blood cells (RBC) is that it automatically forestalls the body from becoming anemic. Anemia is a condition arising from a low level of RBC which results into fatigue. And since orach simulates the production of RBC, it is helpful in preventing anemia. Furthermore, eating orach can be a plus to pregnant women because it can prevent unborn children from neural damage as they form in the womb.
Clearer Vision
Another reason to make orach a veggie favorite is that it aids the effective functioning of the eyes. The eyes also fall under the defense radar of the orach, and this is attributed to the presence of carotenes and anthocyanins. These properties protect the eye from the weary effects of aging. More favorably, orach helps to retain the sharpness of the eye at old age. Hence, you don’t lose your eagle eye vision. That`s big deal!
As much as orach sounds terrific, it also has limits. It contains a significant level of oxalic acid which can be harmful to those who suffer from gallstones, kidney stones or gout. Alternatively, sourcing for the nutritional contents in other plants is advisable.
Final Words…
Orach is bursting with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that the body finds useful daily. Like most vegetables, it is better supplemented into meals and consumed in moderation. The best place to get it? I recommend the local market; it is probably hanging in there, waiting patiently in one of those grocery stores. Don’t think twice about it, someone may just buy out the whole stock off the market.