Who Knew all these Wonders of Vitamin B1?

Hello there, when was the last time you had a meal rich in vitamin B1? Do you know the benefits of vitamin B1? Let’s get talking, so you can have a definite answer to these questions.

Vitamins are classified according to the materials they dissolve in; some dissolve in water, while others dissolve in fat. Water-soluble vitamins are carried through the bloodstream. Vitamin B1 is a water-soluble vitamin, just like other vitamins of the B complex.

Vitamin B1, also called thiamin, or thiamine, enables the body to use carbohydrates as energy. It is useful for glucose metabolism, and it plays an essential role in nerve, muscle, and heart function.

What’s this Vitamin Useful for?

Vitamin B1 prevents complications in the nervous system, brain, muscles, heart, stomach, and intestines. It is also useful for the flow of electrolytes into and out of muscle and nerve cells.

It Boosts Immunity

Vitamin B1 promotes the health of the immune system. It releases hydrochloric acid, which is essential for the full digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, in turn, doing some good to the immune system.

It’s Anti-aging

This vitamin is such a potent antioxidant, one which protects the body from aging signs such as age spots and wrinkles.

It Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease

Thiamine slows down the development of Alzheimer’s. 100 milligrams daily of vitamin B1 gives relief to Alzheimer’s patients.

It Enhances Memory

Vitamin B1 is super at increasing concentration power and memory. It effectively manages various nervous system dysfunctions such as Bell’s palsy and multiple sclerosis.

Talk about dealing with chronic tension,  increasing energy, and preventing memory loss, vitamin B1 is capable.

It Treats Alcoholism


Vitamin B1 minimizes the risk of the occurrence of  Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, a brain disorder characterized by reflex muscle movement fatigue,  nerve damage,  and difficulty walking. This disorder is caused by vitamin B1 deficiency, commonly found in alcoholics, especially those who also have a poor diet.

What Else?

It is useful for these conditions too

  • heart disease
  • kidney disease in patients with diabetes type 2
  • motion sickness
  • cervical cancer
  • weak immune system
  • cataracts
  • glaucoma
  • diabetic pain
  • stress

Its Deficiency?

Here’s a list of some early symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency

  • constipation
  • tenderness of calf muscles
  • memory loss
  • sleeplessness
  • irritability
  • lethargy
  • weight loss

If these symptoms are ignored, vitamin B1 deficiency may lead to beriberi. People who have beriberi experience nerve, heart, and brain, abnormalities, and many other symptoms.

Food Sources of Vitamin B1


Oatmeal is bursting with B vitamins such as vitamin B1. A cup of oatmeal provides about 16.7% thiamine. Oatmeal absorbs excess cholesterol, promotes cardiovascular health, improves stomach health, and treats indigestion.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds add to the flavor of meals and provide loads of nutrients. Add them to salads and other recipes to enjoy being energized, get the nervous system enhanced, facilitate thyroid glands, and increase bone density.

Macadamia Nuts

These nuts are bursting with vitamin B1: An ounce of roasted macadamia nuts provides 16.8% of the vitamin. Eating these nuts gets the body strengthened, helps control cholesterol levels, balances blood pressure, and boosts energy levels.

Sweet Potato


Have you tried baked sweet potato fries? It’s a sure way to stock up vitamin B1 in the body. The flesh of sweet potato is rich in vitamin B1. It is ideal to make sweet potato a part of children’s diet, as it promotes their healthy development. Generally, sweet potato keeps the stomach full for hours and boosts metabolic rate. It also increases immunity and prevents bone deterioration. What a meal!

Brown Rice

Did you know that 16% of vitamin B1 can be got from just a cup of cooked brown rice? This low-calorie rice is quite nutritious. It balances insulin sensitivity, controls heart rate, aids circulation, and keeps the stomach full for long hours, which makes it fit for battling obesity.

Beef Liver

13 ounces of cooked beef liver has got 26% thiamine — now that’s great — much beyond the daily requirement. Eating beef liver at least once a week is quite advantageous. Beef liver treats anemia, keeps the body energized, promotes cardiovascular health, and balances blood pressure.

Brussels Sprouts

Consuming half a cup of cooked Brussels sprouts provides about 13% of vitamin B1. Brussels sprouts improve brain health, combat heart diseases, promote cardiovascular health, and produce red blood cells.

Organic Edamame

Whether roasted, steamed, or fried, edamame remains a reliable a source of vitamin B1. A serving of organic edamame enriches the body with 25.8% vitamin B1. Eaten as a snack or added to quinoa salad, this vegetable is sure to aid weight loss, treat indigestion, and prevent the risks of stomach disorders.


Shellfish is a good source of vitamin B1. It improves heart rate, promotes circulation, treats eye diseases, controls cholesterol levels, and
prevents age-related memory loss.

Navy Beans

Navy beans have got a whopping 44% of vitamin B1 in navy beans is convincing enough to eat them on a daily basis. It is one meal that is fit for children and adults alike. Navy beans treat digestion, promotes the growth of good bacteria in the gut, boosts circulation, and absorbs excess cholesterol.


Asparagus, whether eaten raw or added to salad, is highly beneficial. It supplies 26% of vitamin B1.
It does more: controlling blood pressure, combatting the risk of indigestion, enhancing the production of red blood cells, and supporting neurological health. How amazing!

Whole Wheat Bread

A slice of whole wheat bread provides 0.2mg of vitamin B1. Whole wheat bread balances blood pressure levels, promotes circulation, absorbs excess cholesterol, and controls appetite.


A cup of lentil soup is equal to 44% of vitamin B1 and more. Lentils have got health benefits such as

  • boosting energy level
  • providing pregnancy health support
  • supporting weight loss
  • regulating blood sugar levels
  • restricting the effects of free radicals
  • preventing cancer
  • lowering cholesterol level
  • decreasing the risk of heart diseases
  • maintaining an ideal blood tonicity
  • preventing blood vessel atherosclerosis

When I first discovered the benefits of lentils, I called it a ‘dream come true’. What do you call it?

Others in the Vitamin B Family

  • B2 (riboflavin)
  • B3 (niacin)
  • B5 (pantothenic acid)
  • B6
  • B7 (biotin)
  • B12
  • Folic acid

These vitamins, in the same family as vitamin B1, are essential for making energy from food eaten. They also help form red blood cells. They can be obtained from proteins such as meat, eggs, fish, poultry, and dairy products. Leafy green vegetables, beans, and peas are also rich in B vitamins.
Getting adequate levels of B vitamins prevents diseases. Insufficient levels of B6 or B12 can cause anemia.

What about Drug Interactions?

Every type of B vitamin interacts differently with certain types of medications. All B vitamins interact with tetracycline, an antibiotic. B vitamins prevent the absorption of tetracycline and interfere with its activity. B vitamins should not be taken concurrently with tetracycline.

What about Vitamin B1 Interaction?

Consuming vitamin B1 concurrently with the cancer therapy, 5-Fluorouracil, can induce vitamin B1 deficiency. A consumption of phenytoin, a medication for seizures, also reduces vitamin B1 in the blood, especially when consumed for a long while.

Final Words…

Vitamin B1 is quite an essential vitamin. Now you can go back to the questions at the beginning of this article, and answer them. How does it feel? Great, right? So when will you begin to enrich yourself with vitamin B1 foods? Soon? I hope so. Tell somebody about Vitamin B1 today, will you?