One of the most common types of ulcers is peptic ulcer; it`s got three kinds:
- An esophageal ulcer that develops in the esophagus
- A gastric ulcer that affects the stomach
- A duodenal ulcer that grows in the upper part of the small intestine or duodenum
Common Symptoms of Ulcers
I these symptoms are attended to early, an ulcer may not develop into a huge challenge.
- Heartburn
- Indigestion
- Reduced appetite
- Vomiting
- Burning sensation between the chest and belly area
- Mild to severe pain between the chest and belly area
- Weight loss
- Nausea
- Belching
Note that these symptoms aren`t restricted to ulcers. Consulting a doctor is a good idea. Next, let`s discuss home remedies for treating this health challenge.
What Causes an Ulcer?
For about a century, it was generally believed that stress, spicy foods, and alcohol caused most ulcers. We now know better — most peptic ulcers are caused by a particular bacterial infection in the stomach and upper intestine, by certain medications, or by smoking.
In 1982, Dr. Barry Marshall and Dr. Robin Warren discovered a kind of bacteria that can live and grow in the stomach. Both doctors even won the Nobel Prize for their discovery. The medical name for these bacteria is Helicobacter pylori (or H. pylori). Helicobacter pylori is the cause of a number of peptic ulcers.
How do Ulcers Form?
- Bacteria weaken the protective coating of the stomach and upper small intestine.
- Acids in the stomach then get through to the sensitive tissues lining the digestive system underneath.
- Acid and bacteria directly irritate this lining, causing sores.
- Although H. pylori are responsible for most cases of peptic ulcers, these ulcers can be caused by other factors. Some people are accustomed to taking pain relievers known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin or ibuprofen, to fight inflammation in the body and to treat persistent painful conditions such as arthritis. When such medicatioms are taken in high daily doses over a long period of time, they can cause ulcers in some people.
- Smoking is associated with peptic ulcers because it increases the risk of getting an ulcer. 4th us is because the nicotine in cigarettes causes the stomach to produce more acid.
- Drinking a lot of alcohol daily for a prolonged period of time can also increase a person’s risk of ulcers because over time, alcohol can wear down the lining of the stomach and intestines.
- Ulcers also occur due to uncontrolled increased acid production in the stomach and changes in the immune system
Ulcer Facts you should Know
- Stomach Ulcers affect more than 5 million people annually in the USA alone.
- Every year, globally, over 300,000 people have ulcer-related surgery because of persistent symptoms or complications.
- Each year nearly 6,000 people die of ulcer-related complications in the USA alone.
- Up to 90% of all types of stomach ulcers are caused by infections of Helicobacter Pylori, and NOT by spicy foods or by stress
- In poorer countries, 50% of the population is infected with H. pylori in childhood, and up to 90% of adult populations are also infected.
- The World Health Organization reported that H. pylori is present in 50% of all new gastric cancer cases
- Approximately 1 in every 8 people will develop duodenal ulcers or stomach ulcers in their lifetime.
- A major cause of ulcers is the prolonged use of aspirin and other painkillers, commonly known as NSAID’s
- Peptic ulcers will affect nearly 1 in 10 of all adults in Western countries.
- About 1 in every 20 gastric ulcers lead to stomach cancer.
- Duodenal ulcers may occur in adults of any age.
- Gastric ulcers usually affect adults older than 40 years
- The older one gets, the more likely it is to have the H. pylori infection.
- Nearly 3 in every 4 gastric ulcers are caused by H. pylori.
- People of any age can suffer from ulcers.
- Women are just as prone to stomach ulcers as men are.
Home Remedies for Ulcers
Adding probiotics to your diet is an effective way to prevent bacteria that increase in the stomach lining.

Chilli Peppers
- Broccoli
- Green tea
- Kale
- Red grapes
- Soybean
- Berries
- Apple
Aloe Vera


Cabbage Juice