Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements for Healthy Testosterone


Healthy Herbs, Vitamins, and Supplements for Fertility

Testosterone is an essential hormone in your body. It is actually a male hormone but is also present in tiny quantities in females as well. It is usually linked with libido and occurs in both genders.

It is responsible for sex drive, energy, and physical strength in females, while on the other hand, it is responsible for sexual development and promotes a healthy sex life in men.

Testosterone level in males reaches its peak when the male child hits adulthood. Other functions of the hormone include;

The more advanced in age you get, the lower your testosterone levels, and this can make you experience a condition known as low testosterone level.

The following are the effects of extremely low testosterone levels;

These are the effects of low testosterone levels. Most times, the testosterone levels drop with age and happen mostly in people at the age of 80 and above. However, if you are still in your middle age and you are beginning to experience these signs, it is most satisfying to reach out to your doctor for immediate medical attention.

Some factors have been identified to be the causes or triggers of low testosterone hormone levels in the body. Some of these factors include;

Certain health conditions

One of the best techniques to treat low testosterone levels is by identifying the underlying or root cause of the malady and dressing it. This can help nip the condition in the bud and also help in the management of the numerous unfavorable symptoms.

In addition to identifying the underlying factors that you suspect are the causes of low testosterone levels, some natural herbs, vitamins, and supplements have been identified to help in the improvement and boost of testosterone levels. It is most helpful to discourse with your doctor first about the herbs, vitamins, and supplements before taking them.

The following vitamins, herbs, and supplements can help improve your low testosterone levels.


Ashwagandha is a traditional Indian herb that has been used since time immemorial for medicinal purposes and is still effective and strongly in use today. Some of the health conditions traditional Indians use the ashwagandha plant for include sexual and fertility illnesses, such as erectile dysfunction and chronic infertility. Every part of the ashwagandha plant has proven to be effective. The most common plants that are used for medicinal purposes are the berries and the roots, as they are usually made into extracts, teas, and capsules.

Men who were diagnosed with infertility, when they combined their medications with ashwagandha herb, they experienced an improvement in their sexual lives. Some of the results they got include;

  • Sperm motility
  • Higher testosterone levels
  • Higher sperm count
  • Regulated semen antioxidant levels

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is also known as cholecalciferol. It is an essential vitamin the body needs to function properly. Some of the functions of vitamin D to the body include;

  • Protection of the bone health
  • Combating of viruses and bacteria
  • Assists with the consumption of calcium into the body.

In recent times, research has attributed an increased testosterone level to the regular intake of vitamin D-rich food sources and vitamin D supplements in people who were diagnosed with infertility.

More research found that most men who are vitamin D deficient might experience low testosterone levels at the very first stage of their lives.

The recommended daily intake value of vitamin D is 4,000 IU. In addition, the body can produce vitamin D on its own if you expose your skin to the healthy morning sun. Note that the constant wearing of sunscreen can help prevent the body from absorbing or getting enough vitamin D from the sun. In addition, experts claim that lack of exposure of the skin to the morning sun as well as the excessive use of sunscreen can cause skin cancer, as the skin and body as a whole will be stripped of the nutrients it is supposed to get.

Zinc Supplements

Zinc is one of the most imperative nutrients that helps the body repair wounds. In addition, it is known to help in the combat of viruses and bacteria while preventing them from gaining access into your body. It also strikes an important role in the production of genetic materials and DNA.

Low testosterone levels have been linked to little or no zinc contents in the body. That is because zinc is one of the vital nutrients that ensures that testosterone is produced. It is also important in the improvement and enhancement of sperm quality.

Studies found that most men who have low testosterone levels are zinc deficient. The most reliable way to get zinc into your body is either through diets or dietary supplements. The following are zinc-rich food sources;

  • Dairy products
  • Seafood
  • Red meat
  • Fortifies breakfast cereals
  • Beans
  • Poultry
  • Nuts

The recommended daily intake value of zinc for grown-up men is 11 mg.

Some zinc supplements have been found to contain more zinc contents than the required daily intake value of zinc, and this can be dangerous to the health. This is why you need to be cautious while consuming certain supplements. Check the labels for the zinc amounts in the supplement you are taking. Some of the downsides of the excessive consumption of zinc include;

  • Cramps
  • Nausea

Headaches, all of which are found to be short-term side effects of the excessive consumption of zinc.

On the other hand, the long-term side effects of the excessive consumption of zinc include;

  • Copper deficiency
  • Poor immune function

It is essential to speak to your doctor to know the dosage of zinc you ought to take in order to prevent the side effects of the excessive consumption of zinc.


balls of garlicGarlic is effective in the treatment of the following;

Most low testosterone medications include garlic in their ingredients. Both dried and fresh garlic are used to make garlic supplements. You can either use garlic extracts or garlic oil. Whichever one you are using, it is important to be mindful of the dosage.

Pine Bark Extract

Pine bark extract is a natural herb from the pine tree. It is packed with a plant compound known as proanthocyanidins, which is notable for the following functions;

  • Improves and promotes the cardiovascular health
  • Lowers high cholesterol levels
  • Promotes and improved a healthy blood flow
  • Lowers risks and symptoms of ED

Pine bark extract is effective in the improvement and enhancement of fertility and reproductive organs. In other words, it is effective in the remedying of low testosterone levels.

Experts have suggested that pine bark extracts should not be consumed when you are on the following medications, as they can be dangerous to your health. Do not consume pine bark extract if you are on;

  • Immunosuppressive medications
  • Chemotherapy
  • Anticoagulants

It is also important to speak to your doctor before taking pine bark extract.

Malaysian Ginseng

It is referred to as Tongkat Ali. It is common among people in the southeastern part of Asia. Some of the important plant properties in Malaysian ginseng include;

  • Antidiabetic properties
  • Antimalarial properties
  • Antimicrobial properties
  • Aphrodisiac properties
  • Fever reducing properties

The research found that consuming Malaysian ginseng on a regular basis can improve the levels of testosterone in the body. In addition, it can improve your sperm health. Some other health benefits of Malaysian ginseng include the reduction of testosterone-related illnesses like osteoporosis. There is no special dosage for Malaysian ginseng. However, it is important to take it in moderate amounts.

Indian Spinach

spinachIndian spinach, just like ashwagandha, is an Indian traditional medicine that helps in the improvement and boost of sexual health. It helps in the stimulation of testosterone and the protection of the reproductive organs.

In conclusion, low testosterone occurs mostly at old age and is more common among men. However, if you notice any symptoms of low testosterone levels at an early stage in your life, adopt any of the above vitamins, supplements, and herbs. It is also important to speak to your doctor before taking any of the remedies.