Uziza: The Wonder Spice 

What Is Uziza?

Spices are just as crucial to a dish as salt. Every food has a distinct flavor. Spices, on the other hand, are organic chemicals, whereas salt is an inorganic substance.

Because spices are organic, they include a variety of vital compounds that the body needs to form cells, heal damaged tissues, and produce other critical substances like enzymes and hormones. As a result, spices not only enhance the flavor of our meals, but also give our bodies with a variety of important resources to operate with and restore the molecules they have utilized.

Among the numerous recognized spices across the world, the Piper Guineense, also known as Uziza or Guinean pepper in Nigeria and other parts of West Africa, is a lively spice that is frequently used in our everyday meals. In different regions of West Africa, it’s known as Benin pepper, kukauabe, false cubeb, Ashanti pepper, and Guinea cubeb.

Uziza is a shrub whose fruits, sometimes known as uziza seeds, and leaves may be used to flavor food. The spicy leaves of the Uziza plant are green while fresh and dark green when dried, with a peppery taste. When the leaves are fresh, they may be used to prepare any dish by first cleaning and shredding them, then adding them to the food 15 minutes before turning off the heat, or they can be dried, powdered, and then added to the meal. When creating a recipe, the fruit may be used in the same way as any other spice. Uziza seed resembles black pepper in appearance and flavor.

Whether it’s the uziza leaves or the uziza seed, including uziza in your meals has a lot of health advantages. I’ve included some of the reasons you should include Uziza in your meals as often as possible below in this article.

The Nutritional Profile of Uziza

The nutritional content of uziza leaves is the source of the leaves’ health advantages. According to a certain research, the Nigerian superfood is high in vitamins and minerals. The following are some of the nutrients found in the leaves: Alkaloids, Steroids, Glycosides, Flavonoids, and Glycosides, Essential oils, Tannins, Saponins, Peptides, Phenol and dietary fiber.

Despite the fact that the amount of each component has not been specified, moderate use will provide you with the health advantages of uziza leaves.

12 Health Benefits of Uziza

We can enjoy the health advantages of uziza leaves since Nigerians have been using them for centuries and they clearly provide health benefits. The following are some of the health advantages of uziza leaves:

Enhances Fertility

Uziza leaves have been shown to boost fertility in women and sperm quality in males. As a result, folks who are experiencing infertility might consider using this natural remedy. For ladies, pick some fresh uziza leaves, boil them, and add some lemon shoots and honey. Drink it on a regular basis during your period. For men, consume two shots of the combo on a daily basis.

Stomach Pain Relief

As previously stated, ingesting uziza leaves is healthy to the digestive system. When something is amiss with our digestive system, we might get stomach aches. In this scenario, uziza leaves will not only solve the digestive issues, but will also effectively soothe the pain. Uziza leaves can also help with stomach discomfort during menstruation.

Diarrhea Treatment

Uziza leaves possess antibacterial properties that assist in the fight against gastrointestinal germs that cause diarrhea. As a result, incorporating uziza spice into your diet might be a great way to avoid diarrhea. If you already have diarrhea, increase your consumption of uziza leaves while also drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Helps you Lose Weight

ScaleBecause it increases metabolism, including uziza in your diet may help you lose weight. Additionally, drinking uziza tea before meals helps you feel fuller and eat less.

Cough Relief

The leaves have a spicy, somewhat bitter flavor. It is, nonetheless, the highest quality needed to alleviate cough. Pour heated water into a cup with dried or crushed uziza leaves, sit for 10 minutes, and drink while it’s still warm. The herbaceous taste will aid in the clearing of your throat and respiratory system. Furthermore, it will swiftly alleviate your cough without causing tiredness or increased acidity.

Avoids Constipation

An inadequacy of roughages in our diet is the most common cause of constipation. Roughages are high in dietary fiber. These fibers help to promote regular bowel movements, which is required to avoid constipation. These fibers aid in the promotion of vigorous bowel movements, which is important for avoiding constipation.

Uziza, interestingly, is high in dietary fiber. By constantly using Uziza in your meal, you not only ensure that you get the proper quantity of roughages, but you also avoid constipation. Unfortunately, Uziza cannot be used to cure constipation; instead, it can only be used to prevent it.

Prevents Cancer

Uziza leaves have anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, it has the ability to reduce any inflammation in the body. As far as cancer cell proliferation is concerned, which involves inflammation of the tissues, uziza leaves have been shown to prevent cancer cell growth.

It can also aggressively combat free radicals, which are the major cause of cancer, thanks to flavonoids found in uziza leaves. Colon cancer and breast cancer are two cancers that have been shown to be protected by uziza leaves.

Pain Relief

Alkaloids can be found in Uziza, or Nigerian black pepper leaves. Alkaloids are recognized to have a therapeutically effective painkilling action. As a result, using uziza leaves to treat pains including headaches, toothaches, and sore joints is a great idea. It can also be used to relieve menstruation discomfort. The leaves have a good pain-relieving effect. Furthermore, this natural component is completely harmless to your health.

Treats Infections

In African traditional medicine, the fruits and leaves of uziza have traditionally been used to cure microbial diseases.

Traditional healers produce an alcohol infusion from the fresh leaves or dried fruits to treat bacterial, fungal, and parasite illnesses.

Prevents Premature Aging

grey hairUziza prevents wrinkles, fine lines, and even dark spots, all of which are indicators of premature aging. To witness the skin-enhancing properties of black pepper, just include it in your diet, or mix a teaspoon of black pepper with equal parts honey and turmeric and apply the mask to your face twice a day.

Other Benefits of Uziza

Other health advantages of Uziza pepper include rheumatism therapy, diabetes prevention, hypertension prevention, and appetite enhancement.

Culinary Uses of Uziza

Most African kitchens have adopted Uziza as a staple. It’s a versatile ingredient that provides a subtle yet powerful flavor to any recipe.

  • Soups: Make uziza soup by combining beef stock with fresh or dried uziza leaves and fruits. Add palm oil, fish, spices, and veggies as garnish. It makes a delectable savory soup that may be served with rice or mashed potatoes.
  • Garnish: Season meat, chicken, fish, vegetables, stew, rice, and yam with a dash of dried ground uziza fruit as a garnish.
  • Tea: Uziza tea can be used to treat colds and coughs. In a cup of boiling water, place 2 or 3 fresh uziza leaves. Before drinking, let the liquid soak for a few minutes. Honey can be used to sweeten to taste.

Now that you Know…

The Uziza plant’s leaves and seeds may be used to season a variety of foods. They provide a wide range of medical and physiological advantages. You may eat the leaves of this plant by making uziza soup or uziza and utazi soup. You may also use the seeds as a seasoning while creating nutritious Nigerian cuisine.

It’s also important to remember that moderation is the key. Excessive consumption may result in diarrhea, stomach pain, and heartburn. It is not advised for persons who have low blood sugar levels since it may cause hypoglycemia.