When is a Meal Balanced?
A balanced diet is a compulsory requirement that must be met.
Your meal must include carbohydrates, protein, fats and oils, vitamins, mineral salt, and water- the six classes of foods.
Eating a meal that lacks necessary nutrients will eventually result in deficiencies that can be life-threatening.
Are You Not Getting Enough Protein?
Protein is an essential building block you need for optimal performance, the body uses carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to stay healthy, and these elements are energy sources. Likewise, it contains molecules known as amino acids. The biological components of the body have a higher percentage of protein.
Eating low protein can result in brain issues, satiation problems, slow wound healing, and loss of muscle mass.
Are you also thinking about excess consumption? If yes, then it will also affect organs in your body.
Health Benefits of Protein
About the health benefits of protein, it is a nutrient that plays a vital role in body growth and coordination.
The functions include appetite regulation, increasing muscle mass and strength, improving bone health, body metabolism, high blood pressure regulation, weight management, reduction of unnecessary snacking, repairing worn-out tissues, and anti-aging- Wow, that’s a lot of functions. Proteinous foods are legumes, nuts, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fish, red meat, white meat, and lots more.
This article will review the factors that determine your protein intake, the recommended daily allowance (RDA), the side effects of excessive protein consumption, the protein deficiencies, and the wise actions to take.
What Factors Associated With Protein Intake?
Before embarking on anything, factors associated with such a thing must be considered, which would guide you to know the possibilities and shortcomings of your endeavors, the factors that predict how much protein you need are:
- Age- older adults need to take a lot of protein because their source of energy, calories, and muscle supplements comes from protein.
- Physical activities- like carbs, protein contributes to muscle mass for athletes and bodybuilders.
- Sex
- Body weight
- Health status- during pregnancy, women need more proteins than the rest of the populace due to their protein usage for their biological processes.
- How Much Of Protein Should I Eat?
Protein daily consumption (RDA) should be 0.8 grams of protein per kg (0.36 grams per pound), individuals with intense physical activities should eat about 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kg, while pregnant women should take 1.1 to 1.5 grams of protein per kg.
What are Possible Side Effects of Overeating Protein?
Keeping up with a moderate protein intake is a safer way to boast of the benefits you benefit from it.
Compromised Kidney Health
This needs to be clarified- eating a high protein diet is considered safe for individuals with healthy kidneys.
As you know, the kidneys are responsible for waste products and fluids removal in the body and also balance the level of salt, water, and electrolytes.
The nitrogen constituent from proteinous foods exerts much workload to pressurize the kidneys to remove leftovers of kidney metabolism.
This is unsafe for unhealthy kidneys, and symptoms like swelling of the lower parts of the body, restlessness, poor appetite, frequent urination, muscle problems, and disturbed sleeping patterns might occur.
Eat your protein with other meals to balance the diet and keep your kidney safe.
Unhealthy Weight Gain
Are you concerned with the increment on the scale? This is it, an excess carb diet is not only responsible for weight gain, but a high protein intake is also a contributor.
Usually, protein helps to reduce weight gain but eating it beyond the required quantity gets it stored and then accumulates as body fat. In case you don’t know, protein is also a calorie giver. To clear the air, eating protein from animals increases your body weight. Always eat plant protein- they are lean protein,
High protein is only considered safe when your muscle is challenged with rigorous physical activities: it adds to the muscle mass. Therefore, mix your diet with lean protein.
Dehydration and Decreased Bone Health
Have you noticed your frequent visits to the bathroom lately? That’s the work of protein. The overworked kidney removes more water and minerals such as calcium needed for body maintenance through frequent urination, which develops into bone depletion, decreased bone density, or osteoporosis. Moderate consumption of proteinous foods enhances bone health (with regular vitamin D and calcium). Other minerals like magnesium, potassium, and sodium are also removed.
Cutting carbs and fats from your meals with high protein removes stored water and glycogen. To stay safe and avoid mineral deficiency, eat more fruits and vegetables frequently, preferably after every meal. They contain sufficient minerals and water. Dairy proteins are also a safe kind of protein.
Higher Risk of Developing Cancer
This effect is all about the source. Frequent eating of red meat protein increases your chance of developing cancer. Do more plant-based protein consumption. Excess intake of processed meats can lead to ovarian, colorectal, prostate, and breast cancer. Replace your protein today.
Compromised Heart Health
Protein is a good element that preserves your heart, but it is all about the source. Animal protein releases saturated fats and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol into your body. When high protein replaces carbs in the body, then, heart problems arise. Blood circulation through the heart gets disturbed when there’s plaque build-up in the blood vessels which can result in death as a result of protein deposit. Fish and Poultry based proteins are still safe, and they lessen your chance of developing coronary heart disease. Keep your heart healthy today.
Digestion Issues
It is expected that after every food intake, digestion should follow. An overeating habit of protein might cause bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and cramping- meanwhile, all these symptoms cause discomfort. Gut Flora is a bacterium that must be retained in your gut. Yes, bacteria. It is a beneficial bacteria that keeps your digestive system safe, but a high protein diet removes the bacteria, thereby exposing you to gut problems.
Apart from protein, there are other reasons you experience digestion problems, like fast eating habits, consuming gas-induced food (soda), and lots more.
Ensure you include fruits and vegetables with plant protein: they supply adequate fiber and calories.
Bad Breath
This is a common side effect of a high protein diet. Moving around with a mouth odor is not really a thing to do, but there’s a way you can control it. Balancing your carbs and protein consumption will help you out.
In a situation where your body has used up its primary source of energy (carbs), the body undergoes a process called ketosis- an alternative process the body uses to generate calories from fats and proteins. This chemical process causes your bad breath. Clear the air with a balanced intake with your diet.
Protein Deficiency
Protein deficiency can be termed malnutrition when adequate nutrients are not supplied to the body. Protein deficiencies are:
This is a life-threatening condition that might eventually lead to death. It is a common sickness in most African countries due to the unavailability of food. Found in children because protein is a contributing nutrient for growth and development. Kwashiorkor is associated with stunted growth.
Symptoms of kwashiorkor include skin discoloration, tiredness, irregular growth, weight gain, decreased muscle mass, edema, shock, and rashes. It can also lead to physical and mental malfunctioning. It can only be treated with a supply of protein and extra calories. Treatments should take place immediately after diagnosing it.
This is associated with irregularities of body growth and loss of muscle tone. It causes the patient to grow thin with the bones visible enough to the eyes. Its symptoms are diarrhea, fever, loss of consciousness, brittle hair, dry skin, and hypotension.
It can lead to death if left untreated. It is treatable with the consumption of extra protein and other nutrients like vitamins, fats, and carbohydrates.
In conclusion, ensuring you eat a balanced diet is an ideal way to enhance your health. Other contributing factors that help keep your health in check are medical checkups, regular exercise, and hydration. These three are aiding habits that promise healthy living.
Moreover, if after any consumption of protein or other types of diets and you tend to experience any form of discomfort, it is advisable you seek your doctor. Most medical conditions are a result of other associated medical conditions. Choose to eat moderate protein with other nutrients. Nevertheless, feel your plates with fruits and vegetables today. Your health is your wealth- choose to stay refreshed.