The Impressive Health Benefits of Chipotle Peppers


Chipotle powder or peppers are actually just normal jalapeno peppers that have been smoked-dried. These peppers contain a wide variety of health benefits, including the ability to lower blood pressure, prevent cancer, aid in weight loss, manage diabetes, clear up certain respiratory conditions, protect against gastrointestinal diseases, and defend against cardiovascular disease. Its other health benefits include improving digestion, boosting the immune system, treating night blindness, supporting healthy bone formation, and improving the absorption of nutrients.

Chipotle peppers are jalapeno peppers that have been left to mature, removed and smoke-dried for a few days. All of the water weight inside the pepper is removed in this drying process. This is why chipotle peppers and powder have a smoky flavor that is common in barbecue sauces, salsas, and many other Central American cuisines.

Furthermore, chipotle contains a number of nutrients, including vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and vitamin K), minerals, iron, dietary fiber, capsaicin, magnesium, phosphorous as well as potassium.



The Health Benefits of Chipotle

The health benefits of chipotle include:


Manages/Prevents Diabetes

The capsaicin in chipotle can be effective for managing insulin levels in the body. In fact, capsaicin can help minimize flares and increase of blood sugar levels in the body.  This makes chipotle peppers extremely helpful for people with diabetes, particularly type ll diabetes.


Treats Cardiovascular Disease

Chipotles are popular for reducing the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes. They lower the presence of cholesterol and triglycerides which can both result in serious health conditions. As a matter of fact, capsaicin found in the peppers relaxes blood vessels which, in turn, can lower blood pressure.


Boosts Metabolism and Energy

Capsaicin present in chipotle and jalapeno peppers can still be effective in the body even after one is done eating a meal rich in capsaicin. It helps the body in improving metabolism to burn more calories.



Speeds up Wound Healing

Chipotle peppers are very rich in potassium. As a nutrient, potassium is effective as a vasodilator for lowering blood pressure and a stimulant for cognitive activity. It can hasten the healing process of wounds, growths and minimizes the appearance of scars on the skin. Potassium is also a nutrient that supports the formation of bone matter for growth and repair.


Boosts Immunity

Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant found in chipotle peppers that can help search for and eliminate free radicals from the body. It reduces the chances of suffering from certain diseases and health conditions, including cancer and heart-related diseases.


Supports Bone Health

Chipotle peppers are a rich source of magnesium and calcium and as such are able to strongly prevent the deterioration of the bone by stimulating growth and repair. These important minerals are beneficial to bone health, so consuming this pepper can reduce the chances of diseases such as osteoporosis.




Anti-inflammatory Property

Chipotle peppers contain anti-inflammatory properties both internally and externally. When used externally and mixed with creams, it can bring relief pain from sore muscles and joints. Its consumption helps with inflammation associated with health conditions such as arthritis and tumors.


Aids in Digestion

Since they are rich in fiber, chipotle peppers contain a high fiber content which is beneficial for the digestive tract. These peppers facilitate the smooth passage of food pass, improve the secretion of bile and digestive juices, and support the peristaltic motion.


Treats Night Blindness

Chipotle peppers are also very rich in vitamin A which is a vital nutrient in boosting eye health.  It delays the appearance of cataracts and reduces macular degeneration.



Helps with Respiratory Conditions

Capsaicin is a very potent element in chipotle pepper that is effective in the reduction of mucus. It is helpful with sinus headaches, stuffy nose, and effective for removing the irritants or bacteria that causes these respiratory or sinus conditions.


Weight Loss

According to some studies, capsaicin increases the consistency of fat oxidation, instead of storing it. This is then turned into functional and beneficial energy.


Prevents Cancer

Chipotle pepper contains capsaicin, an organic chemical that provides the peppers its spice or heat. As such, capsaicin has been associated with the elimination of cancerous cells.  The peppers have shown to be effective for significantly reducing cancers, including pancreatic, lung, and prostate cancers. In fact, studies suggest that chipotle shrinks cancerous tumors.



Treats Migraines

The capsaicin present in chipotle peppers can help treat migraines. What capsaicin does is to release pain peptides, and when applied as a jelly-like capsaicin product, can help reduce and even treat migraine attacks. According to studies, topical capsaicin can relieve arterial pain that occurs during a migraine episode.


The Bottom Line

In summary, chipotle peppers are a type of smoke-dried jalapeno that contains a number of health benefits such as manage diabetes, treat various respiratory conditions, protect against intestinal diabetes, aid in weight loss, prevent certain cancers, defend against heart disease, and lower blood pressure. In addition, chipotle pepper powder can improve the absorption of nutrients, aid in digestion, prevent night blindness, help in bone formation, and boost the immune system.

Due to the heat-producing capsaicin that chipotle peppers contain, they are believed to help combat cancer cells, aid weight loss, boost vision, prevent colds, inhibit the growth of bacteria, improve immunity as well as treat migraines.

As long as you’re aware of the level of heat of chipotle peppers, you can enjoy the host of health benefits they offer. What more—you can incorporate them into your favorite salsas, soups, stews, cornbreads, sauces, and many other dishes. The spice, known as chipotle pepper, is very rich in vitamins and minerals and of course, contains a huge amount of heat.


Side Effects and Precautions

  • While chipotle peppers contain an impressive range of benefits, they do have a high amount of heat! This means that they can worsen preexisting gastrointestinal conditions such as IBS or heartburn.
  • The capsaicin in chipotle peppers can sometimes inflame esophageal tissue. However, people who have developed a tolerance for the heat of chipotle peppers can enjoy a huge boost to their health.
  • It is important to remember that, before incorporating something new into your diet, it is always important to consult your doctor. This is particularly important if you are not sure if you are allergic to a food type.