Quercetin is not as known as some other flavonoids. It`s a pigment and antioxidant, which is found in fruits and vegetables. Cell deterioration is not uncommon as a result of processed food, carbonated beverages, household chemicals, personal care products, and some other toxic environmental factors that contribute to the onset of free radicals and oxidation which affect organ cells and tissues. To avoid the end result of this, which usually is the onset of chronic diseases such as diabetes, degenerative disease, cancer, and cardiovascular disease, which can be fatal, it is advised that antioxidant-rich diets are consumed regularly. This is essential to prevent premature aging of cells, fight oxidative stress, and protect organs. Quercetin has an antioxidant effect, which is required to fight free radicals and oxidation.
Getting More Familiar: What Makes Quercetin Important?
It`s Got Anti-inflammatory Properties
Quercetin showcases a number of anti-inflammatory properties, just as aspirin can reduce inflammation and associated pain. It restrains certain chemical pathways from generating the inflammation. How is this relevant? It makes quercetin able to reduce the pain of gout, rheumatism, arthritis, and the general inflammation that is suffered from fevers, muscle aches, colds, and strain.
It Has Anti-allergenic Quality
Quercetin is used in allergy treatments because antioxidants with structures which are similar to quercetin reduce histamines that are released when an allergenic pathway is stimulated. To reduce histamines means to reduce some symptoms, and quercetin reduces some symptoms such as hives, eczema, and hay fever.
Preventing Cancer
This is probably the most important aspect of quercetin because of its excellent antioxidant activity. Quercetin, like other flavonoids, gets free radicals out of the body and neutralizes them before they get to damage systems in the body. Most importantly, antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer. Quercetin drastically reduces prostate, colorectal, pancreatic, and skin cancers. Quercetin is probably one of the most important natural cancer fighters found in common foods.
Lowering Blood Pressure
Hypertension affects millions of people around the world annually, and quercetin has the ability to lower blood pressure and eliminate the complications which are associated with hypertension. Because quercetin is a vasodilating, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant substance, it protects the heart from various complications.
Ensuring a Healthy Cardiovascular System
It has been proven that quercetin lowers mortality rate and the risk of developing a heart attack. This protective property must have come from quercetin’s ability to reduce the amount of plaque in the blood vessels and arteries by eliminating LDL cholesterol, the kind of cholesterol the body does not need. Reduced amounts of LDL cholesterol has a role to play in a decrease in heart attacks, atherosclerosis, and strokes.
Managing Diabetes
Quercetin has got the qualities of an aldose reductase inhibitor. Some of the problems that diabetics encounter are due to the sorbitol pathway, where high concentrations of glucose are changed into fructose and sorbitol. This can end up in cataracts, glaucoma, and various neural complications. It is an aldose reductase inhibitor, so it prevents this huge transformation and helps to manage the problems which diabetic patients usually face.
Treating Asthma
Quercetin functions as a bronchodilator and reduces the amount of inflammatory or allergic reaction chemicals in the body. So quercetin reduces the severity of asthma attacks that react to those chemicals and also reduces various forms of congestion that are unrelated to asthma.
Here are 16 Foods that are Bursting with Quercetin
This is a crucial ingredient in many Mediterranean recipes, due to the savory taste. They`re high in flavonoid compounds and contain high levels of quercetin. From 100 grams of capers, 180 mg of quercetin can be gotten.
Goji Berries
Goji berries enrich the body with vitamin A and iron they`re rich in quercetin too. A serving of goji berries provides 14 mg of quercetin.
Lovage Leaves
These leaves, common in several parts of Europe, belong to the parsley family. They can be added to salads, soups, and stews. Lovage leaves are packed with quercetin and provide about 170mg of it.
Kale has got only 36 calories and other nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin E, dietary fiber, and magnesium. A cup of kale treats indigestion and prevents the risk of stomach issues. Adding kale to diets is super beneficial because it`s got 7.71 mg of quercetin. What are you waiting for? You should be consuming this vegetable already.
By consuming cooked okra, a whopping 21 mg of this flavonoid is added to your body system. Great deal, innit?
Asparagus is a vegetable which amazingly improves the health. It contains plenty of nutrients, including 15 mg of quercetin. A serving of cooked asparagus adequately provides the daily requirement of quercetin. When cooked asparagus is added to the diets of children, it remarkably adds to the nutrients in their bodies.
Red Onion
Red onions provide a significant amount of flavonoid. With 19.93 mg of quercetin, whether eaten raw or added to meals, a regular consumption of red onions can prevent a common cough and cold, heart disorders, and reduce the risk of cancer. It may lead to acidity or chest burn, so it is necessary to avoid consuming excess.
Cranberries are rich in quercetin. They provide up to 15 mg of quercetin in a serving of 100 gram. Just go ahead to pick fresh cranberries to enjoy quercetin and other great health benefits.
All types of berries, whether strawberries or raspberries and other varieties contain a significant amount of quercetin. Simply incorporate any variety into your diet to obtain the flavonoid. Have you tried berries in plain yogurt, oatmeal, cereal, or smoothies? You`d be delighted after you do.
Apples are perfect to derive loads of nutrients. An apple provides 19 mg of quercetin and the nutrient is in the flesh and the peel. Try eating the whole fruit or adding it with the peel in smoothies and other recipes to boost your quercetin level.
This leafy green vegetable protects the stomach lining and keeps ulcers away. What`s more? A regular consumption of spinach eliminates toxins from the colon. A cup of sautéed spinach leaves provides 4.86 mg of quercetin.
Raw Black Plums
Black plums are bursting with 12.5 mg of quercetin. They`re low in calories and contain saturated fats. Talk of a safe source to obtain antioxidants that protect to protect the body from potential damages, then raw black plums are the way to go.
Bell Peppers
The amount of quercetin varies. The red and ripped peppers contain a larger amount of quercetin, while others such as green, yellow, or orange varieties have a small amount of quercetin.
Elderberries are packed with antioxidants such as quercetin and anthocyanins. Did you know that 27 mg of quercetin can be obtained from elderberries? These berries are elderly in quercetin supply.
Red Grapes
Red grapes are popular for improving one`s health due to the flavonoids content in them. They provide a good amount of vitamin K, vitamin C, B-vitamins, riboflavin, pyridoxine, thiamine, carotenes, and 3.54 mg of quercetin. Just keep consuming a handful of red grapes regularly to effortlessly enrich yourself with nutrients.
Aronia Berries
Aronia berries, also known as chokeberries are known for their supply of various compounds, among which quercetin is included. A serving of these berries supply about 19 mg of the quercetin. Aronia berries can be paired with other fruits or consumed whole to enrich the body with flavonoid.