Pregnant? Try Green Apples

eating an apple

Hey mama, how do you feel at this time? We really do look forward to a safe delivery. While we wait for that, let us discuss one of those things that may just make the delivery and pre-delivery stage easier: Eating green apples. Did you know that green apples were a perfect choice for you?

Nutritional Value of Green Apples

  • Carbohydrate: 13 g
  • Calcium: 6 mg
  • Energy: 218 KJ
  • Fiber: 4 g
  • Folic Acid: 3 mg
  • Iron: 12 mg
  • Magnesium: 5 mg
  • Niacin: 91 mg
  • Pantothenic Acid: 61 mg
  • Phosphorus: 11 mg
  • Potassium: 107 mg
  • Protein: 26 g
  • Riboflavin: 023 mg
  • Thiamine: 017 mg
  • Vitamin A: 3 mg
  • Vitamin C: 6 mg

So Why Eat Green Apples during Pregnancy?

Preventing DNA Breakdown

Do you know about free radicals? They’ve got the potential to damage the health of expectant mothers and fetus. They’re not so cool. So how can they be avoided? Well, simply by consuming foods that can combat them. That would be a great choice! Green apples are bursting with vitamin C, which is an antioxidant and is essential to fight free radicals and toxins. What else? They prevent DNA breakdown too.

Maintaining Body Weight

It’s commonplace to find women gain weight during pregnancy. But did you know that being overweight can endanger your health as a pregnant woman? It does! It contributes to high cholesterol and blood pressure levels. And hey! That’s diabetes knocking right there. And of course, diabetes is dangerous for the healthy development of the fetus. Green apples, being so full of lots of super nutrients, can help maintain body weight. Consuming apples regularly will help you avoid risks of high blood pressure and cholesterol. It also helps you deal with your sweet cravings.

Reducing the Risk of Premature Birth

Including green apples in your diet can help you prevent the risks of premature birth. How anyway? Well, because a cause of premature birth is excessive bile secretion, and obtaining minerals and vitamins found in green apples can balance the bile secretion. What else? It’s effective for labor pain and delivery process. Green apples are just amazing.

A Great Source of Protein

A sufficient quantity of protein got from green apples will do your body and fetus some great benefit.

Reducing the Risk of Diabetes

Pregnant women are more likely to develop gestational diabetes, a complicated condition for both mother and fetus. Your body has the potential to absorb it as it balances the sugar in the bloodstream. Green apples ensure that the insulin level is balanced, and ensures you stay full for longer hours.

Preventing Nausea

Did you know that the sweet and sour tastes of green apples help relieve nausea? During pregnancy, the stomach gets so sensitive that it increases levels of gastric acids and leads to nausea. Regular consumption of green apples, whether in fruit or juice form in the first-trimester help solve the nausea issue.

Increasing Appetite


You can sip on some fresh juice or eat a whole apple to increase your lost appetite during pregnancy. Are green apples not just amazing?

Preventing Swelling

Pregnancy, of course, affects your entire body, and in the process, your stomach and some other parts of your body are swollen. The feet aren’t left out. Eating green apples helps deal with this situation.

Aiding Digestion

Digestion problems such as constipation are not strange during pregnancy. They occur due to inadequate intake of dietary fiber. Experiencing constant indigestion cause harm to the fetus because of how long the toxins or chemicals remain in the body. Green apples, because they are rich in dietary fiber, are super effective to aid digestion during pregnancy. The more green apples consumed during pregnancy, the better for your digestive system.

A Rich Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are unavoidably vital for the protection from potential damages caused by free radicals, chemicals, toxins, DNA breakdown, cancerous cells, and other challenges. While pregnant, there is a need to consume plenty of foods bursting with antioxidants. In comes green apples! They’re loaded with flavonoid and polyphenolic that protect pregnant women from the effects of unhealthy factors and oxidative stress. What’s more? They’re just splendid for the immune system.

Boosting Energy Levels

pregnant women exercising

Many women have issues with their energy levels throughout their pregnancy period, and this is caused by various deficiencies and insufficient nutrients. Eating green apples or drinking its fresh juice increases energy levels during pregnancy.

Interesting Apple Facts

  • Apples are a great source of the fiber pectin. One apple has five grams of fiber.
  • The pilgrims planted the first United States apple trees in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • The science of apple growing is called pomology.
  • Newton Pippin apples were the first apples exported from America in 1768, some were sent to Benjamin Franklin in London.
  • Apples ripen six to ten times faster at room temperature than if they were refrigerated.
  • Apples are fat, sodium, and cholesterol free.
  • A medium apple is about 80 calories.
  • Apples come in all shades of reds, greens, and yellows.
  • 2,500 varieties of apples are grown in the United States.
  • 7,500 varieties of apples are grown throughout the world.
  • Apple trees take four to five years to produce their first fruit.
  • Most apples are still picked by hand in the fall.
  • Apples are propagated by two methods: grafting or budding.
  • Europeans eat about 46 pounds of apples annually.
  • The average size of a United States orchard is 50 acres.
  • Some apple trees will grow over 40 feet high and live over 100 years.
  • Apples are the second most valuable fruit grown in the United States. Oranges are first.
  • In colonial time, apples were called winter banana or melt-in-the-mouth.
  • The largest U. S. apple crop was 277.3 million cartons in 1998.
  • World’s top apple producers are China, United States, Turkey, Poland and Italy.
  • The Lady or Api apple is one of the oldest varieties in existence.
  • Cultivated types of apples usually grow 6 to 15 feet in height. Wild apples can reach the height of 30 feet.
  • Apples have dark green, oval leaves that are alternately arranged on the branches.
  • 4 to 6 individual flowers form inflorescence. Each flower consists of 5 petals that are pinkish-white in color. Pink color fades during the time. Apple usually blossom in spring.
  • Honey bees pollinate a majority of cultivated apples. Bumblebees and orchard mason bee are less numerous (compared to honey bees) but equally important pollinators of apples.
  • Size, color and taste of the fruit of the apple tree depend on the variety. Miniature apples are often used in the production of juices and cider. Larger apples are used in the human diet. The best known varieties of apples are red, yellow, green and brown in color.
  • Apple tree starts production of the fruit 4 to 5 years after planting. Average tree produces 88 to 440 pounds of apples each year.
  • The best known varieties of apples are Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Gala and McIntosh.
  • 69 millions of tons of apples are produced each year. China is the greatest producer of apples in the world.
  • 2500 varieties of apples are grown in the USA. Only one of these varieties (known as crabapple) is native to America.
  • Apple seeds contain low doses of a toxin called cyanide. Fortunately, accidental ingestion of few seeds does not induce negative effects.
  • Apples contain proteins that may trigger an allergic reaction in sensitive persons.
  • Apples contains 57,000 genes which is about twice more compared to the number of genes in humans.

Final Words…

We believe you do agree now that green apples are just perfect for you at this time of your life. Why not just enjoy the great feeling of snacking on that wonder fruit till we hear the cry of the newborn?