See How to Treat Low Blood Pressure at Home
High blood pressure is one thing while low blood pressure is another. High blood pressure on the one hand comes with serious consequences that can put your life at risk. On the other hand, low blood pressure has proven to be as life-threatening as high blood pressure. Thus, as much as you try to prevent and manage high blood pressure you should also make sure that you look out for symptoms of low blood pressure to help prevent your blood pressure from dropping below normal in the course of managing your high blood pressure.
Studies have shown that most people who have been diagnosed with low blood pressure, people who have high blood pressure, and in the course of trying to lower their blood pressure take medications and remedies that make their blood pressure drop below normal. In other words, it is best to keep your blood pressure in check while on high blood pressure medication. This will help you keep track of your blood pressure and know when your blood pressure has dropped to the normal level without allowing it to drop below normal.
Different factors have been identified to cause low blood pressure and these factors differ from person to person. Coupled with this, different methods have been identified to be used in the treatment of low blood pressure. Some of these treatment methods include medications while some of them include natural and home remedies. Natural and home remedies for low blood pressure are what will be discussed in this article. This article is packed with different natural remedies that can help regulate your blood pressure such that it does not drop below normal.
Although studies have shown that most low blood pressure cases are caused by high blood pressure medications that cause the blood pressure to drop below normal, this is just one of the causes of low blood pressure. Other factors have been identified to cause low blood pressure. These factors are not associated with high blood pressure medications, rather there are individual factors that can trigger low blood pressure and most cases of low blood pressure caused by these factors can lead to sudden death.
Causes of Low Blood Pressure
The following are factors that can trigger low blood pressure;
- Infection
- Pregnancy
- Blood shortage
- Dehydration
- Heat-related health conditions like heart attack
- Some other health conditions like hypoglycemia
- Some medications for some severe health conditions can also trigger low blood pressure
Signs and Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure
If you notice any of these symptoms, you should go and check your blood pressure and begin treatment immediately. The following are the signs and symptoms of low blood pressure;
- Loss of consciousness
- Fatigue
- Obscure vision
- Fast pulse
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Difficulty breathing
If after noticing any of these symptoms you should consult your doctor immediately to begin treatment or follow natural remedies that can help regulate your blood pressure and put it at the normal level. You might be wondering what natural remedies can help regulate your blood pressure at home. If you see such natural remedies then you are on the right blog, because this article is packed with natural remedies that can help improve your low blood pressure. Below are natural remedies that you can use at home to regulate your blood pressure.
Natural Remedies for Low Blood Pressure
Stay hydrated
Dehydration has been discovered to be one of the leading causes of low blood pressure. To tackle dehydration, you have to stay hydrated. Water is one of the healthiest beverages in the world. Thus, taking water will not only help with your low blood pressure it will also help improve your health and keep your body healthy and strong year in and year out.
Studies have also shown that drinking enough water can help increase the volume of blood. Thus, water keeps you both hydrated and also helps you maintain a healthy amount of blood in your body thereby regulating your blood pressure without making it rise above normal or drop below normal.
All you need to do is follow the recommended eight glasses of water per day. This is a good way to stay hydrated and also regulate your blood pressure.
According to research most people who consume alcohol excessively have a higher risk of suffering from low blood pressure. Thus, if you are looking for means through which you can regulate your blood pressure and improve your health condition generally you should consider quitting excessive alcohol intake. Rather than taking alcohol, it is best to consume healthy beverages like smoothies and herbs and natural drinks that can improve your health rather than further deteriorate it.
Apart from making your blood pressure levels drop below normal, consuming excessive alcohol can also expose you to the risk of other severe health conditions and organ damage. Studies showed that people who consume alcohol excessively have a higher risk of suffering from liver-related health conditions. To prevent low blood pressure and also prevent organ damage you should consider staying away from alcohol completely.
Add more salt to your meals
All the excess salt consumption can be dangerous for health, especially for people living with high blood pressure. However, since it is the case that you are trying to remedy your low blood pressure problems it is best to add more salt to your food because studies have shown that high sodium content can help increase your blood pressure. Since sodium tends to increase blood pressure it is best to consume more sodium so that your blood pressure levels can rise from where it is to a normal level.
While consuming sodium ensure that you do not take too much of it and also make sure that you check your blood pressure while consuming a high sodium diet. This will help you keep track of your blood pressure level to prevent it from rising above normal.
Since you are expected to take high sodium diets ensure that you do not consume processed foods with high sodium content, rather cook your meals in your home with natural salt and ensure to stay away from processed foods with high sodium content as their sodium content might be dangerous for your health.
According to research coffee and other caffeinated drinks tend increasing blood pressure temporarily. In other words, consuming a cup of coffee can help sort out your low blood pressure problem. All you need to do is drink one cup of coffee before work or in between work and ensure that you do not stress yourself throughout the day.
You can either enjoy the coffee warm or cold. You can enjoy it with milk or without milk and you can enjoy it sweetened or unsweetened. Whichever method you adopt in drinking your coffee can work perfectly for your low blood pressure.
Since it has been confirmed that coffee and the caffeine in coffee and other caffeinated drinks can increase your blood pressure temporarily it is best to add other natural remedies to help boost your blood pressure. Above all, while consuming coffee and other natural remedies to boost your blood pressure ensure that you go for multiple blood pressure checks to prevent your blood pressure from rising above normal.
Increase your vitamin intake
Consuming foods that are rich in vitamins can help improve your condition. This is because studies have shown that vitamin b12 deficiency can lead to anemia which is a blood condition that can trigger low blood pressure among other blood-related health conditions.
Thus, following balanced and healthy diet rich in vitamin b12 and other minerals like iron can help improve the quality of your blood and also reduce your chances of suffering from low blood pressure. These can also improve your blood pressure if you are already suffering from low blood pressure.
You can either rely on foods that are rich sources of vitamin b12 or rely on vitamin b12 supplements.
Low blood pressure just like high blood pressure can be life-threatening. As much as you try to prevent high blood pressure, you should also try to prevent low blood pressure. If you wish to prevent low blood pressure you can adopt one of the above natural remedies. On the other hand, if your blood pressure is already low you can also adopt the natural remedies above. However, it is best to carry your doctor or physician along to prevent complications while using these natural remedies.