Natural and Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot


Home Remedies You Should Not Ignore

When an athlete’s foot is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is “A condition that affects only Athletes.” Somewhere in your heart, you are jumping for joy that you are not an athlete, and thus you will not need this information. However, sorry to cut your moment of jubilation short, but the fact remains that anybody, not just athletes, can develop Athlete’s foot. The questions now are;

  1. What is Athlete’s foot?
  2. What causes it, and why does it affect everybody and not just athletes, as the name implies?
  3. What natural or home remedies can help improve the condition?

What Is Athlete’s Foot?

An athlete’s foot is a skin infection caused by fungi and mostly occurs in between the toes. Although, it is not an extreme condition that should raise concern. However, it comes with discomfort, but fortunately, it can be easily treated without you needing to visit a Doctor.

Its symptoms respond rapidly to home and natural remedies. Studies have shown that more people who have had Athlete’s foot in the past treated this skin condition at home.

Identifying Athlete’s foot is quite easy. It begins with red rashes in-between the toes. Then after some time, blisters and cracks begin to appear. In some people, it can migrate into ulcers.

These symptoms of the Athlete’s foot are accompanied by discomfort and a severe burning sensation, especially when you wear socks or shoes. Apart from making you walk almost barefooted in a bit to avoid angering the blisters and cracks, it also brings frustration.

Causes of Athlete’s foot

An athlete’s foot is compelled by a fungus. According to research, this fungus is similar to the one that causes ringworm. In addition, Athlete’s foot is contagious, and so do the math.

It could be contracted through socks, shoes, in bathrooms, or any other medium that can expose you to the infection, especially from people who already have it. It could be as a result of you sharing socks or shoes with someone who has an Athlete’s foot.

Furthermore, without getting exposed to people who already have it, you could also get it from constantly wearing socks and shoes, especially damp ones. Damp socks and shoes promote the growth of the fungus.

In other words, you can have Athlete’s foot, be it that you had contact with someone who already has it or not.

Why Does It Affect Everybody and Not Just Athletes as the Name Implies?

The simple answer to this question is; that everybody with feet can have Athlete’s foot, and since you have a pair of them, you can have it as well. Not only Athletes can boast of feet, and since this is so, Athlete’s feet can occur at any time, especially when you get exposed to the factors that promote the growth of the fungi–damp footwear or contact with an infected person.

What Are the Natural Remedies for Athlete’s Foot?

Athlete’s foot? No worries. This article is packed with home and natural remedies that can help improve your condition.

painHowever, after a few days of applying these treatment methods to your Athlete’s foot, the condition does not heal up but rather gets worse, you should proceed to see a Doctor for a proper check-up. The following are home and natural remedies for Athlete’s foot;

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil that is packed with antioxidants and antibacterial and antifungal properties. These make it one of the best natural remedies for curing not just Athlete’s feet but also other fungal and bacterial skin infections. Studies have shown that about 68% of cases of improved Athlete’s foot were treated with tea tree oil.

The oil is skin-friendly and thus can be applied directly to the skin, especially in the affected area of the skin. However, as skin-friendly as it might be, it is best to conduct a skin patch test to guarantee that your skin does not respond to it. If, after the test, you do not notice any allergic reactions on your skin, then you can go ahead with using the oil to treat your Athlete’s foot. However, if you notice any reactions on your skin, you should avoid it, as it might worsen your Athlete’s foot.


Vinegar, according to research, is another antifungal solution that can remedy not just Athlete’s foot but also other infections caused by fungi. Thus, soaking your feet in this solution can improve your condition by up to 75% upon the first 3 days of the process.

People who used this solution in treating their Athlete’s feet recorded significant improvements hours after soaking their feet in the vinegar solution. The best way to follow this method is by diluting some vinegar with water and soaking your feet in the solution for up to 15 minutes. Repeat this process 2 times per day.

Corn Starch

Since damp feet or damp environments trigger the growth of the fungus that causes the Athlete’s foot, sprinkling corn starch on your foot can eliminate the dampness on your feet and put an end to the growth of the fungus.

This is because the corn starch will absorb the moisture on your feet and keep them dry for as long as possible. Studies have shown that washing the feet with warm water, drying them with a clean towel, and sprinkling corn starch on them is an effective way of keeping the feet dry.

Bitter Orange

Bitter orange is not a very common fruit. However, it contains antifungal properties that are effective in treating fungal infections, especially on the skin. Although, research has shown that bitter orange can be skin sensitive and can even cause sunburn.

Thus, if you apply the juice from this orange to your feet, it could affect your skin negatively. This is why it is advisable to dilute the juice with carrier oils or water. This will help you prevent the effects of the raw juice on your skin.


Garlic is one versatile home remedy. It treats many health conditions and is effective in the management of other severe health conditions. Garlic is packed with antifungal properties that can eliminate Athlete’s foot in a few days. Although, garlic might sting a bit. However, it is effective in remedying Athlete’s foot.

You can blend some cloves of garlic, dilute them with water and soak your feet inside the solution. Leave your feet in for about 10 minutes and repeat this process about 2 times per day for 1 week to achieve maximum results.

Neem Oil

Neem oil is a popular solution to many skin and hair conditions. This is why most skin care and hair care products companies make neem oil the major ingredient in their products. According to research, neem oil has loads of antifungal properties.

These properties have the ability to remedy Athlete’s foot. Apply Neem oil directly to the affected area. With this, it will treat the condition and prevent any other blisters or cracks that may want to develop on the feet, especially under the toes.


Licorice extract is another effective remedy for Athlete’s feet. This is because it has antifungal properties. Boil some licorice in water and leave to cool. Then, apply the paste to the affected area of your feet and leave it for about 10 to 12 minutes. Repeat this process for 1 week until you begin to see results.

Tips for Preventing Athlete’s Foot

  • Always wash your feet.
  • Keep them dry, as constant dampness can cause Athlete’s foot
  • Wear convenient shoes
  • Do not share shoes
  • Bath with antiseptic soaps at least twice per week
  • Avoid getting in tight contact with people who have Athlete’s foot
  • Follow a healthy diet


The Athlete’s foot is quite uncomfortable. It comes with pain and burning sensation, all of which can leave you frustrated and your feet sored up. Fortunately, treating Athlete’s foot is easy by following simple home tips and natural remedies that can put an end to the growth of the fungus.

oilNatural Remedies like tea tree oil, garlic, licorice, and vinegar, among others, can eliminate the condition. All you ought to do is stick to it, and in a few days, you will begin to notice improvements. However, if the condition worsens or does not get better even after the natural remedies, it is best to consult a doctor for a medical and professional examination.