Meaning, Symptoms, and Treatment of Malnutrition


All You Need to Know About Malnutrition

Malnutrition is a condition whereby a person gets too much or too little of some kinds of nutrients. Malnutrition can happen to anybody and can trigger certain severe health issues. Some of which include heart diseases, diabetes, eye problems, and stunted growth.

According to statistics, about one billion people suffer from malnutrition in the world. Some of the other factors that cause malnutrition include lifestyle, resources, and environment.

This article elaborates the meaning, causes, symptoms, and treatment of malnutrition.


Malnutrition, as explained above, stems from either overconsumption or under-consumption of nutrients. There are different types of malnutrition, and they include;

  • Undernutrition; is a kind of malnutrition that occurs as a result of the underconsumption of certain nutrients like calories, protein, or micronutrients. This kind of malnutrition can result in being underweight, wasting, and stunting.
  • Overnutrition; is the opposite of undernutrition. Overnutrition deals getting more than the required daily intake value of certain essential nutrients like fat, calories, and protein. Health issues that overnutrition causes include obesity and overweight.

Deficiency in certain kinds of nutrients is what results in undernourishment. The most common nutrients an undernourished person can be deficient in include; vitamin A, Zinc, Iron, and Iodine. In addition, overnutrition can also occur from micronutrient deficiencies.

According to research, even in cases where micronutrients like vitamins and minerals are consumed in excessive amounts, it can lead to obesity and overweight. Are you wondering how this is possible? Well, it is possible because certain foods like sugary and fried food are usually high in fat and calories but have low essential nutrients contents.

Signs and Symptoms

the signs and symptoms of malnutrition largely depend on the type of malnutrition. One of the best ways to treat malnutrition, be it under or overnutrition, is identifying the type of malnutrition you are suffering from.

Some of the symptoms of undernutrition include;
  • Sunken eyes and hollow cheeks
  • Weight loss
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Loss of muscle mass and fat
  • Fatigue
  • Delayed wound healing
  • Irritability
  • Concentration difficulty
  • Depression and anxiety

When you experience any or all of the following symptoms, you might just want to check what you are eating as your meals might be lacking certain kinds of nutrients. People suffering from undernutrition suffer from either one or all of the above-mentioned symptoms.

Some of these symptoms migrate into severe health conditions like kwashiorkor.

childKwashiorkor is a nutrient deficiency that occurs as a result of low protein in meals. It is characterized by protruding stomach, and this stems from the excessive retention of water in the abdomen. On the other hand, marasmus is another health condition that occurs as a result of a calorie deficiency. The side effects of untreated marasmus include muscle loss, fat loss, and wasting.

The following are the side effects of some nutrient deficiencies;
  • Iron; improper regulation of body temperature, poor brain function
  • Vitamin A; night blindness, severe condition of dry eyes, and risk of certain eye and immune infection
  • Iodine; goiter, issues with growth and development, reduced production of the thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland.
  • Zinc; slow wound healing process, loss of appetite, diarrhea, stunted growth

When a person is deficient in any of these nutrients, they will experience the following health conditions. Since research has proven that undernutrition can be severe and even lead to serious outcomes like death, it is best to tackle it and nip it in the bud by eating healthy and nutritious foods.

In fact, recent studies showed that over 40% of children that died in 2011 died as a result of vitamins and zinc deficiencies.


In contrast to undernutrition, overnutrition is characterized by the overconsumption of certain nutrients. Some of the most obvious signs of overnutrition are obesity and overweight. In addition, overnutrition can also lead to nutrient deficiency.

Causes of Malnutrition

Some of the agents that create malnutrition include lifestyle, resources, environmental and medical factors.

According to statistics and WHO, over 150 million children and 400 million adults worldwide are malnourished. On the other hand, about 2 billion children and adults are obese and overweight.

Some of the causes of malnutrition include;

Inadequate provision of food and insecurity of foods. This is a major factor that causes malnutrition in most underdeveloped and developing nations.  When foods are not provided in sufficient amounts, and when the foods are not secure enough, malnutrition sets in.

Digestive issues, as well as poor absorption of certain nutrients, can also lead to malnutrition. When nutrients are not properly digested in the body or when they are not absorbed in all, the body tends to break down as there will be no nutrients for it to function with.  Some illnesses like Crohn’s disease, overgrowth of bacteria in the gut, and celiac diseases have the tendencies to alter digestion and absorption processes.

In addition, when alcohol is consumed in large quantities, the body gets malnourished of certain nutrients like micronutrients, calories, and protein.

Some mental health maladies like anxiety and depression can increase your risk of being malnourished. In fact, researchers have found that over 4% of dressed people, as well as people suffering from other mental health disorders, are malnourished.

Laziness to cook is one of the leading factors that trigger malnutrition. Some people who are too lazy to cook their own meals end up eating processed foods and junk. This makes them lose out on some essential nutrients. Lack of consumption of enough nutrients impairs mobility, as malnourished people tend to be frail and find it difficult to move around. This is because they experience muscle and strength loss.

People at Risk of Being Malnourished

Anybody can be malnourished. Notwithstanding, some people have a higher risk of being malnourished. Some of the people who have higher risks of malnutrition include;

People living in underdeveloped and developing countries. Most countries in this category have limited access to nutritious, healthy, and sufficient foods.

Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, infants, and young children are always in higher demand of certain nutrients. When this category of people does not consume nutritious foods, they begin to experience malnutrition.  Statistics found that between 20 to 30% of pregnant women are malnourished.

Low income or poor people who do not have enough money to buy themselves nutritious foods end up malnourished. Since time immemorial, low income and poor socio-economic statuses of people have been associated with malnutrition.

Side Effect of WhiskeyAnother category of people who are at higher risks of being malnourished is aged people, especially the ones that are either disabled, living alone, or even ones that are sick. According to research, over 20% of aged people are malnourished, and over 40% of aged people are at risk of malnutrition.

Some people have conditions that tamper with the digestion and absorption of nutrients in their bodies. This condition prevents their body from having sufficient nutrition required for it to function properly. Some of these health circumstances include Crohn’s disease, celiac diseases, infected guts, and ulcerative colitis. This category of people tends to be more exposed to malnutrition risks compared to people who are not suffering from any of these conditions.

Prevention and Treatment of Malnutrition

The best way to tackle malnutrition from the root involves the treatment of the underlying issue that triggers the malnutrition. In most cases, the underlying issues are severe health conditions.

In addition, both individuals and governments can work hand in hand to ensure the production of sufficient food for everybody. Both parties can also join hands in the prevention and treatment of already existing malnutrition cases.

Nutrient supplements like zinc, iron, vitamins, and iodine pills can be used to supplement your meals.

More ways to prevent and treat malnutrition include eating good foods, making healthy food choices, avoiding processed foods and junk, engaging in a healthy lifestyle and habits in order to get rid of obesity and overweight, and eat foods or follow diets that have high nutritional profiles.

In conclusion, malnutrition can both be undernutrition and overnutrition. Each type of malnutrition has its own symptom. Some of the symptoms of undernutrition include mineral and vitamin deficiencies, weight loss, and certain health conditions like marasmus and kwashiorkor. While on the other hand, overnutrition can cause symptoms like obesity and overweight. When both types of malnutrition are ignored, they can lead to severe health issues.