Wheatgrass is part of the wheat family but it does not have gluten in it. This is because wheatgrass has been sprouted and no longer carries gluten or other allergic components. It is also an excellent source of Vitamin A, C, protein, amino acids like chlorophyll and glutathione.
It has the ability to improve the red blood cell count, cleanse the system and relieve digestive issues. This green wheat is mostly juiced to ease absorption and boost energy.
Health Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice
Let’s take a closer look at some top benefits of wheatgrass juice.
Boost Immunity
The immune system is the body’s defense against toxins, dangerous free radicals, and foreign bodies that try to invade the body. If a person’s immunity is weak, they are more prone to get coughs, colds, and other diseases. Thankfully, wheatgrass juice is packed with amino acids and enzymes that can protect the body from harmful carcinogens and pathogens that may be harmful to the body. Wheatgrass juice is nutritious and strengthens body cells, ensuring they are functional. The juice also neutralizes the pollutants that can harm the body.
Aids in Digestion
Wheatgrass juice is great for the digestive system as it contains vitamin B and fiber. These nutrients help improve the activity of the muscles in the digestive system. The thiamine in wheatgrass juice aids in converting carbohydrate into energy and its riboflavin content keeps the mucosal lining of the digestive tract healthy. Digestive issues like constipation, bloating, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and heartburn can be treated with wheatgrass juice.
Combats Cancer
Amino acids like chlorophyll present in wheatgrass juice are very effective in purifying the blood of chemicals, toxins, free radicals, carcinogens that can lead to cancer. The juice also helps maintain sufficient oxygen in the blood as cancer cells thrive in an environment with low oxygen levels.
According to some studies, wheatgrass juice is great for people with breast cancer as it can reduce some of the harmful effects of chemotherapy. Evidently, wheatgrass juice contains significant anti-tumor activity.
Enhances Heart Health
Consuming wheatgrass juice on a regular basis is good for the heart. It helps lower high cholesterol levels and triglyceride levels when there is inflammation or oxidative stress. The juice also boosts lipid levels and increases the good cholesterol. It also increases glutathione, boosts vitamin C levels, and decreases malondialdehyde levels.
Boosts Sex Drive
Regular consumption of wheatgrass juice can boost libido and sex drive. It also provides the body with the needed energy and boosts circulation in vital sexual organs. This, in turn, increases the production of reproductive hormones and fertility. P4D1, a compound present in the juice also has a positive effect on sperm cells and DNA, thereby boosting fertility.
Maintains Weight Loss
Wheatgrass juice contains a significant amount of selenium, which is a mineral that is vital for a healthy thyroid gland. Incorporating selenium into your daily diet can boost irregular thyroid function. Indeed, the thyroid is one of the body’s natural weight loss tools, helping it maintain a good weight. Wheatgrass juice also contains compounds that can help you avoid food cravings that may result in overeating.
Manages Stress and Depression
A deficiency in iron can lead to depression. Fortunately, wheatgrass contains very high iron content. Vitamin B in wheatgrass also helps the body fight anxiety and depression. The other compounds in wheatgrass juice can also boost the adrenal system, thereby effectively managing stress.
Relieves Menstrual Pains
A deficiency in minerals and vitamins can lead to painful menstruation and irregular menstruation cycles. Wheatgrass contains the essential vitamins and minerals, ensuring that the body never lacks any of these important nutrients.
Treats Alzheimer’s Disease
The chlorophyll present in wheatgrass juice provides the body with adequate oxygen. And it is no secret how important oxygen is for the brain. According to some studies, wheatgrass juice is very good for people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease due to its antioxidant abilities. This juice can significantly reduce oxidative stress and boost catalase and superoxide levels.
Has Antiseptic Effects
Chlorophyll also contains powerful antiseptic effects. It can be used for heals wounds faster, getting rid of unpleasant smells, treating Strep infections, and ensuring faster skin grafting. Also, it can help in the treatment of other health problems, including impetigo, sinusitis, rectal sores, severe ear infection, and even leg ulcers. In addition, chlorophyll treats inflammation of the cervix, reduces varicose veins, treats typhoid fever, eliminates parasitic vaginal infections, and heals advanced pyorrhea.
Supports Healthier Hair
Wheatgrass juice has proven to be effective for maintaining healthy hair. It can slow down the graying of hair due to its catalase content and other antioxidants, which prevents premature aging. The juice of wheatgrass can also be applied topically on the hair to get rid of dandruff and a dry scalp.
Good for the Skin
The chlorophyll content in wheatgrass juice can be very effective in the treatment of several skin conditions. Wheatgrass juice is particularly effective for treating skin problems that have to do with the outer and underlying layers of the skin. These skin issues include eczema, infection-induced conditions, itching and burning feeling around the rectum, ivy poisoning, as well as insect bites. The juice can also be used to treat psoriasis and dry eczema.
Alleviates Fatigue
When you feel very tired and lethargic, this is usually as a result of the body lacking energy. Luckily, wheatgrass juice is composed of an appreciable good amount of iron, a mineral which boosts the production of red blood cells in the body. If more red blood cells are produced, more energy will be transported to the organs of the body. Evidently, the juice can help alleviate fatigue and boost energy.
Cleanses the Liver
Wheatgrass possesses impressive positive effects on the liver, which is an organ of the body that processes the food we eat. Considering the enzymes, nutrients, and detoxifying abilities of wheatgrass juice, it is able to restore and revitalize the liver. Wheatgrass can even protect the liver against the harmful effects of alcohol.
Fights Blood Disorders
According to a study, wheatgrass juice lowers the requirements of blood transfusion. In addition, it increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, which then stimulates blood circulation.
Side Effects and Precautions of Wheatgrass Juice
- Generally, wheatgrass juice is considered safe, however, a long-term use might trigger allergies in people who are allergic to other grasses. Wheatgrass may contain the pollen of other plants, resulting in allergies. Ensure to check with your doctor before consuming wheatgrass juice.
- Since it is commonly grown in soil or water and consumed without being cooked, wheatgrass could be contaminated with food-borne bacteria.
- People who have celiac disease, gluten intolerance, or suffer wheat or grass allergy, should talk with a medical doctor before drinking wheatgrass juice. This is because the juice may cause complications when consumed in high amounts.
- It is better to consume wheatgrass juice as part of a balanced diet and not as a substitute for whole fruits or vegetables.
- Pregnant women are advised to either grow their own wheatgrass or avoid consuming it altogether.
Since wheatgrass lowers blood sugar levels, people with conditions such as diabetes should consult with their doctors before using the juice. - Wheatgrass juice can lead to constipation, nausea, and loss of appetite.
- You should stop taking wheatgrass juice at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery.