Let`s Talk about Copper!

What is Copper?

Copper is a trace mineral that is essential for a number of purposes. The human body does not synthesize copper, so it’s essential that sufficient amounts of copper are derived from food. A number of foods provide copper. Some of them are sesame seeds, turnip greens and spinach, cashews, and more.

Let’s discuss some benefits if this vital mineral.

For Proper Growth and Development

Copper is absolutely essential for proper growth and development. It is essential for repairing, rebuilding and rejuvenating processes in the body. Perhaps you should be informed that a deficiency in copper is a major cause of birth defects and growth delays.

Ensures Cognitive Function

Copper aids neurological development, and it is essential for proper cognitive development. Adequate amounts of copper in the body have been associated with the ability to handle advanced thought processes and
assimilation and processing of complex information. The flip side is that excess copper causes cognitive decline, not extra cognitive power as one may guess. So moderation is vital with copper consumption.

Promotes Immune Function

immune system

Who doesn’t know that white blood cells are the body’s soldiers? They fight infections and other odds. Copper deficiency reduces the number of white blood cells in your body, bringing about vulnerability to infections. Now that’s something to worry about. Consuming copper in right quantity ensures adequate white blood cells, hence better immunity

Needed for Melanin Production

Copper is an essential element for melanin production. Melanin is the dark pigment that determines the color of the skin. It is also responsible for dark hair and eyes. Having established that copper is essential for melanin production, it wouldn’t be surprising to know that its deficiency makes the skin look less healthy, its deficiency also causes premature graying of the hair.

Aids Digestion

Do you have digestion issues regularly? Then you might just need to consider increasing your copper intake. Copper has got some antibacterial properties which assist the helpful bacteria in the gut to fight off the unhelpful bacteria. Talk about maintaining proper flora balance in your digestive system — copper is the answer.

It’s Anti-Aging

Fines lines becoming more noticeable can be an issue for older folks. Now, here’s the good news: Copper, whether consumed or applied topically through infused products, splendidly contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help to eliminate the damaging effects of free radicals in skin cells. That’s not all; copper also stimulates cellular renewal which eventually Bro gs about a vibrant skin and a youthful look.

Boosts Energy


An increased amount of copper solves fatigue issues. When there’s insufficient copper, the body lags in the necessary resources to produce energy on a molecular level — here’s where the constant feeling of fatigue and being drained comes from, at least one of the causes.

What about Thyroid Function?

The thyroid is an important gland; it regulates hormonal function, metabolism, growth, and maturation. Thyroid function requires a fine balance of vitamins and minerals. Hey! Copper is one of those minerals.

Copper is a Heart Lover

Did you think you were the only lover of your heart? Copper too loves your heart. Trace amounts of it have been proven to regulate blood pressure and prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries.

A Fellow Cancer Fighter

Copper is a comrade in fighting cancer. It is a trace mineral which is considered an antioxidant nutrient. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals so they don’t damage healthy cells. Embrace copper, fight cancer.

Speeds Healing

Would you believe that copper has got a unique combination of anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antiviral properties? It is this super combination that speeds healing. Copper is the perfect choice for wound care. What else does copper do? It aids healthy cell renewal and rejuvenation — so while the body fights infection, copper replaces damaged skin cells.

Aids Iron Absorption

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia. Copper is useful here because it increases red blood cell count and aids in the absorption of iron in the digestive system by enhancing the release of iron from primary storage sites in the body. Is copper not just super?

Improves Circulation

Copper is an essential mineral for the formation of enzymes that keep arteries healthy and build blood volume. People who have circulatory issues may have symptoms of stiff arteries and poor blood flow in general. Trace amounts of copper in their diet can solve these problems.

Foods that are Rich in Copper



Egg yolk has got minute amounts of copper. 100 grams of eggs provide 0.2 mg of copper. Eating an egg daily boosts copper levels and also provides the body with magnesium, vitamin D, B vitamins, vitamin A, iron, and calcium.

Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Sun-dried tomatoes are a fantastically rich source of copper. A cup of sun-dried tomatoes supplies 768 micrograms of copper. Sun-dried tomatoes are also a rich source of iron and potassium.


Various nuts

Who else loves nuts? I do! Cashew nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, walnuts pine nuts, and pistachios are bursting with copper. 100 grams of cashew nuts contain 2.0 mg of copper, 100 grams of almonds contain 0.9 mg of copper, and 100 grams of walnuts contain 1.9 mg of copper.


Talk about liver, turkey, pork, and chicken — they all contain copper. 100 grams of beef contains 14.3 mg of copper, and pork contains 0.7 mg of copper.



Lobster, tuna, oysters, squids, salmon, and sardines are all rich in copper. 100 grams of tuna contains 0.1 mg of copper, 100 grams of oysters contain 7.2 mg of copper,  100 grams of salmon contains 0.1 mg of copper and 100 grams of sardines contain 0.3 mg of copper. Splendid, isn’t it?

Herbs And Spices

Tarragon, thyme, and chervil all contain copper in minute amounts. Spices such as mustard, cloves,  coriander, saffron, mace, chili powder, cumin, curry powder and onion powder contain copper in higher amounts. What are you waiting for? Let’s eat those herbs and spice up our meals!

Fruits And Vegetables

So what are these fruits? Meet the copper-filled fruits: Blackberry, litchi, pineapple, apricot, guava, lemon, star fruit, and bananas. An amazing thing about these fruits is that they are also antioxidants. What’s more? They’re filled with vitamins and iron. What about vegetables?  Kidney beans, radishes mushrooms, and soybeans are some vegetables that are rich in copper.

Turnip Greens

Turnip greens are rich sources of copper. They prevent anemia, osteoporosis, and heart diseases. A cup of cooked turnip greens contains 0.36 micrograms of copper, which is 18 percent of the daily requirement.



Chocolate lovers are by default full of copper; ask us how: Dark chocolate contains 70% to 85% of cacao and has about 500 micrograms of copper in an ounce. This supplies the daily recommended intake and more!


Sesame seeds, flax seeds, watermelon seeds, sunflower seeds, squash seeds and pumpkin seeds have high amounts of copper. 100 grams of sesame seeds containing 4.1 microgram of copper and 100 grams of sunflower seeds containing about 1.8 micrograms of copper.


Asparagus is rich in copper. It’s also rich in magnesium, zinc, selenium, calcium, and other vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B6, and thiamine. A cup of asparagus contains 0.25 micrograms of copper, which is 12 percent of the total daily recommended intake.

Final Words…

Now you know about this essential mineral. Copper intake is highly important; its deficiency isn’t cool. Having known its benefits and foods that are rich in it, what are you waiting for? Let’s get copper-hunting already. What else? Share the copper news too, let’s have a copper-filled society. Remember, however, that moderation is key.