What is Argan Essential Oil?
Argan oil, an essential oil that used to be popular only among the Moroccans, is now used across the globe due to its high nutritional profile and healing properties. Its versatility and high amounts of essential nutrients have made people, over the years, name it “liquid gold.” More people know it as liquid gold than they know it as argan oil.
Argan oil can be both a perfect culinary oil and also an amazing skin and hair care oil. It can also be used as salad dressings and can be incorporated into any form of diet or cuisine. Its benefits to the whole body cannot be overemphasized. It is a natural and extremely healthy oil that keeps the whole body strong and alive. The oil which is squeezed out of the seed of the Argan tree gives off a nutty flavor and an earthy taste. It is crammed with essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins A, E, and C. Research has shown that the compounds in argan oil can help in the treatment and prevention of several health conditions and can also help in the maintenance of the skin and the hair.
Although, the culinary argan oil is different from the cosmetic one. Hence the need to confirm which one you are buying and for what purpose. Being an oil that was discovered a long time ago, its effects are still felt today. It, on the one hand, gives your food a sweet-smelling aroma and amazing taste. On the other hand, it protects your vital organs and keeps your body running while preventing you from developing both mild and chronic health conditions. The following are the health benefits of argan essential oil.
Health Benefits of Argan Oil
Prevents Heart Diseases
Argan oil is rich in essential nutrients, especially fatty acids. Its fatty-acid scope makes it a great choice in the prevention of health-related diseases and the protection of heart health. It improves the role of the heart by eliminating bad cholesterol that could cause your arteries to narrow. It can also decline your risk of suffering from high blood pressure. Above all, argan oil is known to help improve the circulation of blood throughout the body.
To enjoy this health benefit of argan oil, use it to prepare your meals. In addition, eat it with caution because as much as it is natural and healthy for consumption, it might cause some side effects when it is consumed excessively or in large quantities. Moderation is key.
Protects the Skin
Before the other health benefits of argan oil were discovered, its benefits to the skin had already been discovered. Argan essential oil was first used for cosmetic purposes before it was discovered to be healthy enough for food. Its benefits to the skin are courtesy of its vitamin contents. It is packed with vitamins A, C, and E. These and many others are the benefits of argan oil to the skin.
- Speeding up the healing process of wounds
- Elimination of scar tissues on the skin
- Cures dermatitis
- Manages Acne
- Reduces the impacts of aging on your skin by up to 80%. It has also been discovered to reduce your chances of experiencing premature aging, thereby preserving the elasticity of your skin.
The skin-friendly compound found in argan oil is known as triterpenoids. It is important to note that before applying argan oil directly on the skin, carry out a thorough patch test on the skin first and inspect for any reactions. If there is any, stay away from argan oil. If there is no comeback, then it is safe for you to use. You can also purchase products that contain argan oil from stores.
May Prevent Cancer
Cancer is one of the ultimate causes of death in the world today. Its survival rate is manageable, especially in cases of early detection. Different kinds of cancers can occur in different parts of the body, and researchers are working hard to get a cure for cancer, as up till now, no cure has been found. However, this is not a death sentence, as cancer can be prevented and even managed. Little changes here and there in terms of diet and lifestyle habits, coupled with medications, can help prevent or manage cancer.
Argan oil is packed with properties that can help in the prevention and management of cancer. Research has shown that eating foods prepared with argan oil for up to 6 months can inhibit the growth of cancerous cells. In terms of cancer management, argan has also shown promising results in reducing the rate at which the cancerous cells grow and develop. Regardless, it is best to confer with your Doctor before using argan oil for cancer management to confirm whether or not it can interact with your cancer medications.
Hair Treatment
Argan oil can be used as both a hair food and also a hair treatment. On the one hand, applying it to your scalp regularly can boost and enhance the growth of your hair, while on the other hand, it can help you treat hair conditions like dandruff. Massaging argan oil into the hair opens up the hair follicles and promotes the production of cells, causing your hair to grow healthy and strong. It also eliminates cases of dandruff, frizzy hair, and dry scalp. Dilute argan oil with any antibacterial oil and apply it to your scalp for dandruff. The oil makes the hair soft and moisturized, while the vitamins and antioxidants make it healthy and strong.
Aids Digestion
Indigestion can be caused by various factors, ranging from underlying health conditions to food allergies. However, whatever the case may be, eating foods prepared with argan oil can help improve digestion. Research has shown that the compounds in argan oil can improve the pepsin levels in the stomach and trigger the normal production of gastric juices, which in turn aids the digestion of foods.
Coupled with this, consuming argan oil in foods can increase your intake of nutrients while supplying your body with other essential health benefits.
Can Help in the Management of Diabetes
Insulin resistance is one of the paramount factors that lead to diabetes, and argan oil has been discovered to be effective in the management of this health condition. The properties in argan oil can help in the reversal of the metabolic changes that might lead to insulin resistance, especially in people who consume high sugar diets, thereby preventing or managing diabetes in the process.
Reduces Inflammation
Argan oil is packed with several phenolic compounds, and this compound is responsible for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is also a decadent source of vitamin E, which has been discovered to be an amazing antioxidant that helps combat free radicals and also protects the cells from oxidative damage. These compounds are also capable of eliminating inflammation and the onset of health conditions that may trigger inflammation. In addition, when the skin is inflamed as a result of either an infection or an injury, applying argan oil diluted with another essential oil can help eliminate the inflammation and return the skin to normal while also nourishing it in the process.
Boosts the Immune System
To stay healthy, the immune system has to be active. When the immune system is down, the body gets exposed to infections that can eventually lead to severe health conditions. Thus, keeping the immune system strong is the greatest step to achieving a healthy body. Argan oil, due to its antioxidants and fats, can strengthen and boost the immune system, thereby keeping you away from diseases. It is also packed with vitamin E compounds which makes it more effective at boosting the immune system. This vitamin E content has also shown promising results in the protection and repair of the skin and eyes.
Boosts Liver Function
The liver is an essential instrument in the body. Its absence could kill you, as there will be nothing to eliminate toxins from all that you feed your body with. Boosting the function of the liver is one of the health benefits of argan oil. Preparing your meals with argan oil can help in the strengthening of your liver and also prevent it from developing any issue in the course of its carrying out its functions.
Argan essential oil can be incorporated easily into different diets. To enjoy the maximum health benefits of this oil, use it moderately, both in your meals and on your skin, if need be. Then watch it unleash its wonders on you.