How to Wake up Early Every Morning


Is it Possible to Wake up Early Every Morning?

You`re probably one of the late risers who consider getting up early every morning somewhat impossible. You must have tried everything you can and given up on being an early bird. Don`t give up yet. Let`s discuss some of the best tips to help you wake up early every day. Are you ready?

9 Tips to Help you Wake up Early

Avoid Eating Before Bedtime

As tempting as this action is, avoid eating just before your bedtime, as it not only impairs your sleep, but also makes you gain some weight. The food you eat at this time is stored instead of burning off. Your digestive system also processes the food at a time it should be relaxing, leading to bloating and a feeling of heaviness. This makes it difficult for you to wake up early.

Go to Bed Early

You remember what they say about early to bed and early to rise? You can wake up earlier than usual if you go to bed at a reasonably early time. It helps your body get enough time to rest and recuperate, and you wake up healthy and fit for the new day`s tasks.

Prepare yourself Mentally

Condition your mind to wake up at a certain time, and prepare for it. You may also engage with materials that discuss the importance of waking up early.

Switch off all Electronic Devices an Hour before Bedtime

sleepThe blue light that screens of mobiles, laptops, and televisions emit is harmful to your health and messes up your sleep cycle. It tricks the brain into thinking that it’s daytime,  and stimulates the release of the stress hormone, cortisol, which can prevent you from sleeping. So, instead of operating electronic devices, read a book or listen to music to relax and fall asleep.

Get Excited about the Next Day

Find something to set your mind on, and get excited about it. It could be breakfast, your morning workout session, or any upcoming event. Just look forward to it, and the excitement will help you wake up earlier.

Sleep with the Curtains Slightly Open

Sleeping with the curtains slightly open gets the sun’s rays hitting your face at dawn. It is is one certain and unpleasant way to wake up without having to set an alarm. This may not work for you if you need to wake up before sunrise.

Keep your Alarm across the Room

This old trick works effectively in getting you to wake up early. Keeping your alarm away from the bed will make you get up to turn it off. That supports the essence of the alarm; you get up so rapidly and can do beyond stopping the alarm: your day can begin already. This is better than keeping the alarm so close to you where can easily silence it without much effort.

Avoid Taking Caffeine Late in the Day

Consuming caffeine late in the day can disrupt your sleep. Avoid consuming any caffeine-based drinks at least 6 to 7 hours before bedtime. This helps you get a good night’s sleep and increases your chances of waking up early.

Wake Up a Few Minutes Earlier Every Day

One of the easiest ways to wake up early is by waking a few minutes earlier every day. If you wake up at 7 a.m., try waking up at 06:50 a.m. Don`t try to wake up at 4.30 a.m. all of a sudden, it doesn`t work that way. Remember that lifestyle changes don`t happen overnight.

6 Health Benefits of Waking up Early

Now that you know what it takes to wake up early, you also should know what`s in for you, beyond getting to work early and not missing that train or flight. Let`s see six reasons to wake up early every day.

A Positive Outlook

Early risers usually go to bed early as well and get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep for adults. This makes them have a healthier body and mind, making them less stressed and experiencing more positivity in their lives.

More Time to Exercise

Early risers enjoy the benefit of fixing their workout into their schedule without rushing through it. This way, they spend more time working out each day and enjoy a healthier life.

Being More Organised

Early risers have more time during the day than others. Also, because they wake up energized, they don`t only have more time, but spend this time performing better. This eliminates the need to rush off to work or do house chores in haste. Gradually, this makes them more organized and they generally do life better.

Healthy Skin

Picture of a beautiful lady with attractive skinNaturally, the skin looks best in the morning after a full night’s restful sleep. Early risers even have more time for their skin routines and healthy breakfast, which, in ni small way, improves skin health.

More Energy

Getting more equals having more energy. People who sleep and wake up early, especially with fixed time routines, are more energetic throughout the day. Such people accomplish their tasks faster and record more productivity.

Body System Reboot

Studies show that waking up early helps in reducing blood pressure and gets the muscles relaxed and repaired. This also gets the immune system rebooting itself, leading to a healthier life.

Some Sleep Facts

  • 12% of people dream entirely in black and white.
  • Humans spend 1/3 of their life sleeping.
  • The world`s record for the longest period without sleep is 11 days.
  • Hearing-impaired people who use sign language may also do so in their sleep.
  • Dysania is the state of finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning.
  • The sensation of falling while sleeping and jerking yourself awake is called ‘hypnic jerks’.
  • About 15% of people are sleepwalkers.
  • It’s only a myth that you shouldn’t wake someone who is sleepwalking.
  • 1 in 4 married couples sleeps in separate beds.
  • Sleep deprivation kills faster than food deprivation.
  • People who are born blind usually have dreams that involve emotions, smell, and sound, not sight.
  • Usually, people forget 50% of their dreams within 5 minutes of waking up, and after an additional 5 minutes, they lose 90% of it.
  • Pain tolerance gets reduced by sleep deprivation.
  • 41% of the British population sleep in the fetal position.
  • There`s a  link between people’s favorite sleeping positions and their personalities.
  • Falling asleep at night should take 10-15 minutes. If it takes you less than five minutes, it`s a sign of sleep deprivation.
  • Humans are the only mammals that willingly delay sleep.
  • Sleeping on your front can aid digestion.
  • Most people require at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night to function effectively during the day.
  • The immune system needs adequate sleep each night to allow it to function at its best. Insomnia can lead to decreased immune system function.
  • Insomnia can lead to an increased risk of car accidents.
  • Insomnia may be hereditary.
  • People who suffer from sleep deprivation tend to gain weight more easily.
  • Sleeping pills don`t cure insomnia.
  • Some people drink alcohol to help them fall asleep. This actually makes insomnia worse and can lead to alcoholism.
  • Those who follow a regular sleep routine tend to have fewer problems with insomnia.

Now that you Know…

You`re definitely going to take your sleep and wakefulness more seriously, having read this. A number of people are unhealthy because they haven`t been deliberate about how well they sleep, and most importantly, how early they rise each day. Welcome to a healthier lifestyle!