How Strong is Your Faith about Mustard Seeds?


What is Mustard Seed?

Mustard seeds, also called ‘Rai’ or ‘Sarso’ in Hindi, ‘Kadugu’ (Tamil & Malayalam), ‘Mohori’ in Marathi ‘Rai’ in Gujarati, ‘Shorshe’ in Bengali, ‘Avalu’ in Telugu, and ‘Rai’ in Punjabi. Mustard seed is a really famous ingredient in American culinary art. The benefits of these seeds are much and mainly used for taste in hot dogs, where its sauce is well preferred. It also has medicinal applications that are assumed to date back to the Hippocrate time.

This plant is mostly found in the Mediterranean region and connected to nutrient-filled vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. Both its leaves and seeds are wholesome for consumption, thus making it a versatile supplement to your dishes.

Aside from its amazing culinary uses, mustard seeds have a history of use in traditional medicine dating back to olden Roman and Greek civilizations.

Modern age science has begun to link mustard to health advantages ranging from reduced blood sugar levels to high protection from disease and infections.

It is much available in brown, white, and black varieties and is used all over the world. Romans, Greeks, Asians, and Africans have all explored the amazing taste of these seeds and have incorporated them into their cuisines. The mustard seed also finds its place in the Bible, and its first usage history is found in the Sanskrit scripts dating back to thousands of years.

Mustard Seeds Nutritional Value

100 grams of the seeds have 508 calories of energy and about 36.24 g fat. Other nutrients in 100 grams of mustard seeds include:

  • Water 5 g
  • Fiber 12 g
  • Sugars 7 g
  • Carbohydrate 28 g
  • Protein 26 g
  • Calcium 266 mg
  • Iron 9 mg
  • Potassium 738 mg
  • Magnesium 370 mg
  • Phosphorus 828 mg
  • Sodium 13 mg

How About The Amazing Health Advantages of Mustards

From the nutrition values above, one could easily judge that these seeds must be filled with great therapeutic, aromatherapy, and culinary uses. To avoid underestimating our dear mustard seeds, let us just go through the benefits below:

  1. Rheumatic Arthritis

Mustard seed is a great source of relief for folks having rheumatic arthritis. The magnesium and selenium content in it aids in providing relief from this issue.

  1. Relieve Congestion

Mustard seeds are an essential part of remedies in our homes for treating sinus and cold-related problems. It can act as an expectorant and decongestant by clearing out all mucus in the airway. Mustard seeds are very effective for giving relief from respiratory complications.

  1. Treat Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory condition that leads to a rapid accumulation of dead skin cells, and the seeds are known to treat all inflammation and wounds relating to psoriasis. Research studies proved that medication with these seeds aids the movement of beneficial enzymes like glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase, which strengthens defense and treatment against many illnesses such as psoriasis.

  1. Cancer Treatment

Compounds such as myrosinase and glucosinolates in mustard seeds are known to use phytochemicals to disturb the growth of cancer cells. This is the major mustard seeds health benefit.

  1. May Lower Blood Sugar Levels

One human study claims that taking blood-sugar-reducing medication together with some mustard decoction may reduce blood sugar levels in folks with diabetes type 2 more effectively than just medication.

  1. Rheumatic Arthritis

Mustard seed is a source of relief for folks having rheumatic arthritis. The magnesium and selenium content in it helps in giving relief from this problem.

  1. Improve Digestion

indigestionMustard seeds are just too reasonably high in fiber that helps improve food digestion and prevent or resolve digestion problems. The presence of the soluble dietary fiber in mustard makes our bowel movements better, thus boosting overall body metabolism in the body.

  1. Manage Menopause Symptoms

Mustard seeds have been proved to be helpful for women during their menopausal stage. Reduction in bone density due to the drop in estrogen levels at menopause is a common problem. Eating mustard seed may aid bone mass retention due to its high calcium and magnesium contents. Magnesium and calcium both assure the firmness and strength of bones.

  1. Migraine

Migraine occurrence also subsides because of the magnesium content of the mustard seed. A little touch of mustard to one’s fish can boost its omega-3 content.

  1. Lowers Your Bad Cholesterol

Some studies have proved that mustard may lower bad cholesterol, which has to be the most amazing thing that could ever happen to our health. Not sure if that means the pastrami on rye together with mustard is entirely erased from your system, but at least it’s a start.

  1. Possess Anti-inflammatory Properties

Mustard seeds are very high in selenium; this nutrient has been proved to lower the severity of rheumatoid and asthma arthritis. The presence of magnesium in these seeds also aid in lowering blood pressure, boosts normal sleep patterns in women at menopause, and lowers the frequency of migraine attacks. The anti-inflammatory strength of these seeds makes them highly helpful in the treatment of various inflammatory and autoimmune disorders.

  1. Nightshades

Mustard seeds should find their way into your list of daily spices if you want to avoid those nightshades.

  1. Deals with Lethargy

Mustard seed is also high in phosphorus, manganese, copper, and omega-3 fatty acids; all of these are beneficial for cellular energy and regeneration. Mustard won’t just heal your wounds in Wolverine time, but that entire “lethargy” thing? Whatever you make of aging medicine, it’s quite safe to say that just a shot of mustard is far way better for you than a neon green energy drink.

  1. Treat Muscle Aches

health benefits of saltThe rubefacient properties possessed by these seeds make it an effective spice to relieve muscle pain. A poultice made from these seeds has been used for ages, as it helps to give relief from chronic aches and pains. That is, a chemical named “allyl isothiocyanate,” produced by the wet powder of mustard helps in treating rheumatism and sore muscles. Stiff or sore muscles may also be treated by eating mustard seeds.

  1. Dietary Fiber

Mustard seed is also a good source of dietary fibers that help to improve digestion in the body. They help the bowel move better, thus aiding the overall metabolism of our body. The fiber content here is almost readily soluble, thus making it effective.

  1. Hydrates Skin

Mustard seeds, when used together with aloe-vera gel, may act as a great mixture to hydrate one’s skin. It takes off all dirt from the face and nourishes it with the desired glow.

  1. Slows Aging

Mustard seeds are a great source of lutein and carotene. It is also a powerhouse of retinol (vitamin A), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and phytonadione (vitamin K). Together, all these nutrients are an excellent antioxidant.

  1. Strengthens Hair

Mustard seeds are rich in calcium, protein, retinol, omega-3, tocopherol (vitamin E), and omega-6 fatty acids. All of these unanimously strengthen your hair. Strengthened hair indicates that lesser hair falls off.

  1. Removes Odour

If your food jars start to smell like the ingredients or spices you store in them, using mustard seed may be of help. Warm just a few glasses of water and add to the jar. Also, add a little mustard puree to the jar and shake well. Pour away. It would be amazing how the smell disappears.

Recipes Using Mustard Seeds

  1. Mustard seeds dip sauce:

Add some honey, mustard seeds, and few other seasonings of choice together.

This would give a pungent but sweet tasting dip.

2. Mustard seeds rice

Boil some rice grains

Just before serving, temper some ghee in a pan; add either yellow or white or brown mustard seeds.

Then add some cumin seeds.

Once the mixture starts to splutter, add rice and dish immediately.

Mustard seed will give a new flavor to the rice when added.

Serve it hot together with some other vegetables (dal or curry).

3. Cabbage with mustard seeds

Chop some onions and cabbage.

Heat some oil. Sprinkle some mustard seeds over and close the lid immediately.

Wait until the seeds settle and stop popping or spluttering.

Now add onions and cabbage.

Heat it on a moderate flame.

Now cook the mush till the cabbage turns a bit tender and put salt to taste.

Then enjoy it as a crunchy side dish.

It can also be enjoyed as a filling in quesadillas.

Many people prefer to add this to pasta by mixing it along and make it the main dish.

The next time you plan on using the mustard seeds, keep in mind that you’re having a dishful of benefits.