Health Benefits of Green Bananas


Are Green Bananas Healthy?

Everyone knows yellow Bananas, and we eat them often because they taste great and are highly nutritious. Green bananas are their unripe counterparts — they’re slightly different in texture, taste, and composition, however, they’ve got some health benefits too. Green bananas have a higher content of fiber and resistant starch. This makes them healthy for diabetics and overweight people. Some people eat pasta made with green banana flour — that’s a healthy choice and a good addition to your gluten-free diet. Some studies suggest that it may help treat celiac disease.

Green Versus Yellow Bananas: Any Difference?

Green and yellow bananas have different textures, tastes, and colors, obviously. As banana ripen, their peels change from green to yellow. Yellow bananas have a high sugar content that makes them sweeter than their green counterparts. The texture of bananas also change as they ripen — they go from firm to mushy. Green bananas are firm and waxy, unlike the yellow ones.

The nutritional profile of green bananas is similar to that of yellow bananas. Some factors such as the maturation stage and growth conditions affect their nutritional value. Usually, for green bananas, 2-3 g of fiber and 80% of their carbohydrate content is made of complex carbohydrates or resistant starch. A green or yellow medium-sized banana contains 358 mg of potassium, 5 mg of calcium, 22.84 g of carbohydrates, 27 mg of magnesium, 22 µg of lutein and zeaxanthin,  20 µg of folate, and 8.7 mg of vitamin C. Let’s get deeper into the health benefits of green bananas.

Health Benefits of Green Bananas

Improve Digestive Health

Green bananas are popular for their ability to combat the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, and other gastrointestinal issues. They’re rich in fiber, and contain nutrients that help to bulk up the stool and improve bowel movements. This aids digestion and reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Resistant starch comprises complex carbohydrates and is broken in the gut. This fiber serves as a prebiotic for the gut microbiome. The bacteria that live in the gut act on this fiber and convert it into vital nutrients for the body’s benefits. This is how short-chain fatty acids like butyrate get produced.

Green bananas are particularly great for constipation and diarrhea. There are studies that show that they are therapeutic for children who suffer recurring diarrhea.

Lower Blood Sugar

Green bananas, like many other fruits, have a low glycemic index, making them a healthy choice in managing blood sugar levels. Foods with a low glycemic index release sugar slowly into the bloodstream. People who suffer spikes in sugar levels are at risk of diabetes and other health disorders like heart disease. Diabetics are advised to eat green bananas. The pectin and resistant starch in green bananas control the sugar levels in their blood and aid better insulin metabolism.

Aid Weight Loss

ScaleGreen bananas have high fiber and resistant starch content. That’s why they’re a wholesome filling snack that keeps hunger away. Eating fiber-rich fruits like green bananas increases satiety levels. What’s more? The high pectin content of the green bananas fills your stomach and reduces the chances of overeating. This, to a large extent, prevents weight gain.

Dietary fiber is associated with a reduced risk of obesity. The resistant starch content in green bananas increases satiety and aids weight loss. Furthermore, the pectin content delays gastric emptying and increases satiety in obese people.

That’s not all, as green banana flour reduces hunger and enhances glucose homeostasis. This flour has also got minute quantities of ghrelin, the hunger regulating hormone, and is also linked with regulating insulin levels. For women who are above average weight, the flour improved their lipid profile and body composition. Studies show that it can also combat inflammation.

Enhance Cardiovascular Health

You can prevent cardiovascular diseases and other metabolic disorders with green bananas, especially because of their resistant starch content that regulates cholesterol levels. Green bananas are also popular for lowering sugar levels — this makes them super beneficial for people with diabetes.

Green bananas are also packed with potassium, the mineral that serves as a vasodilator, ensuring the regulation of blood pressure levels.

 Side Effects of Green Bananas

Green bananas are generally safe for consumption, except for a few exceptions. People who have a sensitive stomach may experience some discomfort and allergies after eating green bananas. The common symptoms such people suffer are bloating and gas.

Green bananas may also trigger allergies in people who suffer latex fruit syndrome — they are allergic to latex. Green bananas contain the same allergy-causing proteins in such fruits and can be disturbing.

Some other people just find green bananas disturbing because they don’t eat them the right way. Consuming green bananas the right way may reduce the risk of some side effects. So how should you eat green bananas? Let’s get talking.

How to Eat Green Bananas

There are various ways to eat green bananas. Let’s discuss a few. You can add green bananas to your smoothies and yogurts. You could also freeze them and coat them with dark chocolate. Green banana flour is also great for making pasta.

Frequently Asked Questions About Green Bananas

These are some of the questions that intending green banana eaters ask. You’ll find them helpful as you add this fruit to your diet.

How many green bananas can diabetics eat per day?

Consuming green bananas in moderation is highly important. Two bananas a day should be fine, however, you are advised to consult your doctor before including green bananas in your diet if you suffer diabetes.

What are the benefits of eating boiled green bananas?

Boiled green bananas are packed with resistant starch that supports digestion. The boiling process helps in breaking down the complex carbohydrates, making the bananas easier to digest.

Are green bananas hard to digest?

14 Home Remedies to Ease Sour StomachYes, digesting green bananas can be a little hard because they contain resistant starch. The good thing here is that the bacteria in the gut can help digest them, and this goes a long way in making them healthy for consumption.

Are green bananas high in iron?

An average green banana of 100 g contains 0.26 mg of iron. It’s got other vitamins such as B6 and C, that aid the iron absorption.

Can green bananas cause constipation?

Green bananas are popular for curing constipation because the fiber content aids stool movement. However, they contain complex starches that some people may find uneasy to digest. So it may or may not cause constipation, depending on the digestive system of the person consuming them.

How quickly do green bananas ripen?

They take 3-5 days to ripen.

How much sugar does a green banana have?

An average green banana of 100 g has about 12 g of sugar, and a larger part of it is starch.

Now that you Know…

Green Bananas have loads of health benefits. They are particularly great for your digestive health. They’re a rich source of prebiotic fiber and excellent at improving the gut bacterial population. They’re also a nourishing snack for diabetics, as their low glycemic index, high fiber content, alongside resistant starch play vital roles. They are absolutely reliable for lowering glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood. Even non-diabetics can snack on green bananas to enjoy these super amazing health benefits.