Facts About Dandelion Greens
It is estimated that the first flowering plant appeared in Eurasia approximately 30 million years ago. One type of plant indigenous to Eurasia and North America is the dandelion, of which there are two types: T. Officinale and T. Erythrospermum. These species are considered to be weeds.
The word “dandelion” originates from the French phrase “dent-de-lion,” which literally translates to “lion’s tooth.” Plants belonging to the dandelion family, also known as daisies, are classified under the genus Taraxacum. They appear as tiny flowers that have been gathered together to form a flower head, also known as a floret.
The length of the leaves of a dandelion blossom can range anywhere from 5 to 25 cm. The flower heads have a color spectrum from yellow to orange; during the day, they are open, while at night, they are closed.
When you shatter the stem of a dandelion, a milky white liquid will ooze out of the opening. When the flowerhead has reached its full maturity, it transforms into a white ball composed of numerous seeds and fine hairs.
Even though many people try to get rid of dandelions since they keep growing in our yards yearly, the dandelion plant is considered a vital weed. When gardening is helpful because it delivers nutrients to the top of the soil, aiding plants with shallow roots and adding minerals and nitrogen to the soil. This makes the soil more productive. Additionally, it entices pollinating insects and produces ethylene gas, which contributes to the maturation of the fruit.
Health Benefits of Dandelion Greens
Lowers Cholesterol and Triglycerides
Dandelion has several compounds that have the potential to lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels, which are significant risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
In a trial conducted in test tubes, dandelion leaf and root extract reduced the triglyceride buildup in fat cells.
In a trial with rats that lasted for four weeks, researchers found that giving the rats dandelion leaf extract significantly reduced their levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides.
In addition, the inclusion of dandelion roots and leaves in a diet that was already high in cholesterol resulted in a reduced amount of cholesterol.
However, the study that is being done right now is only conducted in test tubes and on animals.
Controls Diabetes
People with diabetes may benefit from drinking dandelion juice. This is because it has been shown to promote insulin synthesis by the pancreas and aid in maintaining normal blood sugar levels.
But that’s not all; dandelions are diuretics, which means they can help persons with diabetes by helping them urinate more regularly. Because of this increase in urination, excess sugar is flushed out of the body, and the kidneys are protected from any sugar accumulation that may occur.
A word of caution: diabetics who are currently taking blood sugar modulators should discuss the possibility of adding dandelion or dandelion supplements to their diets with their primary care physicians before doing so.
Beneficial to the Heart’s Health
According to research conducted on rabbits, dandelion successfully lowers levels of triglycerides and LDL (the “bad cholesterol”) while simultaneously increasing HDL levels (good cholesterol levels). Even though additional research on humans is required to verify a cause-and-effect relationship, the minerals found in dandelion greens show potential for enhancing human heart health.
Potassium, which can be found in dandelion, is known to have an effect on lowering blood pressure. Naturally, dandelion greens have very little fat and sugar and a significant amount of fiber. They are also an excellent source of vitamins that are beneficial to cardiovascular health, including folate and vitamin C.
Lowers Blood Pressure
Although there are some people who say that dandelion may lower blood pressure, there is not much research to support this claim.
The diuretic action of dandelion is utilized in traditional herbal therapy due to the widespread notion that dandelion has the ability to purify several organs.
The use of diuretic medications to remove excess fluid from the body, as performed in Western medicine, can help the patient’s overall blood pressure decrease.
In one previous investigation involving humans, dandelion was proven to be an effective laxative. On the other hand, this study was brief and only comprised 17 participants.
Additionally, dandelion includes potassium, a mineral that has been linked to lower levels of blood pressure in those who have previously had higher levels. Because of the high potassium content of this plant, it may therefore have an indirect influence on blood pressure.
Notably, this impact is not exclusive to dandelion; rather, it applies to any meal that is high in potassium and is consumed as part of a well-balanced diet.
Reduces Acne
Dandelion juice is an excellent acne treatment because it is a diuretic, a detoxifier, an antioxidant, and a stimulant. All of these benefits work together to clear up acne. The increased sweating and pore opening caused by drinking dandelion juice contributes to the regulation of hormone output.
This assists in the process of eliminating toxins through urination and perspiration. When used topically, dandelion sap protects against microbial infection and helps clear up acne. Due to its vitamin C content, it also hastens the process of healing by reducing redness, inflammation, and scarring.
Bone Health Enhancement
Since it flaunts a significant amount of calcium, the dandelion herb is known to reduce the risk of developing joint problems and improve bone health. Dandelion greens are loaded with many antioxidants that are effective in protecting the bones from damage caused by aging, such as luteolin and vitamin C.
Prevents Colon Cancer
It has been established in a small in-vitro investigation that dandelion root extract can cause the death of colon cancer cells while inflicting no harm to the healthy cells that surround the malignant ones.
Dandelion root has the ability to destroy cancer cells that have developed resistance to drug treatment. Nonetheless, more research ought to be carried out on humans before this can be confirmed. It is hypothesized that the non-toxic nature of dandelion root makes it a useful supplement to more traditional forms of cancer treatment.
Helps in Weight Loss
Each cup of dandelion greens contains only 25 calories, making them an exceptionally low-calorie food option. They also contain a good quantity of fiber, which is important for maintaining a sensation of fullness throughout the day.
It has been revealed that consuming a diet that contains a few servings of dandelion greens will help reduce hunger and improve satiety, which can facilitate the process of weight loss.
According to the findings of one study, dandelion greens have the potential to restrict fat absorption in a fashion analogous to that of several medications for weight loss.
It accomplishes this by inhibiting the function of an enzyme known as pancreatic lipase, which is responsible for the breakdown of fat molecules in the body. According to the findings of the study, the dandelion extract reduced the activity of pancreatic lipase by an astounding 86%, which resulted in increased fat excretion.
Dandelion greens can help you lose weight more quickly and achieve optimal results when mixed with regular exercise and a healthy diet.
Beneficial to the Liver’s Health
There is proof from research conducted on animals that suggests that dandelion extract may protect against liver illness and damage.
In fact, a study on mice showed that it was efficient in avoiding liver damage after they were exposed to sodium dichromate, a material designed to simulate liver damage.
According to the findings of earlier animal studies, the dandelion extract may protect against oxidative stress and reduce the amount of excess fat formed in the liver.
However, research involving humans is required.
Encourages Good Eye Health
Each cup of dandelion greens contains 112% of the recommended daily value for vitamin A, making them an excellent source of this nutrient. Vitamin A is a vital component for sustaining healthy eye health. In extreme circumstances, not getting enough vitamin A can even cause permanent vision loss.
A study that included 5,836 older people and was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association discovered that higher consumption of vitamin A was connected to a significantly lower risk of age-related macular degeneration, which is an eye illness that can lead to the loss of one’s vision.
If you desire to keep your eyes healthy and improve your eyesight, eating foods like dandelion greens and other fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin A is a good way to do both.
Treats Jaundice
Jaundice can be effectively treated with dandelion, which also contributes to the healing process. It improves the overall health of the liver and controls the amount of bile that is produced. Because of its diuretic effects, it stimulates urination, which in turn helps to eliminate any extra bile in the body.
Both luteolin and vitamin C have been shown to have antiviral and disinfecting properties, making them effective against viral infections. Because it is able to replenish the sugar that is lost as a result of the effects of excess bile, it is most effective when taken with sugarcane juice.