What Banaba Herb Can Do for You
Banaba leaves have a long-standing history of treating different health conditions. Herbs and tea are made from these leaves, and scientific research has proven them to be effective in preventing and managing some health conditions, including diabetes. It used to be common among ancient Asians and the Philippines. However, today people across different continents of the world now know about the banaba tree and the health benefits that the herbs made from the leaves if the plant has to offer human health.
Studies have shown that consuming banaba tea or herbs can help improve your general health and also help you present different health conditions, especially type 2 diabetes. Further studies showed that for diabetes, banaba herb encourages weight loss which can help reduce your chances of suffering from type 2 diabetes.
In other words, obesity and being overweight have been discovered to be risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Since banaba tea has also been discovered to reduce type 2 diabetes risks, it invariably means that consuming banaba tea can help you shed weight.
Popular Benefits of Banaba
The other health benefits banaba has to offer human health are courtesy of all of its natural properties like antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Coupled with these banaba leaves are also good sources of the following medicinal properties;
- Gallic acid
- Ellagitannins
- Ellagic acid, among others
These properties have also been discovered to help prevent severe health conditions like cancer.
Every part of the banaba tree is useful. For instance, the leaves can be used for the effective prevention of diabetes and cancer, while on the other hand, the bark is also effective in the treatment of diarrhea.
Precautions for Banaba
Most people have complained of side effects after taking banaba herb to treat their health conditions. When research was carried out to discover why such a health-benefiting herb could cause so many side effects, it was discovered that 85% of those who experienced side effects had taken large doses of Banaba herb and took it for a long time. With this, it is important to consume only healthy doses of Banaba herbs and do that for four weeks, consuming it about 3 to 4 times per week for four weeks. If you do not after taking banaba herb for this long, and you do not get any improvements, it is best to speak with your doctor about your symptoms and how you have used banaba to treat them.
Coupled with this, if you are on any form of medication, you should speak with your doctor about using banaba herb alongside your medications. This will help prevent drug interaction and also prevent complications of your condition.
It is also advisable not to consume banaba herb during pregnancy or breastfeeding to prevent pregnancy complications. If you comply with all of these precautions, you will enjoy only the good side of the banaba herb. Herbs made from banaba leaves supply human health with different health benefits. Below are the health benefits of banana leaf herb.
Health Benefits of Banaba Leaves Herb
Protects Heart Health
One of the major risk factors for heart disease is high amounts of cholesterol in the body. There is usually a difference between good and bad cholesterol. When the levels of bad cholesterol in the body rise above normal, it can cause a series of serious health conditions, including stroke and different heart health conditions. However, when the levels of good cholesterol are high, and the bad ones are low, the risk of suffering from any heart-related health condition will be reduced.
Studies have shown that banaba leaf herb can help reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood while encouraging the increase of the good cholesterol levels in the body. Thereby heating down your chances of suffering from any heart-related health condition.
Reduces Diabetes Risk
Banaba herb is packed with anti-diabetic properties that have been discovered effective in preventing and managing diabetes. Studies carried out on the herb showed that the herb has the tendency to regulate blood sugar and encourage insulin resistance, among others, all of which are factors that help in the effective prevention and management of diabetes. A survey carried out on diabetic people placed on banaba herb medication for about two weeks showed that the blood sugar of about six diabetes patients reduced by up to 40% in just two weeks.
More studies showed that the banaba herb promotes weight loss, thereby eliminating obesity and overweight, both of which are risk factors for diabetes.
Thus, if you are prediabetic, diabetic, or neither, but you want to prevent it, you should consume banaba herb. However, you should use this in moderate amounts to prevent side effects. It is also important to always keep an eye on your blood sugar when consuming banaba herb to prevent your blood sugar from dropping below normal.
Promotes Weight Loss
Weight loss is one of the best ways to stay healthy and free from certain underlying health conditions. Studies have shown that obesity and overweight can be severe risk factors for different health conditions affecting the heart and the whole body. Coupled with these, type 2 diabetes usually results from obesity and being overweight.
Thus, consuming banaba herb can help you prevent heart-related health conditions and type 2 diabetes because it eliminates excess weight gain, which is a risk factor for these health conditions.
In other words, if you have already started your weight loss journey and wish to speed the journey up and achieve your fitness goals faster, you should consume banaba herb every 3 days before you go for your morning exercise. Ensure to also consume healthy and balanced and also add foods that can help you in your weight loss journey. A combination of physical exercises, a healthy and balanced weight-loss diet, and a banaba herb can give you the weight you desire.
Regulates Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of sudden deaths in the world today. This is why preventing it is important. High blood pressure prevention begins with following a healthy diet and lifestyle. Having done these, other natural remedies and supplements can follow and assist you in the prevention of the condition.
The pressure at which your heart pumps blood is so high it weakens the heart and can expose you to a series of different heart health-related problems.
Banaba herb has been discovered to contain properties that can help in the regulation of blood pressure, thereby preserving heart health in the process. Studies carried out on a group of women who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure showed that after consuming healthy doses of banaba herbs for some weeks, their systolic blood pressure improved.
It is important to consult your doctor before using banaba herb for your high blood pressure, especially if you are already on a blood pressure-regulating medication.
Rich Source of Antioxidants
Without antioxidants, the body will experience several episodes of oxidative damage caused by free radicals, which can lead to the death of body cells. Also, when these cells die, their accumulation in the body can trigger the onset of different severe health conditions, one of which is cancer. However, antioxidants, especially in the foods you consume, can help put an end to the process that leads to oxidative damage and the death of cells as well as the accumulation of those dead cells in the body.
Some of the antioxidant properties that have been found in banaba herb include flavonoids, gallic, quercetin, phenols, ellagic acid, and corosolic, all of which work hand in hand to prevent the production of free radicals that can increase your chances of suffering from severe health conditions like cancer.
Since you are not consuming banaba in this case for the management or treatment of any health condition but rather for the prevention of processes that may lead to severe health conditions, it is best to consume it about two times a week for 3 to 4 weeks.
Banaba herb is not a very common herb. However, people who know about it, especially the Indians and Philippines, use it for medicinal purposes, and this herb has helped them live a healthy life for centuries.