Elderly People and Vegetables
According to the most recent study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, elderly people who consume fruits and vegetables and those who exercise frequently live longer than elderly people who eat less and do not exercise.
Those who just engage in one of these activities, on the other hand, tend to have a shorter life expectancy than those who mix the consumption of fruits and vegetables with frequent physical activity. There is a book titled Benefits of Exercise for the Circulatory and Respiratory System that you can read.
Facts ABout Vegetables and Elderly People
The Japanese Journal of Geriatrics defines elderly people as those who are over the age of 75. As documented by the data provided by the WHO, in contrast to people of other age groups, elderly people have a higher risk of suffering from malnutrition.
It is due to a number of circumstances, including lack of funds to purchase particular foods, the fact that they have a bad diet and hence suffer from illness, and the fact that no one takes care of their nutrient needs.
On the other hand, because they are less active, have less muscle mass, and have more fat storage, elderly people have a lower caloric intake requirement than younger people do. An elderly individual who does not engage in much physical activity may require somewhere between 1600 and 2000 calories per day.
Check out the Foods and Drinks Calorie Table as well.
Nutrient Value of Fruits and Vegetables for the Elderly
The colors of fruits and vegetables are frequently used to classify them into different groups. The United States Department of Agriculture reports that kidney beans, guava, red cabbage, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, and beets are some examples of red fruits and vegetables that are high in lycopene and anthocyanin content.
They facilitate the body’s production of vitamin A. Consuming between 2 and 30 milligrams of this carotenoid on a daily basis is ideal for elderly people.
The beta-carotene found in papaya, oranges, carrots, yellow bell peppers, pumpkins, and other orange and yellow vegetables and fruits, such as those listed above, is known to help improve night vision. Vitamin K, found in green vegetables, helps keep blood pressure at a healthy level.
The miracles of curry leaves for high blood pressure are discussed in this article, which can be found here. Green leafy vegetables, including spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, and others, include chlorophyll and isothiocyanates, which are known to actively reduce the levels of carcinogenic agents in the body.
Fruits such as green apples, avocados, and kiwis contain the antioxidant lutein, which is essential for those over the age of 60 to prevent age-related macular degeneration.
Additionally, fruits and vegetables that are blue or purple in color contain anthocyanins, which are natural pigments that have excellent antioxidant properties and are thought to be able to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
On the other hand, white fruits and vegetables have a high concentration of dietary fiber. The fruits and vegetables in question include apples, bananas, cauliflower, cucumbers, and so on.
The following is a breakdown of the nutrients that can be obtained from eating a bowl of fruit salad that consists of 1/4 cup of cantaloupe, 1/4 cup of bananas, 1/4 cup of apples, and 1/4 cup of blueberries:
- 1 gram protein
- 3-gram fiber
- Potassium 300 milligrams
- Vitamin C 30 milligrams
- 70 micrograms of Vitamin A
A bowl of raw veggies, consisting of red cabbage, carrots, peeled cucumbers, iceberg lettuce, and just a touch of dressing, provides additional health benefits, including the following:
- Calories 33.3
- 0 g total fat
- 0 grams of saturated fat
- 0 milligrams of polyunsaturated fat
- 0 grams of healthy, monounsaturated fat
- 0 mg/dL of cholesterol
- Sodium: 0 mg
- 0.0 mg potassium
- Carbohydrates (7.3 g)
- 0 g dietary fiber
- 0.0 g sugars
- 1.7 g protein
They have many vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K, thiamin, folate, choline, and magnesium, that is available in trace amount.
Health Benefits of Vegetables and Fruits for Elderly People
In addition to the fact that fruits and vegetables are great for elderly people to consume on a daily basis, there are a number of other important health benefits of fruits and vegetables for elderly people, including the following:
Protect Overall Eyes Health
As was stated previously, fruits and vegetables that are green, yellow, or orange in color are loaded with the antioxidant beta-carotene, which is known to improve night vision.
Reduce the Risk of Developing Coronary Disease, Heart Attacks, and Strokes
According to a 2013 study, women between the ages of 25 and 42 who consumed more than 2-4 servings of strawberries and blueberries per week had a 32% lower risk of having a cardiac seizure compared to those who consumed less.
Tomatoes include a substance called lycopene, which has been shown to reduce “bad” cholesterol levels. This helps to keep blood vessels open, which in turn lowers the risk of having a heart attack.
Protects Against Particular Malignancies and Cancerous Conditions
As documented by the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund, non-starchy vegetables like lettuce and other leafy greens, broccoli, cabbage, garlic, and onions “probably” protect against numerous different types of cancer.
For instance, cancers of the mouth, throat, and voice box, as well as the esophagus and stomach. It’s likely that fruits also protect against lung cancer.
Reduces the Preponderance of Obesity And Type 2 Diabetes
There is some evidence that eating green leafy vegetables and fruits, such as kale, spinach, lettuce, and arugula can reduce the chance of developing diabetes. On the other hand, a diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables is ideal for bringing about a reduction in overall body weight.
Brings Down Blood Pressure
Consuming soy products is associated with a reduction in blood pressure. Additionally, it does not include bad fats or cholesterol while adding protein. Products made from soy contain a significant amount of polyunsaturated fats, fiber, minerals, and vitamins, all of which work together to lower LDL, sometimes known as “bad cholesterol.”
Reduces the Likelihood of Kidney Stones
Avocados, lentils, and tofu are all ideal nutritional sources for individuals who suffer from kidney stones and also resist their growth. These are some of the recognized health benefits of fruits and vegetables for the aged.
Helps Minimize Bone Loss
Inadequate bone health can lead to conditions such as rickets and osteoporosis, which both raise the risk of fracturing a bone and make it more likely that the bone will break.
Consuming enough fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin D and calcium, such as turnip greens, kale, okra, dandelion greens, and broccoli, is an excellent way to ensure that your bones remain healthy.
Protects Against Infection
The antioxidants located in fruits and vegetables have the capacity to treat infections that result from cut wounds as well as other skin disorders, and they also have the effect of boosting the immune system of the body.
The consumption of green leafy vegetables, berries, garlic, and other foods like these can be beneficial in the fight against skin diseases.
Healthy Teeth Gum
If you chew on firm, crunchy fruits and vegetables that also contain a lot of water, you will generate more saliva, which is the best natural neutralizer of the bacteria that cause cavities, and it will also remove plaque and food particles from your teeth.
Therefore, increasing the number of vegetables and fruits you eat can be one solution to the issue of maintaining healthy gums and teeth.
The Following Are Some Recommendations To Ensure That You Reap The Benefits Of Fruits And Vegetables:
- Consuming as many raw vegetables and fruits as you can is recommended so that you can reap the many health advantages that come from eating fruits and vegetables.
- You might even go for pureed or smoothie versions.
- When cutting fresh fruits and vegetables, it is important to use a knife that is sharp to prevent bruising.
- Remove only the inedible sections of vegetables before eating them; the skin, the layer immediately below the surface, and the leaves can sometimes have the highest concentration of nutrients.
- Make use of cooking methods such as stir-frying, grilling, microwaving, baking, or steaming by utilizing non-stick cookware and monounsaturated oils.
- To prevent the loss of nutrients, cooking should not go on for too long.
- Instead of serving meals with sour cream, butter, and rich sauces, try serving them with vegetable pestos, salsas, chutneys, and vinegar.
- Consume the rainbow! It indicates that you need to add additional color to your dish in order to obtain the desired results.
- The process of cooking and processing food can sometimes result in an increase in certain nutrients, such as carotenoids. For example, the lycopene found in tomatoes would become more expansive when subjected to heat. Make an effort to cook fruits and vegetables in a variety of different ways.