Who loves to hear anyone snore? Or who enjoys the feedback that they get about disturbing others with their snore? No one, supposedly. But is this condition as permanent as it appears with some persons? No, actually. It can stop if given proper attention. There herbs and natural products around that can easily put a stop to it. Let’s discuss them.
Home Remedies For Snoring
Olive oil
Olive oil is quite an effective anti-inflammatory agent. It eases the respiratory passages and makes a clear passage for air by decreasing swelling caused by snorting. It also lessens the soreness in the throat and reduces its vibration. Taking two to three sips of olive oil before going to bed can do wonders in stopping snoring.
Honey, due to its high anti-inflammatory property, eases the throat area by reducing swellings that obstruct the airways. Honey dampens and lubricates the throat pathways and soothes the painful feeling caused by swelling. A tablespoon of honey added to lukewarm water before bedtime is highly beneficial in treating all snoring.
Chamomile is anti-inflammatory. It’s a muscle and nerve relaxant, so it eases and relieves tense muscles and nerves around the throat. To use chamomile, simply make a tea of it by adding a few chamomile flowers in boiling water, and leaving it in there for 15 minutes. Take out the flowers, and add a teaspoon honey in the liquid. It’s more effective to drink this tea before bedtime.
Clarified Butter
Clarified butter, also called ghee, opens up blocked nasal passages. Adding a small amount of lukewarm clarified butter through a dropper in both nostrils before going to bed can help clear the nasal passage. This should be repeated after waking up every morning. Gradually, changes would be observed.
A major cause of snorting is nasal congestion. Inhaling steam is one of the best ways to cure nasal congestion. To inhale steam and achieve desired effects, mix some drops of either eucalyptus essential oil or tea tree oil in the boiling water and inhale for ten minutes.
Peppermint relieves the swelling of the membranes in the lining of nostrils and throat is because it’s got the anti-inflammatory property. It eases breathing and soothes the respiratory system. Adding two drops of peppermint oil in a glass of water to gargle proves effective, especially when snoring is caused by a cold.
Cardamom has got decongestant and expectorant properties. This is why it is reliable for opening up the nasal passage. An opened nasal passage allows more room for air passage, resulting in less snoring. One of the best ways to use cardamom for opening the nasal passage is by adding a few cardamoms to a glass of water and drinking it before bed. Half a teaspoon of cardamoms would suffice for a glass of water. Lukewarm water is more effective than cold water.
Turmeric is a powerful antibiotic and antiseptic agent. It’s more effective when mixed with milk. Adding two teaspoons of turmeric in a lukewarm cup of milk and drinking it half an hour before bedtime cures snoring and a number of inflammatory diseases. It strengthens the immune system too.
In some cases, snoring is only due to a seasonal allergy. Such allergies can very well be treated through nettle. Nettle has got high anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties. Add about a tablespoon of dried nettle leaves in boiling water, let it steep for five to seven minutes, then drink it before going to bed. You might need to drink it at least 3 to 4 times a day. This may just end your allergy season.
Garlic prevents mucus build-up in the nasal passage. Garlic can be eaten raw it added to meals while cooking. Garlic does well in dealing with sinus related blockades. This gives relief to snoring.
Snoring Facts!
- Snoring itself is actually harmless, but it indicates several other disorders.
- Making some adjustments to one’s bed can prevent snoring — Elevating the bed head by about 10 to 41 centimeters can prevent the tongue from falling back in the throat, hence preventing snoring.
- Snoring can be characteristic of a disease known as Obstructed Sleep Apnea. When someone sleeps, there may be times when the airway, at the throat’s back usually, is obstructed. At this time, breathing stops for a period of about 10 seconds, then resumes. OSA can happen even more than a hundred times in a night’s sleep.
- Over a thousand studies of sleep deprivation have been published during the past 100 years
- Tumors in the throat can lead to snoring.
- A deviated septum or other structural deformities of the nose can lead to snoring.
- Snoring can be treated with a surgery — Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty — Here, tissues are removed from the airway to widen it.
- Snorers and their bed partners are more likely to be hard of hearing than non-snorers and their
partners. - Sleep quality rather than quantity is a cause of snoring.
- In 1910, people slept for approximately 9 hours per night. People barely sleep for 6 hours these days.
- Socially unacceptable snoring (SUS) refers to loud snoring which is loud enough to prevent a bed partner or roommate of the snorer from sleeping. It is a reason for relationship failure.
- Studies say that people who snore regularly are at five times more increased risk of developing a stroke, hypertension, and cardiac diseases compared to people who snore occasionally.
- Snoring can be hereditary.
- People who snore loudly are usually overweight. People who aren’t overweight can snore loudly too.
Dealing with a Snoring Roommate
Help them Avoid Late Night Meals and Alcohol
Late meals and alcohol increase snoring because they cause throat muscles to relax further, hence the tongue blocks the airway.
Change their Pillows
Allergy causes snoring, hence it is best to take measures in keeping nasal passages from getting congested by dusting pillows regularly and changing your pillows every six months.
Roll them Over
Lying on the back causes the base of your tongue to collapse against the back wall of the throat. This leads to snoring. Gently roll your snoring partner over to lie on their side. Wedging a pillow against their back will keep them from rolling on to their back again. Interestingly, some snorers sew a tennis ball to the back of their night-shirt to avoid long on their back.
Getting More Help...
Still on solving this problem, did you know that there are apps to help you monitor your snores? With these apps, you can even check if your home remedies or other forms of treatment have been effective. Let’s take a quick look at some of these apps.
Snore Control
This app is designed to detect snoring or sleep talking, using intelligent noise analysis. It uses the sound vibration on your iPhone to quiet you down. It also provides tracking data to help you figure out helpful strategies and otherwise to help you stop snoring.
SnoreLab lets you know your snoring intensity, duration, and it records samples of your snoring too.
Snore Report
This app gives results in form of audio playback and “snore score,” which shows your snoring intensity. It helps you analyze and compare data over time, so you can know what works, and what doesn’t, regarding the reduction of your snoring.