Ever Heard of Selenium?

Selenium is essential for proper thyroid functioning and other body functions. It is important that the thyroid functions properly in order to support cells in the body, hence maintaining a healthy body. This essential mineral is in a number of foods.

An amazing fact about this mineral is that the ratio of selenium in a food source is based on the amount of selenium in the soil it grows. Little wonder then that some people suffer selenium deficiency, as pesticides, pH levels, rain, and evaporation affect the levels of selenium in the soil. Asides that, HIV, gastrointestinal conditions such as Crohn’s disease, and an experience of dialysis are causes of selenium deficiency.

There is more to know. People with hypothyroidism, a condition in which the body suffers insufficient thyroid hormone, need more selenium than an average person, to protect their thyroid health. Selenium deficiency is an ugly condition, as it leads to severe health problems, however, excess selenium can be toxic. What then is the appropriate selenium level for each individual? 55mcg is perfect for adults on a daily basis, while 30-45mcg is appropriate for children and teenagers. Expectant mothers should get 60mcg, but only after consulting their doctors. Which foods contain selenium? Let`s see.

Selenium-Rich Foods


Oats have wonderful effects on cardiovascular health. A bowl of freshly cooked oats reduces high cholesterol levels and protects the heart from adverse effects of high blood pressure.

Oats topped with nuts, chia seeds, and berries fuel the body and keep it energized all day long. Oats are rich in dietary fiber. A serving of oats provides 34mcg of selenium.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts provide up to 544 mcg of selenium. And guess what, this benefit can be derived from just eight nuts. And it`s even beyond the daily requirement. Who else considers this amazing? Brazil nuts are a splendid option for vegetarians to balance selenium levels. Try not to overeat Brazil nuts are rich in selenium in order to avoid toxicity.



Cheese contains 18.9 mcg of selenium. Cheese also contains calories, sodium, and fats. Moderation is vital in consuming cheese.


Eating three ounces of boneless turkey means getting 31 mcg of selenium. That`s a good deal, right? It is okay to eat three servings of turkey a week to balance selenium levels in your body. Have you tried eating turkey in a sandwich?


Providing about 11.5 mcg of selenium, this versatile food mixes well in soups, stew, salad, and many other recipes. You may even sauté some mushrooms with bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, or broccoli. Mushrooms remain splendid in all these ways.


Selenium in oysters is enough to regulate thyroid levels. Oysters also contain a vitamin B12 that the body needs on a daily basis. Oysters provide about 79 mcg of selenium from one serving.

Yellowfin Tuna

Nutrition experts advise that one consumes a serving of yellowfin tuna each week. This fish is rich in selenium with provides about 92 mcg.



The benefits of eating an egg a day cannot be overemphasized. Eggs contain selenium and many other nutrients. Have you had an egg today?

Dairy Products

Dairy products contain about 8 mcg of selenium. Drinking some milk or yogurt on a daily basis is an excellent way of getting some selenium in your system. Milk can be added to smoothies or cereals to get some selenium. Dairy products prevent bone diseases and perform many functions. Get yourself a glass of milk, will you?


Because ham has got high salt content, people who are health conscious tend to avoid it. But something good can come out of ham, and it’s selenium. Ham provides about 42 mcg of selenium per 3 oz serving. So don`t be wary to consume ham. Just note that when you do, you need to do so in moderation.


A cup of cooked lentils soup provides about 6 mcg of selenium. Simply add some chopped mushroom to lentils soup to eat a vegan-friendly and nutritious meal.


Dry roasted cashews have got 3 mcg per ounce to offer. It may seem minute, however, the old saying remains true: little drops of water make a mighty ocean. Why not snack on some dry roasted cashews and grow your selenium level.


A cup of chopped banana offers 2 mcg of selenium. Like cashews, this might not seem like much. Most fruits offer only minute traces of selenium. Some don’t even have selenium at all. Bananas go well with oatmeal. Now that’s even more selenium.


Did you know that 3 ounces of lean pork contain about 33 mcg of selenium? Now that’s really cool.


The selenium content of beef depends on the cut. A bottom round beef steak provides about 33 mcg selenium. Beef liver provides about 28 mcg, and ground beef has got about 18 mcg.


Spinach provides about 11 mcg of selenium per cup. That’s not all, as it’s bursting with folic acid and vitamin C. When will you add spinach to your diet?

Fortified Foods

Pasta, whole grain cereals, and whole wheat bread are rich in selenium and a number of other minerals. Fortified foods provide at least 35% of selenium.

Baked Beans

Who else loves baked beans? I do! A cup of baked beans supplies about 13 mcg of selenium, together with some fiber.

Side Effects of Selenium

If the right doses are taken, selenium has no side effects, really. Now let’s see what happens in cases of overdose and some other cases.

  • An overdose of selenium may cause reactions such as bad breath, nausea, fever, liver complications, kidney problems, and heart difficulties.
  • Excessive selenium consumption may lead to selenium poisoning or toxicity. This may lead to heart attack and respiratory depression.
  • Selenium interacts with some medicines and supplements: antacids, chemotherapy drugs, corticosteroids, niacin, cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, and birth control pills. People taking any of these medications may need to speak with their doctors before consuming selenium and even some of other minerals and vitamins.
  • Even though selenium’s antioxidant content reduces the risk of cognitive decline as people get older, there are studies that show that there is another side to this. It is not certain that selenium supplements are safe for people at risk of diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Unless confirmed okay by a medical practitioner, people who suffer Alzheimer`s and similar diseases may need to avoid selenium.

Let`s Recap: What Does Selenium Do?

We`ve only stated some of these here and there where selenium-rich foods were discussed. Let us make an attempt to highlight the benefits of this mineral.

  • It is involved in the production of thyroid hormone
  • It is required for muscular strength
  • It is required for healthy sperm function
  • It is an immune system stimulant.
  • It has antiviral properties
  • It has anti-cancer properties
  • It is essential for proper heart function
  • It is the precursor to the powerful antioxidant glutathione

Final Words…

Who, after reading this, would neglect the importance of selenium? It`s time we included selenium-rich foods in our diets, and yes, there are lots of them. Selenium is also available in many multivitamin-mineral supplements and other dietary supplements. It also exists in other forms such as forms such as selenomethionine and sodium selenite. However, selenium is better obtained from food sources. Hey, let us go selenium-hunting already. I will catch you later.