Nutrients Needed in the Body
Nutrients are simply the chemical compounds present in your meals. The human body was fashioned to get equipped by what it feeds on. That is why your body is responsive to whatsoever you give to it. Most of these essential nutrients cannot be produced in your body. So, it’s gotten from the foods you eat. The function of food extends to all parts of the body: prevention against diseases, reproduction, and so on, but the primary function is to sustain good health.
There are 6 main classes of food, as we all know, which are carbohydrates, protein, water, fats, vitamins, and minerals. These six were classified according to their quantities:
- Macronutrients: These nutrients are basically needed in large quantities, so they must be consumed in high amounts. They are protein- for bodybuilding, carbohydrates, and fats- mainly the source of energy to the body.
- Micronutrients: needed in small quantities, but their deficiency is capable of causing mar to your fitness. They are vitamins and minerals. Vitamin and minerals also have some constituents needed, which shall be discussed in this article.
Water is also a nutrient, and It is naturally needed by the body because 85% of your body fluid is made up of water, so think about its importance. This article will inform you about each of these basic nutrients’ importance.
As you already know, carbohydrates as the main source of energy, and it’s sure is. Every action in your body is enforced by the cells. The sugar in the blood serves as fuel to power each cell and tissue for metabolism. From your daily intake of carbohydrates, you take in about 45 to 65% calories. Carbs are mainly divided into two, which are simple and complex carbohydrates. The easy-to-digest carbohydrates are the simple carbs, while the complex is difficult to digest. People eat more simple carbs in their diet than complex carbs, e.g., white rice, white bread, and white pasta.
The digestion of complex carbs is longer, and this keeps you full and fortunately prevents unhealthy snacking. They are oatmeal, fruits, barley, quinoa, vegetables, brown rice, and other baked meals; there is enough fiber present in complex carbs. Carbohydrates are required for a healthy body. It also builds the immune system by fuelling the defensive cells in your body. The Central nervous system and the brain uses the glucose gotten from the breakdown of carbs to function well and also supply energy to perform a task. Fiber helps in the metabolism of the gastrointestinal tract and the intestine. Also, carbohydrates save protein from being broken down to derive energy. It balances the energy regulation in the food pyramid.
Attention: watch out for excessive carbs and the level of natural sugars present in your diets.
Sources of carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, sugar, honey, and dairy foods.
Protein is the most rated nutrients and has a lot of vitality. Do you know that from the cells to the organs in your body, they are made up of protein? It’s the building block of cells in the body. Protein is made up of several amino acids. In total, there are roughly twenty amino acids, but only 9 of these 20 amino acids are essential. The essential amino acids are tryptophan, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, threonine, lysine, and valine. The best source of protein is the animal source because it supplies the body with all the needed amino acids, but the plant source is deficient in major amino acids.
Protein is vital for good health. It aids in building muscles and tissue it has a large impact on the workout community. The enzymes and hormones in the body contain protein. The body cannot synthesize all the needed amino acid on it own, so the essential amino acid is gotten from foods. It’s a source of energy and fuel for some cells and tissues unless when necessary. In the absence of carbohydrates and fats, the body mobilizes protein to get energy. It is health-wise to add protein to your diet daily. It as well influences weight loss. The synthesizing of protein tends to decrease due to aging. Aging is a big factor.
Sources of protein are meat (lean meat), eggs, dairy, nuts, legumes, beans, soy, grains, seafood. The intake varies according to age and gender. Fish and meat contain the highest quality of protein.
It is also called lipid but commonly called fats. It has the highest concentration level of providing energy. Fat has a lot of talk downs, but it also has its great functions. Saturated fats are bad for your health. The unsaturated ones are the healthy ones: mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats. It is known to have the highest calories. Furthermore, the brain is made up of 60% fats. The deposit of fat in your body is simply the extra calories saved for future use in the body. The essential fatty acids can only be gotten from your diets: Omega- 3 and Omega- 6. Fats carry out the following functions in the body: cell growth, blood sugar balancing, hormone production, building new cells, blood clotting, muscle motility, absorption of mineral and vitamins, lessening the risk of heart disease and diabetes, immunity function, body insulation and shock absorption in different organs in the body. It is recommended to include 20 to 35% of calories from fat daily in meals.
Sources of fats are olives, nuts, seeds, fish, vegetable oil, coconut, canola seeds, avocadoes. Though butter, red meat, ice creams, and cheese are delicious, they are trans fat, saturated fats. Reduce its intake with other processed and baked foods.
Vitamin is an organic compound. It is a micronutrient, needed in small amounts but an essential one. Vitamin is classified into two by nutritionists, and they are fat and water-soluble. The fats-soluble are the Vitamin A, D, E, and K, while the water-soluble are the B complex and vitamin C. Every type of food has a constituent of vitamin in it. It is a good agent to fight against diseases. It strengthens the immune system. Also, it carries out the function of antioxidants. Vitamin A is good for a healthy eye and skin. The growth and metabolism of bone are done by Vitamin C and D, also for the easy movement of the muscle. It preserves cardiovascular and brain health. Vitamin must be included in your diets but if you find it difficult to eat fruits and vegetables due to some digestive issues, try using supplements because the vitamin is essential for health.
Sources of Vitamin are vegetables and fruit. They should be included in a meal. Grab fruit and eat daily.
They are mainly chemical elements that have there specific functions they perform in the body. They are the elements on the periodic table- the table of elements. Minerals are classified into two, the major and trace elements. The major elements are magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, and chlorine, while the trace elements are molybdenum, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium, chromium, iodine, and copper.
Minerals also support body health. It plays a role in building stronger bones and teeth, regulating metabolism, and balancing your body water level. It also has several functions like blood clotting, oxygen-carrying capacity, immune function, maintaining blood pressure, healthy integumentary system ( hair, skin, and nails), muscle contraction and relaxation, and hormone production.
Sources of minerals are egg yolks, fruits, leafy green vegetables, beans, legumes, poultry, red meats, nut and seeds, iodized salt, and seafood.
Get in: read this aloud. I will always drink 8 to 10 cups of water per day. Exactly, your body needs 8 to 10 ounces per day. The intake is determined by age, activity level, weather, physiological state, and gender. This is the most abundant of all the essential nutrients. It is the component of several foods. Your body is made up of 60% water, while your body weight is 62% water. Your body’s activities rely on water. Always remain hydrated. Drinking water or eating fruits and vegetables can provide water to the body. Dehydration causes alteration in your mental and physical health. It most time causes headaches. Water discards toxins in the body, serves as a shock absorber, prevents constipation, lubricates, and is a means of transportation of nutrients to cells. Also, it regulates body temperature. Practically, you can know whether you’re hydrated or not. If your urine is pale yellow or not clear, it’s an indicator you need water. Avoid getting hydrated with sugary drinks. They aren’t helpful: drinks like teas, coffees, soda, lemonades, and fruit juices.
In conclusion, always sought after a diet that contains all these essential nutrients. Grab a fruit daily and eat. Also, keep a jar of water next to you and stay hydrated. Stay safe.