Health & Wellness

What is Black Haw Bark Used for?

Black haw (Viburnum prunifolium) is a shrub that originated from the woodlands of eastern and central areas of America. The herb, whose extracts and root bark are used in preparing medicine, is also known...

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Chaparral

Chaparral, also known as creosote bush, is an herb with numerous medicinal benefits. It possesses a strong smell similar to creosote or larrea divaricata. Chaparral is commonly found in large quantities across the desert...

See How Splendid Warm Lemon Water is!

Who doesn`t want the easy life? People are more than ever, now looking for easier ways to be and remain healthy. Drinking warm lemon water proves to be one of the pretty easy ways...

Dealing with Type 2 Diabetes

Type-2 diabetes interferes with the process of transferring glucose into the body cells. These cells need sugar to keep the body energized. The muscle and brain cells require insulin to transport sugar into these...
chicory root

What are the Health Benefits of Chicory Root?

Chicory root is a herb with many amazing health benefits, including its ability to aid in digestion, detoxify the liver, relieve heartburn, reduce arthritis pain, inhibit bacterial infections, improve immunity, and lower the risks of heart conditions. This small...

Let`s Discuss Tomatoes

Tomatoes, with the botanical name, Lycopersicon esculentum, are fruits that have various colors and sizes. They could be yellow, orange or red, and they measure as little as half an inch in diameter, ranging...

13 Tips for Eating Healthy When You’re Low on Cash

There’s actually no extraordinary formula to eating on a budget. Similar to everything else, it requires a bit of planning and good old-fashioned effort. Of course, the rewards are less spending and most importantly,...

Beat the Heat: How to Prevent Heat-Related Illnesses

Ideally, we’d all love to dive into a pool whenever it’s unbearably hot, but our busy lifestyles make that a bit challenging. And anyone—young, old, healthy, and sick can fall prey to heat-related illnesses when...

Nail Biting and General Nail Health

There are a number of people who bite their nails for various reasons. For me, it was a way to deal with idleness and boredom. As much as I felt like stopping, I couldn`t get...

Ancho Pepper Powder: The Spice with Amazing Health Benefits

We already know how peppers can add amazing taste to meals. But that’s not even all they do—these spices contain healing agents that can significantly promote your health. And one of such peppers is...

Finding Solutions to Snoring

Who loves to hear anyone snore? Or who enjoys the feedback that they get about disturbing others with their snore? No one, supposedly. But is this condition as permanent as it appears with some...

Why Do Older Children Bed-wet?

Bed-wetting, as discussed here, also called nocturnal enuresis or nighttime incontinence is involuntary urination while asleep after the age which it is expected to stay dry at night. Really, before age 7, bed-wetting isn't anything...

Blue Cohosh: The Health Benefits and Side Effects

Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) may sound a lot like Black Cohosh but interestingly, they are not related at all; the two are from different families, yet can both treat women’s health conditions. As a...

Dealing with PTSD

What`s PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's sparked off by a horrific event — whether experienced it or witnessed. People who have PTSD experience nightmares, flashbacks, severe anxiety, and terribly...
blessed thistle

Blessed Thistle: 9 Incredible Health Benefits of this Herb

Blessed Thistle is believed to have gotten its name for its amazing reputation for healing all kinds of health conditions. This natural warrior plant is not only edible; it is also an incredible food...

The Awesomeness of Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 or folate is primarily popular for its usefulness in fetal health and development. folate is required for DNA synthesis and for the metabolism of amino acids. It is also recommended for the...
aloe vera

16 Interesting Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera, also known as elephant’s gall, lily of the desert, and burn plant, is a plant known for its wide range of medicinal benefits. This succulent plant, believed to have originated from Sudan, belongs to the...

What you don`t Know about Protein

The importance of adequate protein intake cannot be overemphasized. Proteins ensure the growth, recovery, and production of numerous enzymes, neurotransmitters, and hormones. The average individual, usually, gets adequate protein daily to fulfill their needs,...

Egg Yolk for Hair Growth: Does it Really Work?

Do you know that your hair is likely to get damaged if exposed to direct sun or environmental pollution? Do you also know that hair straightening and an excessive use of chemical-filled hair products...

Food Sources of Iodine

Iodine is essential in avoiding the malfunctioning of thyroid glands. It is essential in the production of hormones in the thyroid glands. A deficiency of this mineral leads to health conditions such as goiter,...