Health & Wellness

mother and child

11 Foods that Boost Breast Milk

How to Increase Breast Milk Supply This isn’t anything new to women of childbearing age. A woman wants the best for her newborn. Your delicate and adorable baby needs all the quality care you can...

16 Ways to Treat Razor Bumps Fast

How to Treat Razor Bumps Shaving is an unavoidable part of grooming, however, it comes with some complications. Bumps, also called barber's itch, are a kind of skin condition which appears in various parts of...
A happy baby

8 Ways to Keep your Baby`s Skin Glowing

How to Care for your Baby`s Skin Having babies and taking care of them is such a wonderful experience, however, it can be a daunting one too. What they will eat, wear and what body...
An image of a female athlete

10 Ways Women Can Moderately Build Muscles

Do Women Build Muscles? Bodybuilding isn’t restricted to the male gender, as more women have been actively involved in workout sessions lately. Muscle building helps to retain your muscle tone and strengthen your muscles. Women...
A lady suffering anxiety

5 Ways to Overcome Anxiety after a Car Accident

Do Car Accidents Cause Anxiety? What would life be like without road transportation? The short trip from your house to the grocery store, your workplace, and a friends` open house are an inevitable part of...
An image of a woman carrying a baby

17 Tips for Traveling with a Newborn

Is it Safe to Travel with a Newborn? It is customary of mothers in various parts of the world to remain indoor for some time after childbirth. This to spend some time taking care of...

10 Essential Oils that Combat Ageing

Are there Essential Oils for Anti-Ageing? Ageing comes inevitably with time, and there will be a time that your skin will surely give you clear and obvious signs of it. Sometimes, your skin starts ageing...
An image of herbs that cure diabetes

12 Herbs that Cure Diabetes

Does Diabetes Have a Cure? Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in the world. It is only safe and precautionary that people manage their health effectively, and a proven way to do...
An image of someone testing for blood sugar

Type-1 and Type-2 Diabetes: Any Difference?

What Is Diabetes? Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by the body's inability to control its glucose levels due to the insufficiency of insulin. The insulin insufficiency could be as a result...
An image of a person who is reading and also about to eat.

Healthy Living 101

What`s Healthy Living? People suffer from obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, overweight, kidney problems, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and a number of other problems as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle. These unhealthy lifestyle habits...
some cigarettes

What Happens When you Quit Smoking?

Is Smoking Really Dangerous? There are over seven million deaths that occur annually due to tobacco use. Cigarette smoking is responsible for over 480,000 deaths in the United States, and 41,000 of those deaths are...
A lady who has a flat tummy

21 Foods that Burn Belly Fat

Is Belly Fat Unhealthy? It`s no news that a number of people struggle with belly fat. Belly fat is quite dangerous, as it is associated with heart disease and diabetes. It can affect anyone, irrespective...
a collection of sugary foods

17 High-Sugar Foods to Avoid

How Bad is Excessive Sugar Intake? Did you know that foods that contain excess sugar can cause obesity, heart disease, and diabetes? Regular consumption of high-sugar foods can cause a sugar addiction. So what are...
a boy wearing glasses

16 Foods that Improve Eye Health

Are There Foods for Eye Health? Can we underestimate the importance of the eyes? I don`t think so. If they are as important as we believe, then shouldn`t we take better care of them? Absolutely,...
A lady exercising

Dealing with Armpit Fat

How to Get Rid of Armpit Fat Armpit fat is quite common, and a number of factors are responsible for it, ranging from poor lifestyle, genetics, muscle loss, and obesity. Armpit fat can be quite...
A picture showing various fruits

Clean Eating: Guide and Recipes

What Is Clean Eating? Clean eating is a way of living that entails eating natural, whole foods and avoiding processed ones to ensure better health. Clean eating is more than a diet. There are specified...
The picture of a dentist

Uvulitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What Is Uvulitis? Do you sometimes feel like there`s something stuck at the back of your throat? You probably thought it was a strep throat, and tried to treat it, but it didn`t heal and you...
green pepper

Periodontitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What Is Periodontitis? Periodontitis is a severe infection of the gums that can cause some damage to the soft tissues and bone supporting the teeth. Periodontitis may also cause the deterioration of the alveolar bone...
an adult looking up

Melanoma: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

What Is Melanoma? Melanoma is one of the most severe types of skin cancer. It develops in the cells that produce melanin. Melanin is the pigment responsible for skin color. Melanoma, in some cases, affects...
An image of sunglasses

6 Ways to Have a Great Summer

How to Enjoy Summer Every season comes with its own challenges. Summer is here, and we need to adjust, not just to survive it, but to be happy all through the season — to enjoy...