10 Healthy Fatty Foods
Consumable Healthy Fatty Foods
Avoid taking butter. Don't take ice cream, No eating of chocolates. Say no to nuts.
Avoid fatty foods, or you'll get fat.
I am one person who avoids taking fatty foods....
Amazing Effect of Physical Exercise On Health
Effects of Physical Exercise On Your Health
We may have neglected it for too long, but truth be told, exercise is the miracle cure we’ve all been waiting for, as long as we take the...
12 Benefits of Drinking Hot Water
Why Drink Hot Water?
You`re probably so particular about losing weight but haven`t been able to achieve it for low zeal or time constraint. Wondering if there are weight loss hacks? There definitely are, and...
8 Benefits of Walking Meditation
What Is Walking Meditation?
Walking meditation is simply a form of meditation done while walking. It is those walks you go for when you want to clear your head and get refreshed. The entire process...
Food Recipes For Weight Loss
Weight Reduction Food recipes
Weight reduction is not a quick or straightforward process, but a variety of essential dietary strategies are helpful. Start with other foods when you can't function on your daily meal with...
Amazing Benefits of Coconut Milk
Have You Tried Coconut Milk?
Are you contemplating adding coconut milk to your diet? Or maybe you’re still in doubt about the benefits of coconut milk. The amazing thing about it is that you can...
All You Need to Know About Strawberry
Why You Must Have Strawberry
“A recommended quantity of strawberries a day keeps the doctor away.” Strawberries (Fragaria Ananssa) are small red juicy and sweet fruits that are heart-shaped and are said to be good...
Nuggets For a Great Health
Nuggets for a Healthy Lifestyle
How much of sound health have you got? How often do you eat well? Do you actively exercise regularly? How often do you drink an adequate amount of water each...
13 Health Benefits of Walking Barefoot
Is Walking Barefoot Healthy?
As children, we walked barefoot a lot of times, but as we grew, we began to wear shoes more often. You probably still walk barefoot in your home but don`t do...
Dysphagia: Symptoms, Causes, and Diagnosis
What Is Dysphagia?
You have probably felt like you`re helplessly choking on your food, especially when you try to swallow large chunks of bread or cake without chewing it properly. That`s what dysphagia feels like....
Water Intake: Before, During, or After Meals?
Should you Drink Water Before or After Eating?
This is a question that people ask often. Some suggest that you should only drink water before your meals but not immediately after. Others say it's healthier...
Drinking Cold Water: Benefits & Side Effects
Is Drinking Cold Water Healthy?
Among the constant recommendations on the quantity of water to drink daily and when to do so, there is relatively little said about the temperature of water to drink. So...
8 Health Risks of Gay Sex
Is Gay Sex Healthy?
It is not unusual to find LGBT communities in various regions of the world. They are everyday people from all walks of life, races, ethnicities, ages, and socioeconomic statuses. Their rights...
12 Incredible Health Benefits of Crayfish
You Need Crayfish in Your Diet
Besides being a vegetarian, a good portion of your diet indeed contains kinds of seafood, including fish, prawn, squid, and many more.
By the time you are through with this...
15 Foods That Can Kill You Instantly
Eat These Foods and Get Sick
I know what must be running through your mind right now--how can food naturally consume on a daily basis be considered poisonous? Well, you are going to be shocked...
Don’t Throw Out Those Banana Peels Just Yet
Incredible Benefits of Eating Banana Peels
Has the thought of using the banana peel for something interesting ever crossed your mind? You see, Banana peels are not just meant to be lying in your bin....
15 Things Healthy People Do Daily
How to Stay Healthy Every Day
You probably struggle with leading a healthy lifestyle. Well, you`re not alone, as virtually everyone has gone through that phase. You, however, don`t have to remain in the phase....
How to Clear Stretch Marks with Castor Oil
Does Castor Oil Treat Stretch Marks?
Castor oil is popular for improving hair health. It is also widely used in skin care products because it reduces stretch marks, among other benefits. So how exactly does...
Black Coffee: Weight Loss & Other Benefits
Does Black Coffee Cause Weight Loss?
You probably never knew that black coffee can help you lose some weight. Black coffee is rich in caffeine and popular for preventing cancer, mild depression, and headaches. How...
8 Natural Cleansers for Clear Skin
Are there Natural Cleansers?
You desire a better skin but don`t know how to achieve it; well, you`re on the right blog. Just keep reading to see eight natural cleansers you can make at home,...