Health Benefits of Waterleaf
Amazing Benefits of Waterleaf
What do you know about it? Let me keep you updated on what waterleaf is all about.
Waterleaf is a great plant that is undervalued in Nigeria. It started growing from West...
Staying Healthy with Jute Leaves
What are Jute Leaves?
There is a strong possibility you have come across these leaves several times without really knowing the sort of health power they have.
Jute or saluyot leaves is also known as ewedu...
Determine The Sex of Your Unborn Child
How to Select the Sex of Your Baby
You probably have been expecting baby sex of your choice and had spent a lot towards achieving it. I must commend your past effort while I hope...
12 Ways Technology Affects your Health
What Are the Health Risks of Technology?
Needless to say, the importance of technology is ever-increasing and practically inevitable. As essential as these devices are, they have their side effect. There`s a disturbing rise in...
Remarkable Health Benefits of Spices and Herb
Why You Need Your Meal Spiced Up
The use and importance of herbs and spices have been incredibly important throughout history and cannot be overemphasized. Many were celebrated for their medicinal attributes before discoveries on...
Natural Ways Of Treating Low Blood Sugar
Stop Worrying Over Low Blood Sugar
Have you treated diabetes for so long now that your medications have reduced your blood sugar level beyond ordinary? Are you scared that you might die soon because the...
22 Nutritional Values of Ghee
Why You Should Add Ghee to Your Diet
You might be wondering what ghee is. Ghee is the butter extracted or separated from the breast milk of cows, buffalos, or goats. Ghee is common in...
All you Should Know About Sex Toys and STIs
Are Sex Toys Safe?
Sexually Transmitted Infections are usually transmitted through sexual activities, and sharing sex toys is one of such. They also spread via bodily fluids and through skin-to-skin contact. When pre-cum, vaginal secretions,...
11 Health Risks of Skipping Breakfast
Why You Should Not Skip Breakfast
What are your excuses for skipping breakfast? Are you trying to keep fit? Do you think making breakfast early in the morning would make you get to work late?...
How To Lower Blood Pressure At Home
Things You Should Do If You Are Hypertensive
Have you been worrying over something lately in such a way that your heart skips beating a number of times at any little sound? Have you been...
7 Ways to Keep your Vagina Healthy
What Makes a Vagina Healthy?
Vaginal health is crucial to a lady`s overall health and psychological balance. Its state of health usually depends on a couple of factors such as age, its acidic pH, the...
Consequences of Sleep Deprivation
What Happens When You Don't Sleep Well
Why would you suffer health issues due to those hours of sleep you denied yourself? C'mon! Don't tell me you need some additional period to your daily 24...
First Aid Remedies You Should Know
First Aid Remedies Tips
Do you know you could sustain yourself for quite a long period before or while calling for health emergencies and waiting for the ambulance? Do not wait until you have less...
What to Know About Female Genital Mutilation
What Is Female Genital Mutilation?
Female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C) is removing, cutting, piercing, or sewing of all or part of a female's external genitals for non-medical reasons. At least, 513,000 girls and women...
What you Should Know About Penis Health
How to Care for the Penis
It`s common to find most people attach penis health strictly to erectile dysfunction and sexually transmitted infections, however, there`s more to penis health. A number of factors such as...
Burns: First Aid, Home Remedy, Clearing Scars
How Should You Treat Burns at Home?
Burns come with severe pain no matter how little they appear to be. It has been recorded to be the second-highest painful thing on earth after the pain...
Why Discuss Sex with your Partner?
How to Talk About Sex
It`s funny how virtually everything around us suggests sex, from ads to music, and movies, yet we still find it difficult to discuss sex with our partners, friends, or even...
10 Natural Ways to Prevent Type-2 Diabetes
These Could Help You Prevent Type-2 Diabetes
Have you always thought over the years that you could develop diabetes because your mother suffered from it? Same with your mother’s mother? Do you subconsciously taste your...
What You Should Do After Surgery
Necessary Actions to Take After Every Operation
Surgery is not what anyone ever hopes for, but things happen, things we can't control, unexpected things. It could be an accident, a severe injury, disease, or any...
Is Male Menopause Real?
What Is Male Menopause?
Just as the female menopause marks the end of her reproductive cycle, men experience a range of changes and symptoms as they grow, and some people compare these changes to the...