Health & Wellness

A bow of stockfish

16 Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

How Healthy is Omega 3 Fatty Acid? Fats come in different types and from different sources. There are some that you do not want anywhere around you because they are so unhealthy, while there are...

Here’s How to Tell if you’re Addicted to Work

How to Know if you`re a Workaholic It was Wayne Oates who first used the term, “workaholism” when he defined it as a compulsion or an uncontrollable need to work perpetually. Psychologists and mental health...

10 Male Fertility Herbs You Should Know

Why You Should Incorporate Herbs Into Your Diet As A Man Infertility in men is more common than you think. If you are experiencing fertility issues, then you are not alone. You are one among...

Here`s what to Know About COVID-19 Vaccine

Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Safe? It is no longer news that a number of people have died from the COVID-19 pandemic, and there has been an obvious need for a vaccine. Now the vaccine is...

16 Health Tips on Jackfruit

What is Jackfruit? Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a large fruit grown in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, primarily in S. Asia (i.e., Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka) and S.E. Asia (i.e., Thailand, Indonesia,...

9 Tips to Help you Fall Asleep

How to Fall Asleep Quickly Good sleep is undeniably important. It helps you feel good and enables your body and brain to function properly. A number of people have difficulty falling and staying asleep during...

Gooseberry for a Radiant Hair and Skin

Are You Tired of Alopecia, Rough Hair, or Irritating Skin? When we were younger, we grew up consuming some gooseberries with salt and some chili powder. But little did we know that this fruit has...
red date

How Beneficial is Jujube to Our Dear Health

Why Jujube? Come spring and this bountiful nature are very ready to shower us with the best flowers and fruits. Jujube, also known as Ber to Indians, is one such fruit that makes waiting for...
chaste berry

Chaste Berry

What Are Chaste Berries? Chaste berries are the common name for Vitex agnus-castus, a type of flowering plant indigenous to the Mediterranean region. It is also called by other common names like Chaste Tree, Abraham's...

How to Become a Morning Person

Can I Change my Chronotype? Somewhere in the labyrinth of your DNA is a small collection of genes that determine if you are a morning or an evening person. Some other factors like your hormones,...
natural remedies for eczema

Can Herbs Be Used in Treating Acne?

The Nitty-gritty Acne is triggered by clogged pores and bacteria, and it's often difficult to manage. Prescription and over-the-counter treatments may help, although some can also cause serious side effects. Nonetheless, if traditional treatments become...

Remote Schooling and Mental Health

What Is the Effect of Remote Schooling on Physical and Mental Health? There are mixed reactions to the new way of learning that the world recently adopted: remote schooling. While some studies have found that...

Ginger Supplement: Side Effect and Uses

What is a Ginger Plant? Do you know that something as small as ginger packs a whip when it comes to vitamins and minerals? If you have been looking down at this plant, brace yourself...
Neem paste

Best Herbs for Fertility

What is the Big Deal with Infertility? Some days back, I read of a woman that shared a picture of herself and her husband celebrating their three years of happily-married life together; there was something...

Better Way to Run: Treadmill or Outside?

Is Running on a Treadmill Effective? While some outdoor runners believe that treadmill running is monotonous and boring, some treadmill runners prefer running in a controlled environment. Fortunately, both types of running have their benefits....
king of fruits

Let Durian Perform The Magic!

What is Durian? Durian is also called the "king of fruits," with a lot of medicinal properties and health benefits. Durian is a tropical fruit that is used in local medicine and is native to...
preventing the virus

Why Wear a Mask During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Do we still Need to Wear Facemasks? There have been loads of controversies and series of research on wearing face masks. While some people think that mask-wearing is vital in preventing the transmission of the...

Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder

What is Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder (DDD)? Depersonalization/derealization disorder (DDD) is a mental health condition that causes sufferers to experience a persistent or recurring feeling of being outside of their body. This is known as depersonalization. They...
people eating

A Healthy Holiday

About the Oncoming Holiday Holidays come with relaxation and a chance to get involved in a lot of things. If we should take it or leave it, it's already a holiday. In some parts of...
sliced carambola

Carambola For Your Skin

Why Is Carambola Good For Your Skin? Benefits of Star Fruit (carambola) include; a good source of fiber, full-pack of ascorbic acid (vitamin c), control and management of anemia, has a strong inhibitory effect on...