Health & Wellness

feeling faint

Are you Suffering From Aneurysm?

What is Aneurysm? An aneurysm is an abnormal widening or bloating of an artery due to weakness of the blood vessel. An aneurysm is dangerous since it may burst, thus spilling blood in the area...

Interesting Facts About Infectious Trachoma

How Much Do You Know Infectious Trachoma? Trachoma is an infectious disease that affects your eyes. It was first discovered among the Egyptians around 15BC. As time goes on, it was then discovered in Mesopotamia...
teddy bear

Breakthrough Thinking for Your Kids and Their Health

What You Must Do for a Child Being a kid is a beautiful experience with a lot of memories embedded in it. Kids are gifts from God, and you were once a kid to your...
wet dream

Here`s What you Should Know About Wet Dreams

Is it Normal to Have Wet Dreams? A wet dream is the secretion of vaginal fluids and ejaculation during sleep, as there’s more blood flow to the genitals at this time. You probably have had...
swine flu

Sex During a Pandemic

How to Have Sex During the COVID-19 Pandemic They`ve been jokes about a spike in birth rates during the pandemic. internet’s been giving predictions about babies that will be made during the pandemic. That is...
insufficient sleep

12 Causes of Your Lethargic Feeling

What Exactly Does it Mean to Feel Lethargic? Lethargy is the state of feeling listless and unenergetic, drowsy and dull, or indifferent and indolent; apathetic or slothful inactivity. Lethargy causes you to feel heavy-eyed or...

Unexpected Alcohol Intake in Your Daily Usage

Facts About Alcohol Intake Apart from direct drinking of alcohol, most of your foods and household products have a detectable percent of alcohol in them. Moral etiquette might require you to totally desist from alcohol,...

Best Ways to Make Love in a Full House

How to Make Love When you`re Alone at Home Privacy or not, making love in a full house is workable. Close quarters or not, it’s doable. If you share your space with kids or roommates,...

Antepartum Depression: Symptoms & Treatment

What Is Antepartum Depression? When you hear of someone depressed, what may most likely come to your mind is a feeling of concern for that person and how they are surviving because most people see...

Here`s How to Know your Bra Is Too Tight

How to Find your Perfect Bra Size You may have noticed that your bra doesn’t fit properly, and this causes some discomfort. So you feel some squeezing around your chest and digging into your back....
a woman`s eyebrow

The Severity of Glaucoma

What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma may be a disease of the major nerve of vision, named the nervus opticus. The nervus opticus gets light-generated nerve impulses from our retina and transmits these directly to the brain,...
a man in a duvette

Things You Need To Know About Leprosy

What is Leprosy? Leprosy could also be a sickness mainly caused by the Leprosy bacillus, which causes damage to the skin and thus the nervous system. The disease starts slowly (from six months to 40...

Stringy Period and Other Menstrual Issues

Is Stringy Period Blood a Cause for Concern? You may not know what period is like with other girls like you. You’re not sure if the sticky, clumpy or stringy period that you occasionally have...
sick woman

Diet Routine for Hypoglycemia Patients

How to Minimize Your Hypoglycemia Risk Before Hypoglycemia started troubling you, your blood could control its sugar level. You ate whatever you craved and drank the fluids you loved. But now that Hypoglycemia plagues you,...

Breastfeeding in COVID-19 Era

What Are the Implications of Breastfeeding During COVID-19? The COVID-19 wave is no longer news, and everyone across the world has been doing well to protect themselves and others from it. There have been concerns...
tetanus syringe

What Do You Know About Tetanus?

Facts About Tetanus You Never Knew Tetanus is a toxic nervous system disease that is usually fatal and is caused by toxins produced by a bacterium known as clostridium tetani. This bacterium can be found...

See How to Get rid of Ugly Scars Naturally

Clearing Old Injury Scars at Home A scar is a residual mark from an injury left on the skin after the injury must have healed up. In other words, scars are natural remnants of the...
excess potassium

Hyperkalemia: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Home Remedies

Excess Potassium Content in The Blood This is a mineral that your body needs to function properly. It is an essential nerve, heart, and muscle mineral. Potassium helps control breathing and heartbeat and can be...
first aid tips

What You Should Have in Your First Aid Box

Must-Be-Present Kits in Your First Aid Box Just like the name implies, first aid is the immediate help given to an injured person to prevent complications and save the injured from danger, pending the time...
eating out

13 Healthy Snacks for Pregnant Women

Healthy Ways to Snack While Pregnant There’s this general knowledge that people have of pregnant women, how they begin to crave some unbelievable things and in another moment it`s something else without them even missing...