Health & Wellness

remedies of cough

8 Most Effective Natural Remedy for Cough

See How to Treat Cough Naturally at Home Coughing is an action that is sometimes normal, and in most cases, quite abnormal. A normal cough helps you keep your throat free and clear from phlegm...

All There is to Know About Sorrel

What is Sorrel? I don’t know if someone has ever told you about sorrel leaves before. But I’m pretty sure you would have heard that green leaves are packed full of essential nutrients and all...

List of Super Healthy Foods for You

Some of the Healthiest Foods in the World Almost all foods are healthy for you, and simultaneously, as healthy as they are, they are also tasty. Having a compiled list of the healthiest food in...

See Reasons Why Too Much Sugar Is Bad for You

Health Risks of Excess Sugar Consumption Almost all processed foods and products contain sugars and all sorts of sugar substitutes. Some of the products you even least expect contain sugar. Ranging from your peanut butter...

Delivery Procedures; Benefits and Risks

What Delivery Process is the Best? What matters to a woman in labor is the fact that she wants the whole pain to end as soon as possible so that she can hold her bundle...

Pregnancy Heartburn; Causes and Remedies

See How to Put Out That Heart Fire Pregnancy, as much as it gives you the joy and hopes that you are bringing a little human into the world soon, also comes with certain discomforts...

Ever Heard of Quinoa?

Origin, Health Benefits, and Nutritional Value of Quinoa Quinoa, pronounced "keen-wah," is an ancient grain that was first discovered in South America but was later ignored for a long time. However, recent research brought it...

Tiger nuts are More Powerful than You Know

Tiger Nuts Tiger nuts, also called chufa, yellow nutsedge, or even earth almonds, are not nuts but rather wholesome tubers. They are exactly the size of a chickpea but wrinkly with a sweet, nutty flavor and...
orange daylily

Day Lily: As Healthy as Its Beautiful Name

Day Lily Hemerocallis fulva, often known as tawny daylily and orange day-lily, is a species of daylily that belongs to Liliaceae (Lily family). The plant is indigenous to East Asia, mostly China (Fujian, Guangdong, Anhui,...
lotus plant

Amazing Health Benefits of Lotus Root

About Lotus Root The Lotus Root, which is gotten from the Lotus plant, has been a part of several years of history of numerous Asian countries. In China, for instance, it represents purity, innocence, and...
Fresh Turnip

Importance of Turnip on Your Health

What are Turnips? Turnip (Brassica rapa) is one of the world’s oldest grown vegetables. This purple conical root crop has a pungent taste. It is well known for the nourishment it offers. It is used traditionally for treating...
voodoo lily

What You May Not Have Heard About Konjac

What is konjac? Konjac is a root vegetable crop that looks like an unusually-shaped potato. The bunch of this plant is the part of the plant that germinates underground, containing a soluble fifber known as glucomannan. Its...

Carrots: Health, Hair and Skin Benefits

What Are the Benefits of Carrots? Carrots, scientifically known as Daucus carota is a root vegetable that is crunchy, tasty, and highly nutritious. It is best known to have an orange color, which it gets...

Health Benefits of Taro Roots You Never Had Heard About

What exactly is Taro Root? Taro root (Colocasia esculenta) is a vegetable used in a lot of cuisines globally. It has a moderate, starchy texture, nutty taste, and nutrition benefits that termed it a healthier...
activated charcoal

Why Do We Have Tooth Decay or Cavity, and Can We Treat It?

What is a Cavity? Tooth decay is the loosening of one’s tooth enamel and refers to the injury to the structure of the tooth probably caused by acids that are formed when plaque bacteria disintegrate...

Cause Of Fistula, Prevention, and Cure

Fistula Meaning A fistula is an unusual connection or passageway that links two vessels or organs that should not usually connect. They can occur anywhere between the skin and the intestine, between the rectum and...
Vinegar: Types and Benefits

Glycemic Index; Benefits and Usage

What Is Glycemic Index? The Glycemic index, as alien as it sounds, is a tool that is used to promote and ensure healthy blood sugar management. It helps keep you aware of the composition of...

All You Need to Know About Hernia

What is Hernia? A hernia occurs when an organ forcefully goes through some openings in the muscle or tissue that supports it. For instance, the large and small intestines may break through a damaged area...

Hematochezia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What Is Hematochezia? Hematochezia, also called blood in stool, is a situation whereby there is bleeding around your digestive tract. Having blood in your stool could be normal and the causes are not due to...
woman working out

14 Pre-Workout Nutrition

See Foods You Can Eat Before A Workout Workout is not just about engaging in physical exercises. It is also about what you eat. Food contributes to the progress of the workout, as they provide...