Biotin: The Vitamin That Guarantees Long, Voluminous Lashes


What woman wouldn’t want long, thick, and beautiful eyelashes? Sadly, though, not all of us can be eyelash models; some women naturally have sparse and thin lashes.  According to Dr. Beth Ann Ditkoff, our eyelashes have a relatively short growth cycle, lasting for an estimate of between 30 to 45 days. And in fact, some of the factors that can affect eyelash growth and cause eyelash breakage are certain medications, allergic reactions, radiation from the sun, toxins, persistent rubbing of the eye, thyroid issues, eye infection and some other medical conditions.

Some people are even unaware that genetics predetermine the rate at which our eyelashes grow. Others don’t even know that there are certain nutrients that support eyelash growth. That’s probably why so many are so obsessed with eyelash extensions lashes –long, thick lashes have a way of drawing attention to perfectly accented eyes.

A friend once told me of how she decided on eyelash extensions over all other alternatives. She so loved the experienced of a lush fringe of full but fake eyelashes – and has never looked back. Personally, I know eyelash extensions aren’t definitely for me, and I’ve found out how you’d get them naturally without breaking a sweat.




Natural ways to grow your eyelashes

  • Take care of your overall health

Most importantly, of course, taking care of your overall physical health is essential. Eating the right foods, drinking plenty of water, and exercises – all help to boost overall health, not just eyelash growth. Our skin, hair, nails, and overall demeanor will also thank us.

  • Eat well-balanced diets

A balanced diet, rich in the required nutrients will improve the health of our lashes. Without appropriate nutrition, eyelashes are more likely to be thin, dull and breakable. If you’re wondering where to find these nutrients, they can be found in Greek yoghurt, salmon, meat, lean poultry, guava, spinach, leafy greens, cinnamon, and iron-fortified cereals.

  • Take off your makeup every night

In case you didn’t know –makeup has a way of drying out your eyelashes, making them somewhat soft and more likely to break. Wearing makeup all night can also result in eye irritation or even styes. Okay, styes are pimples that show up on your eyelids, especially around the eyelash line. This is as a result of bacteria and blocked oil glands. In fact, styes can make your eyelashes to begin falling out.

On the contrary, the habit of removing makeup at night can be helpful to your lashes. , To remove oil and makeup, simply use a gentle facial cleanser over your face, including your eyelids. Run the cleanser gently over your eyes. This would keep your eyelids pretty clean. You can also blot away excess makeup with a clean towel.




  • Avoid fake eyelashes and eyelash curlers

Fake eyelashes and eyelash curlers involve some pulling and pressure on your eyelashes. This could make them fall out. Of course, if you must use an eyelash curler, instead of applying pressure, squeeze it gently a few times. Also ensure that you use it before applying mascara to your eyelashes. Applying it on wet eyelashes increases the risk of the lashes sticking to the curler and eventually causing breakage.

Also, note that any mascara that is waterproof can dry out your lashes, and is also more difficult to take off than non-waterproof ones. If you have to struggle to take off your mascara, then you will more likely remove some eyelashes while at it. Better still; opt for mascara with a lash conditioner, instead of regular mascara formula. These new generation mascaras usually contain a special lipid complex or lash conditioners that help in inducing lash growth.

  • Gently massage your eyelids and lash line

One of the no-cost things you can try is regularly sweeping your fingers along the length of your eyelids towards your eye. Doing this will help to keep your pores clean, increase the flow of blood, and encourage lash growth. However, ensure you are applying only gentle pressure to your eyelids while massaging them. Applying hard pressure could hurt your eyeballs or eyelids.

You can massage your eyelids with or without oil. If you decide to use oil, be sure it doesn’t get into your eyes. It’s advisable to also wash your face properly when you’re done. This is to make sure your pores aren’t clogged with oil. A good choice is coconut oil as it has antibacterial properties.

  • Take your vitamins

To grow lush eyelashes, vitamins are a part of this picture, too. Not many of us are privileged to eat a well- balanced diet, and taking a daily dose of vitamin is a way of making up for the nutrients we don’t get. However, the problem is in knowing which vitamins will have a direct impact our eyelashes. More to the point, which vitamins should you take to give you thicker, stronger lashes?

Have you heard of biotin, also known as vitamin H? No? Well, biotin is a B-complex vitamin which helps in improving thin hair, soft nails, and inadequate eyelashes, in addition to the other things it does. For an adult, an “adequate intake” of biotin is 30 mcg daily. Biotin is water-soluble, and is gotten from many foods, including whole grains, bananas, brewers’ yeast, egg yolks, almonds, pecans, and sardines.

However, the best way to get lots of Biotin – enough to affect eyelash growth and thickness – is to take a Biotin supplement.




The Bottom Line

There’s no doubt about it: Having long, thick, lush eyelashes can totally transform your look. So it is understandable that the use of eyelash extensions is on the rise. Of course we know it’s because so many women are now desperate for a solution and have not found a perfect one. However, according to Consumer Reports, the issue with resorting to eyelash extensions is that, there are health risks associated with them that many are not aware of. The desire for lush and gorgeous eyelashes isn’t a bad one, but we shouldn’t put ourselves in danger for it.

One of the many issues connected to cosmetic eyelashes is the use of formaldehyde to bind the eyelashes–this ingredient can result in allergic reactions. Another issue is that eyelash extensions attract dirt and bacteria a lot easier than natural eyelashes. This makes it pretty easy for infections in or around the eye.

It all begins with your diet. By eating biotin-rich foods and or supplements, you’d not only be encouraging eyelash growth but dealing with irritation to the cornea, especially as the cornea has direct contact with the lashes. Biotin also helps to boost metabolism and cell growth. Which, in turn, helps in eyelash growth and prevents lashes from getting brittle and fragile. As a matter of fact, severe biotin deficiency can actually make eyelashes to fall out.