Best Kind of Foods for People with Kidney Disease
About 10% of the world is suffering from kidney disease. Thus it is not a new phenomenon or illness. It is common and can happen to anybody. As small as the kidneys seem, they play very important roles in the human body’s metabolism. They sift out waste products from the body and are also known to be the brain behind the release of hormones that regulate blood pressure. The kidneys also carry out an important function in the production of urine and balancing other body fluids, among other essential tasks.
Some of the risk factors of kidney diseases include;
When blood pressure shoots up and becomes too high, and when the blood sugar gets dangerously high, the blood vessels in the kidneys can be exposed to the risks of getting damaged, thereby reducing the blood vessels’ ability to function properly.
It becomes a problem when the kidneys begin to malfunction or develop certain problems, as waste products that are supposed to leave the body begin to build up or get accumulated within the body.
Thus, it is usually the case that people with kidney diseases stick to a particular pattern of feeding and also to certain kinds of special foods.
Kidney Disease and Its Special Diet
The degree of restrictions you get on what to and what not to eat depends on the degree of the damage to your kidneys. For instance, people who are in their early stages of kidney disease tend to get lesser dietary restrictions compared to those who have acute kidney failure, which is also known as end-stage renal disease.
If you happen to have any form of kidney disease, your Doctor can determine or suggest the best diet for your condition, depending on the stage or degree of your kidney damage.
However, for those who are suffering from advanced-stage kidney damages, it is advisable to follow a diet that would beat down the amount and production of waste in the body. In the medical field, it is called a renal diet.
The renal diet is famous for its ability to prevent the kidney from more damage and also boost the functions of the kidney.
As much as dietary restriction for kidney damage vary, it is important to note that people who have been diagnosed with kidney condition should monitor or restrict their consumption of foods that contain the following nutrients;
- Sodium; Sodium is common in salt. A damaged kidney no longer has the ability to filter excess sodium in the body. When sodium contents get accumulated in the blood, the blood pressure begins to rise, leading to more health complications.
- Potassium; As much as potassium plays a vital role in the body generally, its intake should be restricted in people with kidney damage.
- Phosphorus; Phosphorus is an indispensable mineral in the body that is required for the proper functioning of the body organs. However, since a damaged kidney cannot get rid of excess phosphorus from the blood, it is important to eat foods that contain phosphorus with caution, as it can cause more harm to the body.
- Protein; Another thing people with kidney disease may want to restrict their consumption is protein, as the wastes accumulated from protein metabolism cannot be filtered out by a damaged kidney. Nevertheless, on the other hand, those who are diagnosed with advanced-stage kidney disease and are undergoing dialysis may need more protein. This is why it is important to speak to your medical health provider about the diet that suits your condition, as there are varying diet requirements for varying stages of kidney disease.
Above all, all kidney disease-friendly diets have low sodium, phosphorus, and potassium contents.
The best kind of foods for kidney disease patients include;
Cauliflower is packed with essential vitamins and minerals that are kidney disease-friendly. It also contains indoles- an anti-inflammatory compound and also a great source of fiber. It can be used as a healthy potato substitute; in case you need a low potassium diet.
Berries have been found over the years to be the best sources of antioxidants. These antioxidants help protect vital organs of the body from developing issues and unfavorable health conditions like diabetes, cognitive decline, heart diseases, and cancer. They have low sodium, potassium, and phosphorus contents.
Sea Bass
Sea bass is packed with high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, which are known to be effective in the reduction of inflammation, reduction of certain other health conditions like anxiety and depression, cognitive decline, and so on. Sea bass has low phosphorus content compared to other fishes. This makes it a wholesome addition to your kidney-friendly diet.
Red Grapes
As tiny as they are, red grapes provide a ton of nutritional benefits. They contain vitamins and flavonoids- a compound that is known to reduce inflammation. This flavonoid is also effective in the protection of the heart as well as other organs of the body from developing severe conditions like cognitive decline and diabetes.
Egg Whites

As nutritious and delicious as egg yolks are, they are not healthy for kidney disease patients. They contain high amounts of phosphorus. This is why it is expedient to opt for the egg white rather than the egg yolk as a kidney disease patient. According to research, egg white is a great diet choice for people who are undergoing dialysis.
Garlic is a healthy salt alternative. Since sodium which is found in salt, is a no-no for people with kidney disease. Garlic can easily substitute salt by providing flavor to foods. It also contains vitamins and anti-inflammatory properties.
Naturally, whole grains are known to be high in phosphorus. However, buckwheat is different. Buckwheat is rich in vitamins and certain minerals like iron, magnesium, and fiber. All these make buckwheat nutritious and healthy for kidney disease patients.
Olive Oil
Olive oil contains little or no phosphorus at all and is a healthy dietary oil for the preparation of kidney disease-friendly meals. It also contains healthy fats that have anti-inflammatory properties.
Cabbage is packed with nutritious vitamins and minerals as well as other effective plant compounds. It contains fiber and aids easy bowel movement.
Skinless Chicken
Chicken skin contains phosphorus, sodium, and calcium compared to skinless ones. If you must eat chicken as a kidney disease patient, ensure that you eat one that has its skin removed.
Bell Peppers
Bell peppers contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals but are low on some kinds of minerals like phosphorus and potassium. They are vitamin C rich and contain reasonable amounts of vitamin A, which is a healthy vitamin that ensures the proper functioning of the immune system, which is usually tampered with within people with kidney disease.
Onions provide sweet flavor to your diet. Using onions with olive oil and garlic in the preparation of your diets will help add flavor to your dishes without conflicting with your health condition.
Fruits like kiwis, oranges, and bananas have high potassium contents, while pineapple, on the other hand, has low potassium contents and is also delicious and healthy for those with kidney disease. Pineapple is rich in fiber, manganese, vitamin C, as well as other enzymes that reduce inflammation.
Cranberries are healthy berries that protect vital organs like the kidney and urinary tract. It prevents the accumulation or sticking of bacteria along the urinary tract. This is quite beneficial to kidney disease patients as they have high tendencies to develop urinary tract infections. They have low potassium, sodium, and phosphorus contents.
Shiitake Mushrooms
These mushrooms are meaty and can be used as plant-based meats and meat substitutes for those whose condition of kidney disease does not require the intake of proteins. They contain essential vitamins like manganese, selenium, and copper. They also provide healthy fiber and plant-based protein.
In conclusion, picking any of these kidney-friendly foods is a healthy choice for people with kidney diseases that require a renal diet. As good as these diets are, it is important to discuss with a medical professional to ensure that you are adopting the best diet or combination of kidney disease-friendly foods that suit your condition. Restrictions on diets in kidney disease cases depend largely on the degree or stage of the damage to the kidney, as well as on the kind of treatment or procedures adopted to manage it.