Benefits and Side Effects of Mineral Water


What Is Mineral Water?

Gotten from natural springs and underground reservoirs, mineral water is rich in essential nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, and sodium. It also possesses some therapeutic properties. It also improves digestive, bone, and heart health, and lowers blood pressure.

So how is mineral water different from regular water? Mineral water is more acidic than water gotten from the tap. It has a sour taste, owing to the presence of carbonic acid. Both types of water, however, contain minerals and undergo processing. Mineral water contains added minerals or dissolved substances that change its taste. The mineral content in mineral water include chlorine, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and sulfur. The processing that mineral water undergoes removes bacteria and other toxic substances. Tap water, on the other hand, is treated with chlorine and undergoes a chemical disinfection process in the water treatment plant before getting delivered to households through pipes. Some minerals in the tap water can corrode pipes and pollute drinking water.

Health Benefits of Mineral Water

Rich in Magnesium

Mineral water is a rich source of magnesium which is required for regulating bodily functions such as controlling blood glucose levels, nerve function, and regulating blood pressure. the magnesium content in mineral water is usually dependent on the source. The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for magnesium are 310-320 mg for adult women, 350-400 mg for pregnant women, 310-360 mg for lactating women, and 400-420 mg for adult men. Did you know that magnesium deficiency may cause muscle weakness, tremors, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, and vertigo, migraines, osteoporosis, seizures, hearing loss, and irregular heartbeat?

Improves Bone Health

Calcium is an essential mineral in bone development. The calcium content in mineral water strengthens bones, teeth, and nails. What`s more? Postmenopausal women who consume calcium regularly enjoy an increase in bone mineral density.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Mineral water is rich in calcium and magnesium, making it beneficial for people with high blood pressure. People who are deficient in magnesium and calcium are at higher risks of hypertension because both minerals are required in the electrolytic process of the brain and body. Maintaining an electrolytic balance is vital for hydration, blood pressure, and circulation.

Enhances Digestive Health

Mineral water contains sodium sulfate and magnesium sulfate that improve bowel movement frequency and stool consistency during constipation. People who consume mineral water regularly are less likely yo suffer constipation and other digestion issues.

Promotes Heart Health

Did you know that sodium bi-carbonate mineral water affects triacylglycerol metabolism and cholesterol after meals? Postmenopausal women who consume carbonated mineral water experience a decrease in total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels, thereby reducing their risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Great for Skin Health

A picture of a lady with beautiful skinMineral water is a fresh source of skin-friendly silica particles, and silica is sure great for skin health. It triggers the production of collagen, thereby reducing dark spots, wrinkles, and dullness. Silica deficiency could lead to skin aging.

Prevents Muscle Cramps

Mineral water prevents the loss of fluids and electrolytes during and after exercise. Its magnesium content particularly helps athletes maintain performance by preventing muscle cramps.

Prevents Excessive Sweet Craving

Mineral water`s magnesium content intensifies the sensitivity of the insulin hormone and improves the blood sugar balance.

Good for Rheumatism

Mineral water reduces inflammation, and as a result, combats rheumatism and arthritis.

Protects the Kidneys

Mineral water contains bicarbonate, potassium, chloride, and sodium electrolytes that prevent dehydration and ensure water absorption, thereby reducing the risk of kidney stones and calcium oxalate concentration.

Replenishes Fluids and Electrolytes

Electrolytes in bodily fluids are essential for regulating heart, nerve, and muscle functions. You may drink some mineral water to make up for fluids and electrolytes that you lose through sweat on hot summer days, thanks to its chloride, potassium, sodium, and bicarbonate content.

Regulates Body Fat

Asides being fat-free, mineral water ensures fat breakdown and is a perfect choice for weight management.

5 Side Effects of Mineral Water

Mineral water is generally safe to drink, however, excessive intake has its disadvantages. Let`s discuss five of them.

Risk of Microplastics

People who consume water sold in plastic bottles are at risk of ingesting microplastics. Some studies show that people who drink water in plastic bottles regularly may consume 90,000 more microplastic particles a year than those who drink only tap water.

Risk of Hiccups

Regular consumption of carbonated water may put you at risk of hiccups, bloating, and indigestion, owing to its carbonic acid content.

Environmental Hazards

Pollution from plastic water bottles is dangerous to the environment. Treating tap water with domestic reverse osmosis equipment is a more environment-friendly option.

May Damage Teeth

types of teethMineral water can damage the enamel on the teeth more than tap water does, but not as much as soft drinks. This potential damage to the teeth is a result of its acidic level.

High Sodium Content

Some brands of mineral water contain too much sodium, especially for people who should be on a low sodium diet. If you fall in this category, you might need to speak with your doctor to pick an appropriate brand for you.

Other Types of Water

Having done an extensive discourse on mineral water, let`s look into other types of water.

Filtered Water

Filtered water is tap water that runs through a carbon water filter to remove chlorine. The number of minerals in it is dependent on the tap water source. Filtered water is what you’d usually find at grocery stores.

Spring Water

Spring water comes from an underground source. It could be treated and may contain minerals. It`s usually packaged as bottled water and common at grocery stores.

Purified Water

Plain water is generally referred to as purified water because it is devoid of contaminants. The purification process could be through deionization, distillation, and carbon filtration. Reverse osmosis water is one of the most popular types of purified water.

Alkaline Water

Alkaline water is water that passes over rocks and picks up minerals that give the water a higher pH than regular drinking water. There are speculations that this alkalinity neutralizes acid and enriches the body in certain ways. The main difference between mineral water and alkaline water is the source of the minerals. For the former, the minerals are naturally present in the source, however, producers of alkaline water may add minerals through a process called electrolysis.

Electrolyte Water

Electrolytes are minerals that conduct electricity like magnesium, sodium, and potassium. It`s particularly great for athletes to help them retain fluid after a long workout.

Interesting Water Facts

  • There are about 1.5 billion cubic kilometers of water on earth, equating to about 800 trillion Olympic-size swimming pools.
  • 97% of the earth’s water is salty.
  • After the hydrogen gas, H2, water is the second most common molecule in the universe.
  • Just as there is ice on the poles of the moon, so it is on the poles of Mercury and Mars.
  • On average, every human being drinks about 1000 liters of water a year.
  • Water expands when it freezes.
  • The entire US uses approximately 400 billion gallons of water daily.
  • The freezing point of water lowers as the amount of salt dissolved in at increases.
  • For a five-minute shower, you use about 200 liters of water, and 8 liters to flush a toilet, just about the same quantity you use to brush your teeth.