Amazing Health Benefits of Stone Breaker

Stone Breaker

What is a Stone Breaker?

Stone breaker is an English name given to the Phyllanthus Niruri plant- it belongs to the family of Phyllanthaceae. Its other names include:

  • Seed-under-leaf
  • Gale of the wind
  • Chania piedra
  • Chance Pierre
  • Quebra Pedra
  • Quinine Weed

It is a beneficial plant that has played a significant role as a herbal supplement. Stone breaker is a tropical plant commonly found in humid climates. It can grow to about 65cm tall with smooth green bark and grows pale green flowers with tiny fruit capsules containing seeds underneath the leaves. Hence, the name “seed-under-leaf.”

Stone breakers have traditionally been used as medicines to cure a series of ailments. It is commonly known for its treatment of kidney stones. Likewise, it helps with the body’s digestive system and other metabolic requirements. The entire parts of this plant, including the leaf, branches, fruits, and roots, are used as medicines.

Stone breaker contains chemical constituents which answer for its effectiveness in health. These chemicals are tannins, alkaloids, coumarins, flavonoids, and lignans.

Globally, the use of stone breakers has not yet been approved due to the limited research on it, but it is a herbal plant that has considerable potential in the world of medicine.

This article will provide you with the health benefits, the side effects, and how to use the Phyllanthus Niruri plant with the necessary precautions.

What Are the Health Benefits of Stone Breakers?

Research and studies have revealed the benefits of stone breaker herb to human health.

Kidney Stones Treatment

Stone breaker earned its name from its special ability to cure kidney stones: it is a highly recommended herb that disrupts the formation of kidney stones. Kidney stone occurs from the build-up of urinary waste products in the kidney- uric acid. Fortunately, the stone breaker’s alkalinity reduces your kidney’s high acidity.

Likewise, after a short wave treatment is done to break the stones (lithotripsy), the plant can be used as a supportive drug to remove the stones through urine. It also gets rid of potassium and magnesium through the urine. The relaxing effect of the stone breaker plant relaxes the urinary tubules (ureter) for easy expulsion of the stones.

It is advisable to consider a stone breaker as a choice for kidney stone treatment.

Hepatitis B Treatment

The liver is an important metabolic organ in the body that must stay healthy. Hepatitis B is a critical viral infection that must be treated and managed by a licensed health practitioner to avoid worsening the disease.

Stone breaker is a good remedy to treat liver diseases. It prevents the cellular damage caused by free radicals.

The plant contains lignan chemical, which reduces the replication- growth of the virus cell. In addition, hepatitis B can worsen into liver cancer or liver cirrhosis.

Stomach Ulcer Treatment and Digestive System Management

The development of an ulcer in the stomach is caused by a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori which is responsible for the reported cases of stomach disorders, which can extend into dysplasia and metaplasia- abnormal tissue development, commonly found in adults. Stomach ulcers can develop into stomach cancer.

tummy achesTaking stone breakers aids the secretion of bile, which helps to eliminate toxins in your body and the emulsification of fat. It reduces the development of ulcers in your system and allows the peristaltic movement of food in your digestive system. So, harness your digestive health with a stone breaker.


The accumulation of sodium is detrimental to your health, though it is essential for most biological activities. Excess sodium can result in cardiovascular disease, kidney stones, osteoporosis, and enlarged cardiac muscle.

A good reason why you must take a stone breaker is the ability to manage your sodium level through frequent urination. Traditionally, it is considered good medicine for diuresis. Likewise, it helps to get rid of waste products in your body.

Using stone breakers to treat varieties of illnesses must be taken with the intention of your healthcare provider. Due to the limited research and studies, there are a few limitations to its effectiveness for some medical conditions.

What Are the Side Effects of Stone Breaker?

The active substance- composition in stone breaker has recommended it as an effective medicinal herb. This herb must be verified by a qualified health provider before use.

The series of research has mostly been done on smaller animals which cannot be used as a good comparison to the complex body composition of the human body. So, more scientific evidence is required to harness more of its benefits.

The use of stone breakers is considered safe when taken orally. Ever since it has been of use in the world of medicine, there have been records of reported adverse effects.

These effects are abdominal pain, problems with urination, and nausea. Likewise, stone breakers as a diuretic can lead to excessive urination, which can eventually result in traces of blood in the urines and excess removal of electrolytes.

Also, the side effects can cause slight disorders in the cardiovascular system resulting in unusual heartbeats. More to it, before you administer any form of drug or medicine, ensure you seek medical advice.

Precautions I Should Take:

Instructions should be followed before taking it. The use of stone breakers can lead to complications that can be a result of its interaction with other supplements or drugs.

Stone breaker affects the blood clotting factor resulting in a bleeding disorder. Most especially, before surgery or labor, it is advisable to stop the intake a few weeks before.

Furthermore, it performs a high anti-hypertensive action which reduces blood pressure.

Likewise, it is an effective medicine for blood sugar management, whereas it can reduce your blood sugar level to a lower level which can develop into hypoglycemia. Stone breakers inhibit the secretion of insulin, leading to hormonal imbalance.

Precautions should be taken to avoid taking stone breaker medicine with anti-diabetic,anti-hypertensive, or anti-coagulation drugs.

How Many Doses Should I Take?

Due to the limited scientific evidence on stone breakers, the specific amounts to be used have not yet been discovered, but the dose intake must be moderate. However, future discoveries would come with a handful of evidence.

The processed products of stone breakers come with their instructions for safe consumption- stone breaker juice, tea, capsules, and root powder.

  • Processed Juice -10 to 25ml thrice daily
  • Processed tea -40 to 50ml every morning
  • Processed root powder -12g per day

There’s a do-it-yourself method you can try out at the convenience of your home. This method is helpful and convenient.

Firstly, ensure you get your stone breaker plant ready- that is the main ingredient. Pick out the leaves and get your boiled water ready- the use of boiling water on stone breaker tea depends on the temperature of the water and the time the leaves spend in the water. Soak in your leaves and wait a little while for your stone breaker tea which must be preferably taken every morning.

Take Home:

Stone breaker is known for its ability to get rid of toxins in your body, which has earned it its good status. Other plants that also help to detoxify the body are:


This is the best herb mostly recommended to embark on a detoxification journey. It keeps the liver healthy and supports a good digestive system.

Red Clover

It is an excellent choice for healthy skin. It contains essential vitamins and helps get rid of harmful substances in the body.


This plant is a better herb for rejuvenating your body. It plays an integral function in maintaining overall health.


It is said to be an effective medicine for cellular metabolism. Taking moringa promises healthy skin, nails, and hair. Embarking on a detoxifying routine with moringa would be a good choice.

Green Tea

MatchaThe content present in green tea supports your liver’s health. Also, it regulates your blood sugar level and sugar intake, thereby considering it a good option for weight management. Grab a green tea today.


In conclusion, the stone breaker herb is a beneficial plant that promotes metabolic activities in the body. It must be well monitored before taking it with other supplements or drugs.

The stone breaker should be taken with a recommendation from your doctor or health providers. I believe this article has provided you with useful pieces of information about stone breakers. So, the ball is really in your court to either take a stone breaker or not. Your wellness is your responsibility. Stay safe.