Amazing Anti-Inflammation Supplements

Anti-Inflammation Supplements

Supplements That Combat Inflammation

Inflammation is the message your body sends to you when you are stressed or have faced trauma. This kind of inflammation is called short-term inflammation. Long-term inflammation occurs when you follow a poor diet and lead an unhealthy lifestyle such as smoking, poor physical exercise, and poor sleep. This kind of inflammation is usually severe, and in most cases, medical professionals refer to it as chronic and can lead to health problems.

Fortunately, following a healthy Anti-Inflammation diet can help reverse the effects of inflammation on your health. Also, getting accustomed to healthy lifestyles like getting adequate sleep, avoiding alcohol and heavy smoking, good physical exercise, and proper stress management would help reduce your chances of having inflammation.

In addition, there are supplements that have also been found to help improve the condition of people who constantly experience inflammation, either as a result of stress, poor diet, or poor lifestyle habits. These are supplements that have been found to be effective in improving conditions caused by inflammation as well as eliminating the inflammation itself.


Curcumin is usually present in almost all kitchen spices. It is most common in Indian foods. One of the kitchen spices that is packed with curcumin is turmeric, which is known for its beautiful and golden yellow hue. Apart from being a kitchen spice, it also serves medicinal purposes. Some of which include the reduction of the inflammation triggered by certain illnesses like heart diseases, diabetes, cancer, among others. It is also efficacious in reducing the inflammation that comes with joint conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid, thereby improving the symptoms of these health conditions.

Research carried out on cancer patients showed that when given 150 mg of curcumin, they experienced an advancement in the quality of their lives due to the reduced inflammatory markers caused by the curcumin they consumed.

Curcumin might be difficult for the body to absorb. However, experts have found that combining it with black pepper will help speed up the absorption process. Thus, when you want to treat an inflammation using curcumin, ensure you mix your turmeric (the hub of curcumin) with black pepper for better results.

In addition, the required daily intake of curcumin is 500 mg, no more, no Les. Taking too much can usher in side effects like nausea and vomiting.

Fish Oil

Fish oil are healthy oils that are rich in fatty acids like omega 3 and omega 6, both of which are essential for good health. They are effective in the reduction of the inflammation caused by illnesses like heart diseases, diabetes among others. They both contain properties that can help improve gut health, reduce your muscles’ tendency of experiencing damages after physical exercises, as well as the inflammation that comes after exercises. Fish oils are not only healthy for everyone, but they have also shown promising results in improving the lives of people living with certain severe illnesses.

On the flip side, as healthy as they seem, taking too much can lead to side effects that cause discomfort. Thus, it is advisable to evade taking too much. Excessive usage can lead to stomach upset. Also, if you are under any medication like blood thinners or have any illness, it is best to take fish oil under your doctor’s supervision.


Ginger is a root, and just like turmeric, it is used to add flavor and spice to foods. It is one of those are long spices that serve both culinary functions and herbal functions. People in ancient times used ginger to treat various illnesses, courtesy of its anti-inflammatory properties. It is mostly used to treat nausea, especially in pregnant women.

Ginger is packed with properties like zingerone and gingerol, both of which are effective in tamping down the inflammation that has been triggered by some illnesses like type 2 diabetes. People who consume ginger in moderate amounts daily might experience deregulated blood sugar, as well as a reduced rate of inflammatory markers.

gingerNo known side effects have been attached to ginger. However, it is best to talk to your doctor before taking or using ginger supplements if you have any health condition or if you are on any medication, especially blood-thinning medications.


Resveratrol is usually found in plants, especially in berries and grapes. Studies showed that plants that produce fruits that are purple in color or have several touches of purple may have the resveratrol antioxidant in them. Studies carried out on people with severe health conditions and were placed on diets that are rich with this antioxidant showed positive results. They experienced an improved quality of life, beginning with the improvement of their symptoms. More studies showed that resveratrol reduced inflammatory and its markers in people who are obese. This is because it is associated with the burning of fats and calories. Thus, you are an instant customer of inflammatory. Try to lace your diet with foods and fruits that are packed with this antioxidant, as they will not only help improve your symptoms but also improve the quality of your life.

Note that you have to inform your doctor before using resveratrol if you have any health condition or if you are medications like blood thinners.


People sometimes get confused about what spirulina is, whether it is a plant-based or animal-based food. However, be it as it may, spirulina has strong antioxidant properties that can fend off and reduce cases of inflammation significantly. Coupled with this, it also helps reduce the aches and pains that come with old age, as well as the boosting of the immune system to prevent those illnesses.

Due to its powdered form, people add spirulina to their drinks, salads, and smoothies. Taking nothing more than. 8 grams per day is safe enough for you. Before using spirulina for inflammation, ensure you do not have any autoimmune illness, as using spirulina with this health condition can be dangerous.

Vitamin D

Vitamin is packed with anti-inflammatory properties. Asides from this, it helps in the absorption of calcium and also boosts the immune system. According to research, there is a stronger connection between vitamin D and the improvement of inflammation. Thus, when you feel stressed and tired from work or if you are suffering from any health condition that can trigger inflammation, get yourself a vitamin D supplement to help you eliminate inflammatory markers, as well as improve your symptoms.

Vitamin D is healthy and does not really have any specific dosage. However, taking it in moderate amounts is key, as heavy usage can cause toxicity.


Bromelin is commonly found in pineapples. In fact, it is the culprit behind why pineapples burn your mouth when you eat too much of them. Although that might have sounded unpleasant. However, it is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. Although, research has found that these properties are not effective in all inflammatory cases, as people with denture illnesses might not experience improvement in their condition if they take bromelain supplements to treat inflammation. Just like vitamin D, there are no specific dosage plans for bromelain. Also, there are no noticeable side effects of bromelain.

Green Tea

Green tea, just like ginger, is an ancient herb used by the ancients in the treatment of various health conditions. It is a multi-purpose herb that gives answers to almost all their health problems. Just as it was effective in ancient times, so also it is now. Green tea extracts are packed with properties that can improve general health, help improve symptoms, boost the immune system and improve the quality of life of its consumer.

A picture of a man holding his left chest regionThe health benefit for which it is commonly known is its high anti-inflammatory effects. Taking green tea after a strenuous exercise session can help reduce cases of inflammation. It combats inflammation by eliminating free radicals that cause oxidative damages in the body. With this, there would be little or no cases of illnesses like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and so on.

Or green tea extract, there is no special dosage, as just like other supplements, it is natural. However, use it with caution and in moderate amounts, especially under the supervision and advice of your doctor.


In conclusion, inflammation is a sign of stress or illness in the body. When you do not pay attention to these symptoms, they will weigh you down, especially when they are triggered by severe health conditions.