It is important that pregnant women consume diets that are richly loaded with lots of nutrients. This benefits the fetus, reducing risks of congenital diseases, and promotes their overall wellbeing throughout the pregnancy. Ginger is one of the healthy foods recommended to pregnant women because it`s got lots of vitamins and minerals that combat complications during pregnancy. Whether it is sprinkled into foods or its paste is infused into recipes, or even taken in form of tea, ginger remains a superfood. Its zesty flavor relieves the urge of constant vomit and nausea; both of which are health issues common with expectant mothers.
Nutritional Value of Ginger
A piece of ginger contains these nutrients:
- Carbohydrates: 77 g
- Choline: 8 mg
- Copper: 226 mg
- Iron: 60 mg
- Manganese: 229 mg
- Niacin: 750 mg
- Pantothenic acid: 203 mg
- Protein: 82 g
- Riboflavin: 034 mg
- Selenium: 7 mcg
- Sugar: 70 g
- Thiamin: 025 mg
- Zinc: 34 mg
Benefits of Eating Ginger During Pregnancy
Regulating Cholesterol Levels
It is healthy to keep balanced cholesterol levels during pregnancy to avoid health complications. Asides regulating cholesterol levels ginger alleviates the risks of high cholesterol throughout pregnancy.
Preventing Cough and Cold
Expectant mothers tend to be vulnerable to ailments such as a cough, cold, fever, or nausea due to the slow functioning of the immune system. This can be overcome by drinking some ginger tea. Nutrients such as magnesium, folate, choline, are essential to boost immunity that aids in quick recovery. Ginger has got these nutrients and can deliver wonderfully.
It Prevents Morning Sickness
Morning sickness and dizziness are associated with pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. Some relief can be got by consuming ginger. Simply include ginger tea into your diet to combat morning sickness and nausea.
Preventing Heartburn
A number of women experience heartburn during pregnancy. Heartburn can be treated naturally by drinking a warm cup of tea made with fresh ginger and honey between meals. Ginger and honey have got healing and soothing qualities that eliminate factors that contribute to heartburn.
Dealing with Bloating
Pregnant women often have to deal with bloating. It occurs when slow digestion prevents the fetus from absorbing nutrients. This can be a severe problem, as insufficient nutrients can contribute to congenital diseases in the fetus. Ginger alleviates digestion problems and neutralizes bloating. It can be consumed with honey.
Enhancing Proper Blood Supply
Ginger is needed for proper blood circulation. An adequate consumption of ginger also helps supply the required amount of blood to the fetus for healthy development.
Controlling Blood Sugar Levels
Pregnant women are likely to have glucose spikes due to sweet cravings because ginger has the potential to regulate glucose in the bloodstream. When consumed regularly, ginger maintains sugar levels that keep mother and the fetus healthy. It also balances energy levels, preventing frequent exhaustion, fatigue, and dizziness. Moderation is however key.
Treating Inflammation
Pregnant women have o deal with inflammation and swelling throughout their period of pregnancy. These can be effectively treated by consuming a moderate quantity of ginger. You can also consume ginger tea in this regard. When the swelling or inflammation is severe, consulting a doctor may be more appropriate.
Relief for Tired Muscles
Ginger relieves aching bones and muscles of pregnant mothers. A cup of warm ginger tea also relieves sore feet.
Supplying Nutrients to Fetus
The components in ginger enhance the transfer of nutrients obtained from food to the fetus. They also support the proper absorption of the nutrients.
Enhancing Digestion
Ginger is bursting with phenolic compounds which are essential to fight gastrointestinal irritation. These compounds also enhance the stimulation of bile and saliva production during pregnancy. Ginger also contains enzymes that help relieve constipation.
Strengthening the Immune System
Ginger is a powerhouse of iron and antioxidants. Both nutrients improve the functioning of the immune system. When adequate levels of ginger are added a pregnant woman`s diet, the nutrients function to strengthen the immune system of an unborn baby, and this is necessary to prevent congenital diseases.
Reducing Body Pain
Pain in regions such as the joints and lower back is common with expectant mothers. Ginger is effective here, as it balances hormonal levels, drastically reducing such pains.
Ginger Facts!
- Ginger is a knobby, fibrous root, which has smooth, light brown skin with a sheen to it. The root has got a white flesh, and it seasons and flavors sweets, cakes, breads, cookies, and beverages. It also seasons sauces, and fruit dishes, as used in Asian cooking.
- After ginger was first introduced in Europe at about 800 AD, it ranked second to pepper as a spice for centuries.
- Chinese cooks use ginger with beef, while European chefs use it to add some flavor to fresh fruit salads and carrot soup.
- English make candied ginger and ginger jam, then dry it to be ground and use as a condiment.
- Ginger was used in ancient times as a food preservative, and to treat digestive problems. For the latter, the Greeks ate ginger wrapped in bread. Eventually, ginger was added to the bread dough, and that brought about gingerbread.
- Ginger stimulates gastric juices, and provide warming and soothing effects for colds and coughs.
- Ginger root should be kept in a cool, dry place, at about 40 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Ginger may be refrigerated in a plаstic wrаp for up to a week after purchase.
- For longer storage, ginger root could be peeled and covered with sherry wine before refrigeration. It can also be frozen for about three months.
- Ginger is available year-round.
- Ginger ale resulted from a ginger beer made by the English and Colonial America as a remedy for diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
- Ginger thrives in the tropics and warmer regions, hence, currently grown in parts of West Africa, India, China, and the West Indies.
- The best quality ginger comes from Jamaica where it is most abundant. In the United States, ginger is grown in Hawaii, Florida, and along the eastern coast of Texas.
- Gingеr tеа alleviates nausea in chemotherapy patients because its natural properties don’t interact negatively with other medications.
- Ginger prevents certain forms of cancer.
- The robust firm gingerroots with a spicy fragrance and smooth skin are more preferable. Also, gingerroot should not be cracked or withered.
- The aromatic rhizome of the ginger plant is used in food preparation and as medicine in southeastern Asia.
- The Chinese dry ginger and sell it as green ginger.
- Black ginger is first scalded, then dried.
- Fresh ginger is quite lovely. Its thin skin can be scraped with the back of a spoon and then cut, grated or pounded. It’s great in soups, sauces, and stews.
- Ginger has a sweet, spicy and pungent flavor, making it suitable in a range of dishes.
- Ginger ale, ginger beer, and ginger wine are flavored with ginger.
- The ginger root is not a root, but a rhizome.
- The ginger plant is approximately 30 – 60 cm tall and is extremely rare to find in the wild.
- The major producers of ginger are China, Brazil, Jamaica, and Nigeria.
Side Effects of Ginger
Even though ginger has a number of benefits for pregnant women, it is important to note that this herb has got some side effects as well.
- A voluminous consumption of ginger can increase the risk of miscarriage, especially when the dosage is above 1500 mg per day.
- When ginger supplements are taken in large doses, they could cause miscarriage and other complications.