Bugleweed is an uncommon perennial plant that generally grows in damp areas. It is an amazing herb that is loaded with lots of phytochemical compounds, including caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, lithospermic acid, rosmarinic acid, ellagic acid, lycopene as well as tannins. In ancient times, the herb was used as a natural remedy for thyroid, respiratory disorders, cough and even as a natural narcotic.
Bugleweed contains some of the most interesting health benefits which include its effectiveness in regulating sleep patterns, improving respiratory conditions, balancing hormones, protecting the heart, alleviating anxiety, accelerating healing, and improving overall health.
Now, let’s take a closer look at the several health benefits of bugleweed include:
Regulates Thyroid Levels
According to some studies, an infusion done with the leaves of Bugle can control the activities of the thyroid gland. The herb prevents the synthesis of the excess thyroid hormone, relieving and inhibiting hyperthyroidism and other related unwanted impacts.
Improves Heart Health
Bugleweed is very potent due to its heart-toning components. In fact, it aids in improving the heartbeat rate by preventing palpitations. The herb is also effective in treating Graves’ disease, a health condition where heartbeat spirals out of control, causing short breath.
Aids in Digestion
The herb is a natural tonic for the body as it helps to relieve stomach problems. It controls appetite and aids in digestion. It also relieves irritation caused diarrhea, promoting an accelerated recovery from diarrhea. As a matter of fact, Bugle tea helps in treating certain stomach problems such as dyspepsia and indigestion as well as gastritis and enteritis.
Promotes Weight Loss
Since Bugleweed is low in calories and high in hypoglycemic properties, it is effective as a weight loss tool. The herb is also effective in preventing excessive craving for food and curbing overeating.
Prevents Excessive Blood Loss
Bugle is popular for reducing the risks of hemorrhoids and even nosebleeds. Bugle tea is also known for preventing bleeding during urination.
Relieves Respiratory Problems
The herb is a potent expectorant and contains anti-tussive abilities. This makes it an effective treatment option for a cough and other respiratory problems. A cup of warm bugleweed tea can unclog the respiratory system, relax the mucous membranes, and speed up recovery.
Treats Tuberculosis
Bugleweed is an effective herbal cure for tuberculosis, particularly in situations where the TB sufferer also experiences palpitations, tenderness in the chest, and heart debility.
Great for Dysuria
Dysuria is a health condition where urination comes with chronic pain. However, with bugleweed being a natural diuretic agent, it helps to soothe the muscles of the urinary tract, relieving the pain that accompanies this condition.
Curbs Stress and Depression
The herb is known for its anti-anxiety properties as well as its high antioxidants content. These properties work together to eliminate the free radicals that are responsible for stress and depression. Bugleweed is also a well-known natural sedative and so is an effective remedy option for insomnia, anxiety, stress, and depression.
Regulates Blood Pressure Levels
Bugleweed is an anti-hypotensive and anti-hypertensive agent. It protects the body from the side effects of both low and high blood pressure.
Enhances Skin Appearance
Since ancient times, the herb extract, known as gypsies, has been used to enhance the complexion and as a cosmetic. However, it is important to note that even with the glowing reviews of bugle as a cosmetic, no studies have been conducted to confirm its cosmetic abilities.
Relieves Menstrual Cramps
According to some studies, this herb is effective in helping women who suffer from serious premenstrual disorders. Bugleweed eases the tension, stress, and anxiety women experience during menstruation by improving blood flow. The herb is also effective for reducing the pain in the breasts during the pre-menstrual stage. Yes, Bugle helps to give women a seamless menstruation period by relieving cramps.
Women, who are trying to wean their babies off breast milk one, can use the herb as it is known to reduce and even suppress breast milk production.
Speeds up Healing
When bugleweed is applied topically to wounds or burns, it speeds up healing. In fact, a decoction of the leaves and flowers of bugleweed in wine can be used to dissolve blood clots that are caused by bruises. It naturally curbs excess loss of blood, allowing for a faster healing process.
Manages Type 2 Diabetes
Due to its hypoglycemic properties, bugleweed is effective in lowering blood sugar levels. It also helps in relieving the pain and contraction that characterizes Type 2 diabetes.
Natural Antipyretic Agent
Bugleweed has always been used as a viable treatment option for high fever, particularly if it comes with nosebleeds. It also relaxes the tensed nervous system and helps bring down the high temperature that accompanies fever.
Side Effects and Precautions
Just like other herbs, bugle can also have adverse effects on the body. It is, therefore, vital to know of these side effects and use the herb safely.
Bugleweed contains hypoglycemic properties and so it is advisable that diabetics check with their doctor before using this herb. This is because, when used along with the prescribed drugs, the herb can significantly reduce the sugar levels in the body.
Bugle is not recommended for people who suffer from hypothyroidism. Pregnant women and lactating mothers should steer clear of this herb as currently, no available scientific evidence supports its use in cases like these.
Whatever your reason for wanting to try out bugleweed, consult with your doctor before using the herb. This is to prevent the negative effects of the herb on your health.