Here’s why you should Breastfeed

new mom

How do we even begin to discuss the ever-wonderful benefits of breastfeeding, and how vital it is to babies and the mothers? Breastfeeding ensures the maintenance of a healthy weight, brain development, abundance of antibodies which help to treat various illnesses such as intestinal tissue damage, respiratory tract infection, cold, middle ear infection,  celiac disease, leukemia, gut infection and many others. We haven’t even mentioned benefits such as its ability to lower the risk of infections, and its bone-strengthening effect. Breast milk contains lots of nutrients that promote a baby’s health and prevent various infections, ensuring a healthy growth. What’s more?  Breastfeeding protects their delicate bodies and reduces their vulnerabilities to food allergies. It reduces the body weight of mothers, and wards off depression. In a more detailed manner, let’s see the benefits of breastfeeding.

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Both Baby and Mom

It’s Got Antibodies

Your newborn needs to battle infectious bacteria and viruses, and s/he can’t do it without help. Breastmilk contains plenty of antibodies including colostrum which can make this a successful battle. It provides high amounts of immunoglobulin to protect your baby’s health by forming a protective layer around the throat, digestive system, and nose. What else? It strengthens the immune system of an infant. And of course, a strong immunity is needed to treat various illnesses. Respiratory tract infection, colds, inflammatory bowel syndrome, intestinal tissue damage, gut infections, celiac disease, middle ear infections,  and childhood leukemia will all be challenges you won’t need to worry about when you breastfeed your child.  Did you know that baby-milk formula does not provide antibody protection? That is a reason infants who aren’t breastfed are prone to many and any health challenge.

Nutritious Baby Meal

A baby needs minerals, proteins, and vitamins in adequate quantities for overall healthy development. Breast milk contains each nutrient that an infant needs to grow a stronger body. It is usually recommended that a baby is breastfed for six months in right portions to make sure s/he gets the required amounts of nutrients. Child nutritionists discourage the use of baby milk formula for infants. Those products contain inadequate nutrients and preservatives which can hurt a baby’s health.

It Combats Depression


A number of mothers encounter depression after childbirth, and no medication, really, can help cure this; breastfeeding is an effective remedy. Mothers go through an extensive hormonal change throughout pregnancy and delivery. Breastfeeding increases the oxytocin in their bodies and triggers certain enzymes in their brains. They can be sure to get some anti-anxiety, relaxation and nurturing effects from breastfeeding.

Weight Loss


This is quite a complex one,  as some women lose weight effortlessly, whereas others do not observe any significant change in their weight.

However, after about three months of lactation, most women are likely to burn fats faster.

Breastfeeding Lowers the Risk of Cancer

Surprised? Don`t be. Precautionary steps can be taken to protect babies against cancer, and this includes breastfeeding. Breast-milk reduces the risks associated with certain cancers. It also wards off symptoms that contribute to premenopausal breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

Breastfeeding Maintains Healthy Weight

Obese children and adults are more likely to contract chronic diseases. Breastfeeding ensures a healthy weight gain and prevents childhood obesity. The obesity rate is usually 30% lower in breastfed babies as compared to formula fed ones. Breastmilk provides leptin, which is responsible for the regulation of fat storage and appetite.

It Supports Uterus Contract

Ever heard of involution? It’s the process whereby your uterus expands during pregnancy and gets back to its previous size after childbirth. This is made possible and by a hormone called oxytocin. Breastfeeding triggers its formation and supports the contraction of the uterus.
Brain Development
the human brain
When else can you determine how excellent your child’s memory capacity could be, if not at infancy? Breast-milk has got nutrients that aid healthy brain growth.

It Lowers Risks of SIDS

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a rare but harrowing condition in which a number of things could contribute to it including the poor health of a baby. Fortunately, breastmilk is rich in the nutrients that neutralize the risks of SIDS.

Interesting Facts about Breastfeeding!

Here are not-so-known facts about breastfeeding which you really need to know. Let`s take a quick look.

  • Studies have shown that make children drink more breastmilk per day, on average than girls
  • In order to effectively build up a freezer stash of milk, the best time to pump is about an hour after your baby’s first morning feed.
  • About 10% of babies are born with a tongue-tie which can impede a breastfeeding latch, and it’s more common in boys. Frenectomy is the technical name of the procedure used to correct it.
  • Taking a few deep breaths, and looking at a picture or video of your baby can help with letdown when you have problems pumping.

Did you Know?

Let`s discuss in details, more facts about this life-sustaining act called breastfeeding.

Your Diet can Influence the Composition of your Breast Milk

Even though the nutrients you have stored up during pregnancy will make your breastmilk nutritious and balanced to meet all of your baby’s needs, some nutrients will be influenced by your diet. The proportion of fatty acids, vitamins, and elements such as iodine and selenium vary according to your diet. Fatty acids in your breastmilk can make your baby develop certain allergies. Eating a wide variety of natural foods will boost your body nutrients, and positively affect your breast milk

Milk Production is Controlled by the Hormone that Controls Orgasms

Isn’t this amazing? Oxytocin, the hormone which causes the muscles in milk ducts to contract, and produces milk is the same hormone that’s released during labor and childbirth. That’s not all,  it is also effective in sexual reproduction and controls the muscle movements in orgasms.
To complement this fact,  some women report that the hormonal “up-and-down” that accompanies breast milk production can make them feel sleepy, while others might experience nausea or weakness. Is nature not just a wonder?

Any Side Effects?

Yes, there are. As essential as breastfeeding is, it’s got side effects. Let`s talk about them.



Being agitated or angry are some of the emotional outcomes of breastfeeding after a while. There’ll be times you won’t just feel like it.  But you know you’ve got to do it. Don’t feel strange.  Breastfeeding does trigger a range of intense emotions.

Body Differences

Your body when breastfeeding may feel entirely different. You may be rounder and curvier. Or you may be thinner than your pre-pregnancy days. Your breasts will sometimes leak at “wrong” times. You may even wake up in the middle of the night with your breasts full and aching. Not to worry, you’re nurturing a life. It’ll all be joyous after all.

Final Words…

Breastfeeding, really, is a great idea. You want your children to grow to be the best they can, don’t you? Really, we should raise children that’ll grow up healthy and brainy.
Did you, at any point while reading this article wish you did better with breastfeeding? Well, you probably felt so because you wished you knew better at the time. Here’s an opportunity to reduce future regrets. Tell someone about the importance of breastfeeding.