9 Reasons You Must Eat Carbs


There are three essential elements your body needs to perform its functions: carbohydrates, protein, and fat, also called macronutrients, yes, carbohydrates.

“Eating carbs is unhealthy and it makes you fat” remains a myth.

This article will inform you why it is a myth, the health benefits, and the potential threats from its deficiency.


With the knowledge of it as an essential element that performs numerous functions in the body, carbohydrates chemically contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It is classified into two different kinds- simple and complex carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates are directly gotten from food after consumption that supplies sugar to the body and might contribute to your high blood sugar level. Likewise, it contains high calories, few nutrients, trans fats, and high cholesterol. Examples include sugary foods and drinks (Coca-Cola and soda), baked food (white bread), and fried food.

Complex carbohydrates are starch found in foods. They have large molecular structures that must be broken down into simpler units before it is completely digested. They contain numerous nutrients, natural dietary fibers, and low calories. These kinds of carbohydrates regulate the blood sugar level. Examples include vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts, legumes, seeds, and tubers.


Biologically, carbs contain sugar, fiber, and starch. It releases glucose into your bloodstream that is transported to organs where they are needed, and the organ’s cells process it into energy. 220 to 330 grams of carbohydrates are required for optimum performance, and 2000 calories are recommended daily.

Eating carbs varies among individuals. People with more physical activities like athletes need to take in more carbohydrates than others. Athletes require a high glycemic index because of their high energy expenditure.

Health Benefits of Carbs

Gives Energy

It is known to everyone that carbs are the primary source of energy. It releases glucose needed for our day-to-day activities. The body utilizes the produced glucose to generate Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by undergoing cellular respiration. ATP is an important compound responsible for the chemical processes in living things

Your physical activities determine your carb intake. Individuals with intense physical activities should consume complex carbs to keep their blood sugar level. Likewise, carbohydrates play it safe by providing glycogen to the body. Glycogen is a form of stored energy.

There are pretty instances where the body is full of glucose, but in situations like this, glycogen is stowed in the liver or in the muscles. Moreso, excess glucose is biologically converted into triglycerides which are stored as body fat. Go for complex carbs and stop worrying over your carbs.

Note: proteins and fats are also essential elements in generating energy, but carbohydrates supply more energy to cells.

Weight Management

This is a very interesting part of health maintenance. Are you tired of your weight? Then, I’m going to ask you, what kind of carbs do you eat?

Carbohydrates contain a good volume of fiber which supports weight loss. Carbs with high fiber keep you satiated from unnecessary eating and retain the water in your stomach. Back to the question, what kind of carbs do you eat?

If you’ve been dining on simple carbs, then it’s high time you tried complex carbs like brown rice or wheat bread. It would be beneficial to do away with sugary foods and highly processed meals. Carbs are essential.

Quality Sleep

sleepDo you know you tend to get frustrated after a night of little or no sleep? The brain and other vital organs in the body are enhanced with a night of good sleep. Eating carbs with low fibers promotes not just ordinary sleep but a better one.

Moderate consumption of high glycemic index carbs contributes to the secretion of insulin hormone. This hormone influences the secretion of tryptophan which is wanted for serotonin production, which supports sound sleep.

Moreover, drinking milk before bedtime also promotes sound sleep. Getting enough sleep makes you more productive.

Good Cardio System

The heart is a vital organ in the body. Eating carbs can be detrimental or beneficial to your health, depending on the kind and how moderate your intake is. The presence of low-density lipoprotein LDL cholesterol was discovered to be associated with heart diseases like heart attack and high blood pressure. The consumption of fiber flushes out bad cholesterol off your body.

On the other hand, fiber slows down the digestion of carbohydrates to prevent speedy cholesterol accumulation. Reduce the intake of refined carbs but feel free to trust your heart health with fiber carbs.

Health Digestive System

The reason why your stomach swells up after any meal is a result of improper digestion. Soluble and insoluble fiber extensively promote digestive functions. Fiber carbs support intestinal health, which prevents bloating, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Including fiber-rich carbs like nuts, legumes, and oatmeals in your diet will soothe your digestive system with smooth bowel movements. You tend to get rid of the waste easily. Fibre adds water to your stool to make stooling easier.

Consume the right position proportion today. Sugar and starch cannot be recommended for your digestion. It is all about fiber.

An Excellent Cognitive Capacity

Have you entered a room, and you can’t remember what brought you into the room? Then, it might be because of your low carbs diet. The brain derives its function from glucose. As you know, the brain plays a vital role in body coordination.

As the day goes by, your brain uses up some calories to perform its task, and the only fuel source happens to be carbohydrates. The brain sends its signal through a chemical substance called a neurotransmitter.

Carbs boost your learning capacity and concentration level. Preserve your brain today with a carb diet.

Mood Booster

Carbohydrates are delicious foods that make us happy. Biologically, consuming carbs influences your body to secrete the serotonin hormone associated with moods. Carbs contain several amino acids called L-tryptophan that are transported through the blood to the brain to produce serotonin.

You might develop depression, anxiety, or anger if your carb is low. Give your appetite the needed carbs like beans and whole grains, and get rewarded with beneficial nutrients.

Good for the Muscle

Carb is an important element for muscle building. The brain and the muscle needs glucose to function but the muscle stores the glucose as glycogen. A carbs diet is recommended to be a good inclusion in your workout routine. It converts ATP into energy for intense physical activities.

One of the factors that cause loss of muscle mass is the unavailability of glucose. In situations like this, the muscle breaks down to supply energy. Preserve your muscle mass with a carb meal.

Prevents Cancer

Consuming complex carbs regulates your insulin level, thereby keeping you at risk of cancer. It lessens the chance of stomach or colon cancer. It plays an antioxidant role when you take carbs slowly. Hyperglycemia has been considered to be associated with cancer development.

Take Note

Carbohydrates are needed alongside other nutrients to give a balanced diet. Keeping a healthy eating routine is a wise action you must embrace. The excessive consumption of carbs can lead to cardiac diseases, obesity, diabetes, stroke, and cholesterol. Eat a low glycemic index of carbohydrates often.

Carbohydrates Deficiency

Carbs deficiency, simply put, refers to the absence or lack of carbs in your body system, which can also result in hypoglycemia- low blood sugar level. A blood sugar level of 76 to 99 mg/dL is a big threat to your health. The body is an extensive consumer of energy and uses carbohydrates for each of its functions. So, the unavailability of carbs might result in deviation from its optimum performance. The possible symptoms of carbs deficiency include:

  • Fatigue
  • Constipation
  • Bad breath (when protein is used as fuel)
  • Less effective workout sessions
  • Frustrated weight loss routine
  • Frequent starvation
  • Unstable mood

Likewise, excess carbs in the body will spike up your blood sugar level leading to hyperglycemia. Here are possible symptoms that show you’re overdoing it:

  • Excess weight gain
  • Increased sugar cravings
  • More tooth cavities
  • Disturbed Brain
  • Skin conditions like acne
  • Energy burst
  • Digestive issues
  • Increased cholesterol

Lastly, carbs are the primary source of energy. Its consumption should be moderate. The daily recommended carbs lie between 225 to 325 grams depending on your energy expenditure.

strongCarbs are easy to eat, but they must be controlled. Both the low and high consumption of it can result in health problems. Go for slow digesting carbohydrates- the complex carbs.

Go for a healthy carb today. You need that energy. Your health is your wealth. Always stay intentional with it.