Natural Remedies for Blood Shortage

Natural Remedies for Blood Shortage

How to Treat Blood Shortage and Low Blood Cells Count at Home

The human blood is one of the essential fuels that the human body needs to run efficiently. Too little or too much of it could spell trouble. More problems develop when the blood lacks enough red blood cells. The medical term used to describe the shortage of blood which automatically leads to a low red blood cell count is anemia.

It occurs mostly when the body is iron deficient. This is why those who are diagnosed with anemia are placed in healthy iron-rich diets, coupled with iron supplements and drugs.

Studies have shown that low red blood cell count will result in poor oxygenation of the cells in the body, and when this occurs, you begin to feel symptoms like dizziness, fatigue, and constant weakness. Although research has shown that there are myriads of factors that may trigger anemia, however, the most common of all the factors is low iron levels in the blood.

In addition, hemoglobin, a compound produced in the bone marrow, is responsible for the red blood cells. Thus, if the body lacks enough iron, the bone marrow may not produce enough hemoglobin, thereby dangerously reducing the number of red blood cells in your body. It is quite unfortunate that despite this dangerous side effect of iron deficiency, almost one-fifth of the world does not meet up to the required daily intake value of iron. According to statistics, about 1.6 billion people worldwide are anemic.

Almost half of the population of pregnant women and children in India alone has been discovered to be anemic. This is quite dangerous because an iron deficiency in pregnant women could lead to severe pregnancy complications and birth defects, while in infants and young children, iron deficiency can affect their motor skills and language negatively. Thus, anemia is not a condition that should be treated with levity.

Fortunately, you might not necessarily go to see a doctor when you have a shortage of blood or red blood cells, as it can be remedied at home through simple modifications to diets and eating habits. However, immediate medical attention is required to treat it in cases where anemia is chronic. If you seek home remedies that can help you manage anemia, then you are on the right blog.

Before concluding that you have anemia, your body will manifest some symptoms or hints. Although, your body manifesting these symptoms may not automatically mean you are anemic because some other health conditions may cause your body to show the same symptoms like anemia.

However, it is best to report symptoms at the hospital to get diagnosed properly while avoiding blind treatment in the process. Some of the manifestations you may notice if you are anemic include;

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Hair loss
  • Pale skin
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Constant fatigue
  • Depression

These symptoms may not be very obvious, and sometimes when they are, they are more often than not mistaken to be symptoms of other health conditions. The best way to be certain about anemia is by speaking to a doctor who goes ahead to diagnose you.

Natural Remedies for Blood and Red Blood Cells Shortage

Green Vegetables

Green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and celery are iron-rich vegetables that can help boost your red blood cells. In other words, they speed up the process of hemoglobin production and, subsequently, the oxygenation of cells in the body. The iron content of these vegetables is courtesy of their chlorophyll content.

If you want to get the best out of these vegetables, cook them before eating them, as studies have shown that eating them raw, especially spinach, can prevent iron from being properly absorbed into the body. Thus, eating them cooked means there will be more iron in your blood, while eating them raw could limit the absorption of iron in your body. Choose wisely.


Beetroots are roots of the beet plant. Making herbs out of these roots can help deposit more iron into the blood, as it is packed with natural iron. It helps the bone marrow produce healthy hemoglobin and red blood cell. In other words, taking beetroot herbs can, on the one hand, help increase your red blood cell count and also supply your body cells with enough oxygen to keep them alive.

Beetroots are also packed with other health-benefiting properties and are also used in the treatment and management of many other health conditions. All you would want to do is boil the roots and drink the water daily until you begin to see advancements in your symptoms.


Pomegranate is a tasty fruit with an incredibly impressive nutritional profile. It is extremely effective in treating anemia. This is because it is a rich source of magnesium and calcium, which are essential nutrients needed to fight anemia and absorb iron into the body. Its vitamin C content is not lagging in this iron-absorption benefit.

All of these nutrients put together increase hemoglobin production and also the amounts of red blood cells in the body. To enjoy the health benefits of pomegranates, you can consume them in any form. Studies have also shown that the peels are medicinal and can help treat certain health conditions.


The vitamin C and iron content in dates are second to none among all the dried fruits in the world. Their high vitamin C and iron content make iron supply and replenishment in the body easier. Iron, on the one hand, supplies the blood with enough red blood cells, while vitamin C takes the job of speeding up the absorption process of the iron.

date fruitsWhen these nutrients work hand in hand to tackle your anemia, you will begin to notice the improvement of your symptoms in no time. Dates are sweet fruits that you can easily snack on at any point in the day; on the go, at home, or at work. You can also eat them with raisins to achieve maximum health benefits.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are healthy and natural remedies for various health conditions. They are part of the top healthiest seeds in the world. According to research, sesame seeds, especially the black ones, can awe anyone in terms of treating anemia. This is because part of the nutrients that make them up are magnesium, calcium, and iron.

These nutrients are notable for their iron-enriching benefits to the body. When these seeds are chewed or soaked overnight before consumption, they shoot up the red blood cell count and also maintain a healthy level of blood, red blood cells, and oxygen throughout the body.


Bananas are popular for their rich potassium contents. If you seek a natural way to boost your potassium levels, do not look too far. Go and stock your house with bunches upon bunches of bananas. Their potassium contents are not only effective in remedying potassium deficiency but also generate RBCs that boost hemoglobin levels in the blood. Other nutrients that bananas are packed with include; vitamin C, iron, and folate, all of which are essential in boosting red blood cell count.

However, one downside of consuming too many bananas is it has high amounts of calories. Hence, if you are on a weight-loss expedition and you consume bananas for anemia treatment, you may gain weight in the process. Thus, if you do not wish to add weight while eating bananas for anemia, try out other natural remedies that have low-calorie content.


Fig is one of the most effective home remedies for anemia. It is rich in nutrients like magnesium, vitamin A and folate, all of which are essential in the absorption of iron into the blood. Figs are mostly soaked in water overnight before use.

Not only do they ensure the supply and absorption of iron in the body, but they also prevent birth defects and pregnancy complications in pregnant women. However, when this herb is consumed in large doses, it can result in side effects like indigestion and stomach upset.

fig seedIt is best to take figs in moderate amounts, especially if you are pregnant. Also, run the idea by your doctor if you want to use fig to manage your anemia.


Blood shortage may lead to low blood cell count. Avoiding both will help prevent anemia. Also, adopting natural remedies like foods, fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are rich in iron and other essential nutrients can help increase red blood cell count in the blood.