Foods You Must Eat in the Morning
However, there is a popular myth circulating in the nutrition world. This myth mandates breakfast for everybody, stating grievous side effects of skipping breakfast. Despite these myths, it is best to let you know that breakfast is not a must-do for everybody. Not everybody has the appetite to eat early in the morning. In fact, instead of trying not to skip breakfast by eating unhealthy junk and snacks, it is best and advisable to skip breakfast.
Consuming a healthy breakfast is best for you, as it can provide you with enough energy to run your day with and also prevent you from spending unnecessary spendings on junk and other unhealthy foods for the rest of the day.
The following is a list of foods that are great breakfast food choices.
Eggs are part of the most delicious foods in the world. Asides from their great taste, eggs are also easy to incorporate into almost any diet.
According to research, consuming eggs daily can help provide you with a feeling of fullness, regulate your blood sugar and reduce the number of calories you would consume for that day. Studies found that men and women who ate eggs as part of their breakfast experienced a feeling of fullness and consumed fewer calories.
In addition, some antioxidant properties have been found in egg yolks, and research has down that these properties are capable of protecting eye health, preventing eye disorders like macular degeneration and cataract. Eggs are also packed with choline, a property known to be effective in the protection of liver and brain health.
One concern about eggs is the fact that they have high cholesterol levels. However, despite the high amounts of cholesterol in eggs, they cannot increase the cholesterol levels in your body. In fact, eggs can eliminate bad cholesterol ad increase the production of good cholesterol while improving your insulin sensitivity and protecting your heart health in the process.
Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is one of the healthiest yogurts in the world. If you need to get the best out of yogurt, try Greek yogurt. Asides from its high nutritional profile, Greek yogurt is delicious. Due to its ingredients, Greek yogurt is concentrated with essential nutrients like protein.
According to research, protein has the ability to make you feel full and also reduce the feeling of hunger in you. It also boosts metabolism in the body, thus keeping you healthy.
If you need healthy food to help you control your weight, try out Greek yogurt. The protein in Greek yogurt has proven to be effective in the control and management of weight. This is because it encourages the high production of certain hormones in the body that induces the feeling of fullness.
Greek yogurt is also stuffed with probiotics that keep the guts healthy and functional.
One of the most beneficial steps to start your day is drinking coffee. One of the major ingredients in coffee is caffeine. The caffeine in coffee can help boost mental performance, improve mood and concentration. These features sound like something you would need to run a perfect daily routine. Research has revealed that even tiny amounts of caffeine can produce the same results.
, in order to get the utmost out of coffee, a recommended dosage of about 50 to 400 mg daily has been suggested by nutritionists. This recommended dosage would supply you with enough caffeine to give you a productive day and also give you little or no side effects. Research has also proven that consuming coffee daily can help in the burning of fat. In addition, when you drink at least most 3 cups of coffee daily, the caffeine content in the coffee can help you burn up to 75 calories.
One of the health benefits of consuming coffee early in the morning is, it prevents you from developing chronic illnesses like diabetes, liver diseases, and heart diseases. It protects the blood vessels and increases the metabolism rate.
Oatmeal is one of the most eaten cereals in the world. Oatmeal is made out of grounded oats. It has a very high nutritional profile, one of which includes the reduction of cholesterol levels in the body.
Just like eggs and Greek yogurt, oatmeals also provide the body with the feeling of fullness. Thus, making you eat fewer junk foods and calories. This is possible through its fiber content.
Oatmeals are also packed with antioxidants that can help in the reduction of high blood pressure and the protection of heart health.
One of the major concerns about oats is their gluten content. Although oats do not have gluten content. However, when they are processed, they tend to get processed with gluten ingredients, which can be harmful to people with certain chronic illnesses like Celiac diseases. Thus, if you are suffering from Celiac disease, it is best to avoid oats. Of you must go for oats, they look out for and avoid the ones that have gluten content, and rather go for ones that are gluten-free.
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are packed with fiber, and this makes them the best kinds of seeds to consume, especially as breakfast. They are nutritious and tasty. Chia seeds are also known to supply your body with the feeling of fullness and satisfaction. In addition, chia seeds have been found to be effective in the management of diabetes and the management of blood pressure and blood sugar.
According to research, chia seeds also contain antioxidant properties that help protect the cells from damage by free radicals, a damaging element produced through metabolic activities in the body. More studies showed that consuming chia seed can help prove inflammation risks and protect heart health in the process.
Berries are fruits that are not just tasty and nutritious. They are also great sources of antioxidants. Some of the most traditional types of berries include blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries.
They are packed with high fiber contents and have low sugar. These make them the best choice of fruits for everybody. One of the most common antioxidants in berries helps in the protection of heart health, which is also known to be effective in helping you age better.
In addition, berries can help in the prevention of inflammatory markers, protect the blood vessel, improve heart health and reduce high cholesterol levels in the body.
Just like nuts, seeds are also delicious and nutritious. They can be great and tasty additions to your breakfast. Some of the benefits for which nuts are known for the protection it offers to heart health, reduction of inflammation risks and improves insulin sensitivity.
Some of the nutrients contained in all nuts include some mono-saturated heart-healthy fats, potassium, and magnesium.
Studies have explicated that people suffering from diabetes can benefit from nuts. In addition, consuming nuts regularly can help high cholesterol levels and excessively high blood sugar levels.
Green Tea
After water, green tea, according to research, is one of the most nutritious beverages in the world. Just like coffee, green tea is also packed with caffeine that helps improve brain function, mood and boosts metabolic functions.
Researchers have discovered a link between green tea and reduced blood sugar levels. This makes it a great beverage choice for people living with diabetes.
It is packed with important antioxidants that help protect the heart health, nervous system, and brain from damages.
Flaxseeds, just like chia seeds, are highly nutritious. They are packed with fibers that give you that feeling of satisfaction and fullness. Some of the health benefits of adding flaxseeds to your breakfast include; improvement of insulin sensitivity protects the body against breast cancer and blood sugar regulation. You can add ground flaxseeds to your Greek yogurt or use them as toppings for your desserts.
In conclusion, breakfast is important. However, it is best to skip breakfast that consumes unhealthy junky foods in the morning. The above list of foods has been tested and proven to not only be delicious enough for breakfast but also nutritious and capable of keeping you healthy and strong, as well as making your day productive and smooth. Most of them are packed with fibers that are known to provide the feeling of satisfaction and fullness. They are also good sources of certain nutrients and antioxidants that help prevent the body from conditions like inflammation, high cholesterol levels, heart, liver, blood vessel disease risks, as well as diabetes risks.