11 Reasons Why You Should Eat Berries

11 Reasons Why You Should Eat Berries

Why Berries are the Healthiest Foods on Earth

One of the healthiest foods out can and should eat is berries. They are not just tasty but also have high nutritional content. They are known to supply the body with essential health benefits.

Some of the most significant grounds for you to eat berries include:

They are Packed with Antioxidants

Antioxidants are essential compounds in berries that help protect the body from experiencing oxidative damages caused by free radicals. Free radicals damage the cells and vital organs of the body. Eating berries can help protect your body from this chronic damage and keep you healthy all year long.

Some of the antioxidants in berries include; anthocyanin, resveratrol, and ellagic acid. They help in the reduction of disease risks by protecting the cells of the body. Some of the most common berries that have the highest amounts of antioxidants are raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries, after pomegranate.

Regulates Blood Sugar and Improves Insulin Response

One of the most effective functions of berries on health is the regulation of blood sugar. They prevent the blood sugar from rising above normal or dropping below normal. They also help improve the response of insulin, especially in people who are suffering from diabetes that is characterized by insulin absence.

It also helps in the enhancement of insulin sensitivity. These effects of berries on the health is effective in both people who are healthy and people suffering from high blood pressure and insulin defect.

Berries can be enjoyed as either topping on cereals or yogurts or as smoothies.

Rich in Fiber

Berries contain soluble fiber. They are very rich sources of fiber. They help in the easy and smooth movement and transport of foods through your digestive tracts. They help with the smooth movement of the bowels. They are also effective in offering a feeling of fullness, such that you are able to cut down on your calorie consumption, which in turn can help you in your weight loss and weight management routine.

Research has shown that consuming berries daily can help you eat 130 fewer calories than you always do. The fiber contents of berries also absorb the calories you consume, thus preventing you from gaining unnecessary weight.

The following is a breakdown of the fiber contents of different berries;

  • Raspberries: 11 grams carbs, of which 6 grams is fiber
  • Strawberries: 7 grams carbs, of which 2 grams are fiber
  • Blackberries: 10 grams carbs of which 5 is carbs
  • Blueberries: 14 grams of carbs, of which 2 grams are fiber
  • Berries can be added to your low-carb diets.

Provide Essential Nutrients

Berries have low-calorie contents. They are packed with indispensable vitamins and minerals, coupled with their antioxidants properties.

The vitamin C contents in most berries are higher than the ones present in citrus fruits.

Strawberries alone contain 150% of the required daily intake of vitamin C. Berries vary in their vitamin C content. However, the variance is not huge.

The following is the nutritional profile that cuts across all kinds of berries.

  • Calories: 40% of the required daily intake
  • Manganese: 32% of the required daily intake
  • Vitamin C: 35% of the required daily intake
  • Vitamin K: 25% of the required daily intake
  • Folate: 6% of the required daily intake
  • Copper: 8% of the required daily intake

Fights Inflammation

Asides from their antioxidants properties, berries are packed with anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a condition that arises from your body’s ability to defend itself from attacks from diseases and infections. However, some other factors can lead to inflammation, some of which include; stress, poor dietary preferences, poor feeding customs, and lack of physical exercise.

This inflammation type is said to be chronic and can lead to other illnesses like dia eyes, obesity, and heart diseases.

The anti-inflammatory properties in berries can help in the reduction of inflammatory markers in your body.

Reduced Cholesterol Levels

Berries have natural Plant-Based compounds that can support and strengthen heart health. According to research, people who are obese or are suffering from metabolic syndrome and consume either raspberries, strawberries, or blackberries have experienced a reduction in their cholesterol levels and the improvement of their heart health.

In addition, berries help reduce the levels or even completely eliminate the levels of bad cholesterol in the body by up to 11%. Thus, reducing oxidative damages in the body, which could have led to chronic illnesses like heart diseases.

Great for the Skin

Eating berries regularly can help in slowing down aging. Berries keep the skin healthy and free from wrinkles.

In addition, with their antioxidant properties, they can prevent your skin from undergoing oxidative damages, a factor that can lead to quick aging.

More research has shown that the compounds in berries can help protect the skin by blocking out the production of enzymes that lead to the excessive breakdown of collagen in your skin. Collagen is the protein made up of the skin. It gives the skin its stretchy and elastic feature. When this protein is damaged, your skin may begin to develop defects like breaks and wrinkles.

Berries May Prevents Cancer

cancer awarenessRecent researches have shown that eating berries regularly can help prevent cancer and also help in the management of the disease. When berries are added to the meals of cancer patients, they play important roles by using their antioxidants properties to support the cancer medication therapy in order to speed up recovery. Some o the cancers that berries can protect the body against include; cancer of the esophagus, breast cancer, mouth cancer, and colon cancer.

Berries are also rich sources of plant-based properties that can help in the inhibition of the growth of cancerous cells and tumors.

Studies showed that strawberries have a higher tendency of protecting the liver against cancer.

Berries Can Easily be Incorporated into Diets

Berries are easy to incorporate into different diets. However, some people have aversions to fruits, like people who are on ketogenic and low carb diets. They avoid fruits.

Berries contain moderate amounts of carbs and calories. For example, 70 grams of blackberries and 60 grams of raspberries contain less than 4 grams of carbs – digestible carbs.

Some diets that berries can easily be incorporated into include Mediterranean diets, Paleo diets, vegan and vegetarian diets.

Berries are also healthy for people who wish to lose weight. On the other hand, people who are advised to stay away from berries are people who have digestive disorders and have been placed on low-carb diets. This is because berries have high fiber contents and will not be medically safe for such people. Also, people who are allergic to berries can stay away from them. That is, people who notice allergic reactions in their bodies or skins after consuming berries are expected to avoid them.

Berries Can Help Strengthen the Arteries

Berries are heart-healthy foods because, on the one hand, they help in the lowering of cholesterol. On the other hand, they improve the arteries’ health by strengthening them and improving their function and response.

They contain properties that strengthen the blood vessel cells in order for them to perform their functions properly. Some of the functions of these blood vessel cells include prevention of blood clotting in the heart, regulation of blood pressure, among others.

One of the major risks or triggers of heart diseases is inflammation. This inflammation can result when the blood vessel cells do not perform their functions properly, leading to a condition known as endothelial dysfunction.


Berries are delicious, both when they are added into recipes and when they have eaten alone. They are also delicious when you eat one or a combination of them. They can serve as natural sweeteners, as they are naturally sweet. Making them into desserts is quite simple and easy. All that is demanded of you to do is, add a large chunk of whipped cream.

teenagerYou can also make your berries toppings on desserts like yogurts, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese while including some sweet nuts into these desserts.

More ways of incorporating berries into your diet include adding them to your vegetable salads.

In conclusion, berries are deliciously healthy and highly nutritious fruits. They are good plant-based sources of essential vitamins and minerals. They are packed with healthy compounds that supply the body with numerous health benefits. Incorporating them into your diet is quite easy, and they can be used in the preparation of various recipes.