Dealing with Fatigue from Video Calls

video calls

How to Deal with Social Anxiety Triggered by Video Calls

Following the COVID-19 restrictions, a number of people have become fatigued from video calls which the world has leveraged to stay socially connected to others. Maintaining social connections is undeniably vital for mental and emotional health. So now we`re between the need to stay connected and dealing with social anxiety. There sure has to be a way around this. Here are five ways to stay connected to loved ones without feeling fatigued from video calls.

How to Manage Social Anxiety While Staying Connected

Start a Virtual Book Club

Ask your friends and acquaintances if they’re interested in a book club, then decide on the books to read, and agree on the modalities. You don`t have to video calls to keep this going. You have options like emailing and social media threads to explore.

Get Active Together

You can sign up at a gym that offers virtual sessions or agree to do some exercise with a friend online. You can also do some yoga or dance. This helps you stay fit physically and mentally, as well as makes room for accountability. You may also explore social apps that can connect you with strangers online who are also looking to keep fit.

Do Some Social Cooking

Food gets people connected. You may share recipes online with your friends and family, and send photos to one another after cooking. You may also go on to discuss your experiences while cooking, and how well you enjoyed your food.

Play a Game

There are numerous apps on which you can play virtual games like chess, checkers, scrabble, or card games. It`s even more interesting when you play with friends or strangers. There are also many other virtual activities you can engage in, such as parties, group movie watching, among others.

Try the Traditional Phone Call

man with phoneVideo calls can be awkward and anxiety-triggering. If you don`t feel comfortable having a video call, try a regular call or send voice notes to family and friends.

Symptoms of Social Anxiety

Social anxiety, or social phobia, is sis generally referred to as the fear of being judged by others. Its common symptoms are

  • An urgent need to urinate
  • A possible panic attack
  • Nervous handshaking
  • Muscle tension
  • Hot flushes
  • Nausea

How to Get on Video Calls When you Don`t Feel Like

You don`t like video calls, but your work requires that you do them often. Let`s see how this can work. Here are quick tips to keep in mind:

  • Give yourself some positive self-talk, such as, “I can do this”, “It is easier than I think,”
  • “People like to see me in virtual meetings.”
  • Rehearse what you’re going to say.
  • Have some notes to guide you.
  • Write things that come up during the call that you might need to say, or questions you should ask.
  • Breathe properly.

How to Prepare Mentally for Video Calls

ladyThe first thing people want to do when they feel nervous about a situation is to escape. As comforting as this may be, it does not solve the problem. If virtual meetings are necessary, then you should find a way to deal with the mental barrier you have towards it. Preparation is vital n combatting the mental barrier that you have towards virtual calls. You should prepare your notes, environment, and yourself.

You may ask for the agenda before the meeting and prepare accordingly, particularly for the roles that you will play. Do adequate research and take notes when required. Try not to be overly prepared. All you need to is to attend the meeting with as much information as required. This doesn`t mean that you should be scripted.

Preparing your environment is also vital, in preparing you mentally for a virtual session. Set up a place to take the call. Here are tips to help you prepare your environment for a video call.

  • Prepare a clean background that is devoid of distractions.
  • Ensure that your environment is quiet and there is little or no background noise.
  • Ensure that you have supplies such as reliable internet, stable power supply, a working computer, headphones, and something to take notes in.

Finally, you need to prepare yourself. Ensure you feel at your best before the meeting begins. For some people, it may take days to prepare, while it may take others hours. The mental preparation may even require more time and effort than physical preparations. If you`ll be delivering a speech, be sure to have practised sufficiently before the meeting.

Fast Facts About Mental Health and Social Phobia

  • There are estimates that fewer than 25% of people with social phobia receive adequate treatment.
  • Social Phobia affects about one in ten people across races and social classes.
  • Social phobia usually begins during adolescence; it sometimes occurs in childhood, usually before age ten.
  • While 40% of social phobias occur before age ten, 95% appear before the age of twenty.
    People with social phobia usually have an underlying fear of scrutiny by people in social situations.
  • Social phobia is sometimes characterized by performance anxiety in situations which embarrassment may occur.
  • Extreme mood swings, excessive worrying or fear, changes in eating habits, problems concentrating, and avoidance of friends, family, or social activities are common signs of mental health issues.
  • Contrary to popular belief, social phobia is not shyness.
    People with social phobia avoid social or occupational situations that are anxiety-provoking. So for instance, they may not be comfortable urinating in a public restroom or giving a speech.
  • Some of the common fears of people with social phobia are meeting people in authority, using the telephone, being introduced to others, eating in restaurants or writing in the presence of others.
  • Some factors such as trauma, a history of abuse, and a family history of mental illness could contribute to the development of mental health illness.
  • About 1 in 4 adults who live with severe mental illnesses also struggle with substance abuse.
  • Studies show that members of the LGBTQ+ community are about thrice as likely to experience mental health conditions such as generalized anxiety disorder and major depression.
  • Research shows that 45% of people with social phobia will develop agoraphobia.
  • About 17% of people with social phobia also suffer from depression.
  • Social phobia usually interferes with people’s occupational functioning.
  • Some of the effective treatments of social phobia are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and medication.
  • Antidepressants are the most effective medication for treating social phobia.
  • 80% of people who suffer from social phobia get relief from their symptoms after treatment.
  • Depression affects young people`s performance in school, as it does, their personal relationships.
  • A number of Americans with mental health illness refuse to seek professional help.
  • Mental illnesses can affect people of any age, race, religion, or social status.
  • Depression is the major cause of disability worldwide.

Now that you Know…

Social anxiety disorder prevents people from living their normal life. Understanding how to manage this condition helps sufferers in a number of ways, In this article, we have discussed how to manage conference call anxiety, which can be an offshoot of social anxiety disorder. People who fail to deal with this condition suffer low self-esteem
constant negative thoughts, depression, sensitivity to criticism, as well as poor social skills. If you or anyone around you suffers social phobia or video call anxiety, be sure to see a therapist.