Stomach Hives: Causes, and Cure

hives on the tummy

Understanding Stomach Hives

Hives are a form of hypersensitivity of the body. It occurs when little veins in the body get leaky. Hives are an indication that the body is experiencing a hypersensitive reaction. The fluids that escape from these leaky veins accumulate somewhere beneath your skin and your body’s lining membranes, causing swelling on the skin. When these swells begin to surface on your body, you are said to be suffering from hives. These swellings are usually red and itchy. Your skin then becomes irritated as a result of the hypersensitive reactions the body is experiencing. According to some who have experienced hives, the skin condition tends to be more painful than it looks, while others who think they are strong enough to withstand pain claim that it is not so painful after all. Stomach hives attack all age grades, ranging from infants to adults, hence `the need to tackle it.

Having understood the meaning of stomach hives in general, it is important to note that our major topic of discussion is particular to “stomach hives.” Like the general term(hives), stomach hives only occur on the skin around the stomach. This is when you see red, painful, and itchy swellings on your stomach skin. In this case, it is the stomach skin that experiences hypersensitivity.

Have you tried imagining what a leaky vein looks like? What comes to your mind? Do you think you will die from having a leaky vein? Have you ever thought of what the cause of such a thing could be? Are you wondering if it is contagious since its result is a severe skin reaction? Do you know if you can prevent such an occurrence or not? Can you think of possible remedies to such a complicated illness? Coming in contact with this blog means you are on your way to getting all your hives questions answered. The major focus of this article is on the causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment measures of stomach hives.

Hives are caused by various factors. However, medical professionals have thought it wise to group the causes into two categories for easy understanding. These categories include;

  • Allergic reactions
  • Environmental triggers

Pinpointing the cause or triggers of your stomach hives is a good way to begin treatment. What are those relatable factors that cause your stomach veins to leak? Read on and find out.

What Causes Stomach Hives?

Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions to drugs, water, and food can cause stomach hives. These reactions tend to appear quickly and almost immediately after taking that food, water, or drug. These allergic reactions begin with the areas of your body where those foods or drugs have touched, for instance, your lips and throat, before getting down into the business of causing stomach hives for you. Foods and drugs associated with stomach hives include; wheat, soy chocolate, tomatoes, ibuprofen, penicillin, iodide, codeine, and some anesthetics.

Exposure to Extreme Weather Conditions

tummy achesWhen your stomach is exposed to extreme hot or extremely cold temperatures, your possibility of suffering from hives is very high. Regulating your body temperature can help reduce risks and symptoms.

Insects Bites

Stings and bites from insects can also cause hives. When some insects bite or sting you on your stomach skin, then these reactions begin to occur. The reactions surface on the area of the bite and can be transmitted to some other parts of the body. Some people who have sensitive skin tend to suffer from it the most. This is because the stomach hives get more obvious and swollen, itchier, and redder.


Stress has even been identified to be a cause of stomach hives. The medical record holds that extreme stress can lead to stomach hives.

Rubbing or Scratching the Skin

These kinds of hives are known in the medical world as “dermatagraphic urticaria.” This occurs as a result of constant scratching or rubbing of the skin. These actions (scratching and rubbing) can irritate the skin and cause swellings and hives on the stomach skin.

Scorching Sun

Staying under the sun can irritate your skin and cause a number of skin reactions, of which skin burn is predominant among people with highly sensitive skins. Also, hives have been identified to be a result of excessive exposure to the sun. Because the stomach skin is usually not exposed to the sun, it makes it more susceptible to hives. In other words, the moment the stomach skin begins to experience the pressure from the scorching sun, hives begin to form on it.

Friction from too tight clothes and belts can also lead to stomach hives; pressurized areas of the stomach experience more hives.

The cold, during, and after swimming can also cause stomach hives. Also, the content of chemicals in the water can also trigger hives. However, this case is usually rare, and the hives caused by swimming is majorly triggered by the cold than the water itself.


Viral infections are known to cause rashes that eventually graduate to become hives on the stomach. Hence, viral infections are also causes of stomach hives. This viral infection is what makes hives contagious.

Touching chemicals, some plants or some animals can lead to hives. Such animals include jellyfish, while some chemicals include sorbic acid.

How Do You Identify Stomach Hives?

  • There are whitish kinds of swelling patches like welts that appear on the stomach skin first.
  • Then, severe itch sets in
  • Surrounded by that whitish swelling is a red ring.
  • Some stomach hives also come with fever, difficulty in breathing, dizziness, swollen throat, and yellowing of the eyes or skin. This kind of stomach hives is considered to be chronic.

Are They Contagious?

painNo, they are not, only its triggers are. For instance, the virus that causes stomach hives is contagious. Other triggers like chemicals, hot sun, stress, and scratching of the skin might not lead to contagious hives.

What is the Duration of Hives on the Skin?

The duration of hives depends on the severity of the hives and the sensitivity of your skin, but usually, stomach hives do not last longer than one to three days. When cases of stomach hives extend into five to twenty days, then there should be an urgent need to visit the hospital to prevent further complications.

Can Stomach Hives Be Treated?

Yes, they can. However, the treatment of hives depends on the cause of the hives and on the area of the body, it is affecting.  In order to treat mild stomach hives, do the following;

  • Apply cool compress on your stomach skin with a soft towel to the affected areas
  • Apply topical steroids to reduce the irritation
  • Sleep and work in a cool room
  • Wear light clothes
  • Also, try taking an over the counter antihistamine pain killers and anti-itch medications.
  • Try using a moisturizer to prevent dry skin.
  • Stop stressing yourself out
  • Avoid overheating

For chronic stomach hives, as well as stomach hives in children, it is important to note that treatment at home can be extremely dangerous. In this case, a Doctor should be contacted for intervention.

When to Call a Doctor

  • In the case of stomach hives in children
  • When you experience any of the following;



Difficulty in breathing

Yellow eyes and skin

Swollen face



Can Stomach Hives Be Prevented?

Well, yes, they can. All you need to do in order to prevent stomach hives is to know and avoid its triggers.

In conclusion, hives can be very discomforting and disturbing, affecting every age grade, ranging from adults to children. Also, knowing that one has tiny, leaky veins underneath their skin can also be very scary. Hives become more pronounced when the affected part of the body is a delicate part. Also, it becomes severe when a person has highly sensitive skin. Major triggers of hives include insect stings, medication, viruses, and so on. Hives can be diagnosed easily and are said to be contagious only when the trigger is contagious. Identifying hives and issuing appropriate treatment measures is important. Being lackadaisical about its treatment can lead to complications, and symptoms of complications include wheezing, fever, difficulty in breathing, swollen face, and so on. According to medical advice, home treatment should be limited to only mild hives. Urgent should be treated in the case of chronic stomach hives in order to avoid these complications, and this urgency requires the close monitoring of a Doctor.