First Aid Remedies You Should Know

first treatment

First Aid Remedies Tips

Do you know you could sustain yourself for quite a long period before or while calling for health emergencies and waiting for the ambulance? Do not wait until you have less than 50% of your blood before taking action while waiting for external aid you need to consult your equipped first aid box. But of what gain would it be if you have just a little understanding of the application of first aid equipment?

This blog write-up aims to enlighten you on the first-aid approach to common domestic accidents or discomfort.


  • Cool the burn. Hold the affected area under fresh running water (not cold water) or apply a cool, wet press until the pain subsides. (*note- Do not use ice). Putting ice directly on a burn may predispose the affected area to further tissue damage.
  • Remove rings or other foreign items. This should be done gently as soon as possible with optimum cautiousness before the affected area becomes swollen.
  • Do not open blisters. A fluid-filled blister is a body defense mechanism to protect against infection. Clean any open blister with water and mild soap. Continue to apply an antibiotic oil until you notice any rash appearing.
  • Apply lotion. Once a burn is thoroughly cleaned and cooled, apply a lotion that contains aloe Vera or a moisturizer. This provides relief and helps to prevent drying.
  • Bandage the burn. After you must have applied lotion to the burn, the next thing is to cover the burn with a sterile (septic free) gauze bandage (not just fluffy cotton). Do not wrap too tight to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on burned skin. Bandaging reduces pain, keeps air off the area, and protects blistered skin.
  • Take a pain reliever (analgesic drug). Medications that are gotten over the counter (OTC), such as naproxen sodium (Aleve) or acetaminophen (Tylenol, others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), can help reduce pain.
  • Consider a tetanus shot. Be very sure that your tetanus booster is still up to date. Physicians recommend that people get a tetanus shot at least every ten (10) years.
  • Whether your burn is severe or minor, endeavor to use sunscreen and moisturizer regularly once the wound is healed.

Snake Bites

Of course, we would not pray to be bitten by a snake, but your knowledge of handling snake bites might help a friend, neighbor, or even yourself.

Things you should not do when attending to a victim of snakebite (using limb as a case study);

  • DO NOT wash the bitten area.
  • DO NOT attempt to remove the venom out of the limb.
  • DO NOT try to suck the venom out of the limb.
  • DO NOT apply a tourniquet to the site.
  • DO NOT move the victim unless in immediate danger.
  • DO NOT try to catch and/or kill the snake.
could be a snake bitThe following are the right steps you should take;
  • Lay the victim down facing the sky (dorsal recumbent). CALL any of the helplines you know. Do not move the victim unless vulnerable to further danger.
  • With a wide (minimum 7.5cm wide) elastic bandage (e.g., set press), starting from the toes, and begin to wrap the bandage tightly up the entire limb. This is necessary to reduce lymphatic movement but not obstruction of blood flow (Vaso-constriction).
  • Once you have successfully covered the entire limb, mark the bite site with ink or some dirt from the ground. This would be helpful to emergency services personnel.
  • Splint the limb (alongside the joints) to prevent movement. Bites to the arm can be aided in a sling.
  • Make the victim comfortable (not nervous) and continue to reassure him/her until the arrival of emergency services personnel.

Dislocation or Fracture

The primary things you ought to know for the treatment of either dislocation or fracture includes;

  • Control of bleeding and covering of any wounds against external infections.
  • Check thoroughly for traces of fractures (open, closed, or complicated).
  • Instruct the patient to remain as calm as possible.
  • Immobilize fracture:
    • Use broad bandages (where necessary) to prevent any form of movement at joints above and below the fracture.
    • Carefully support the limb, passing bandages under the hollows of the body.
    • Place a padded splint along the injured limb to hold it in place.
    • Place padding between the splint and the body’s contours and secure tightly for a leg fracture, immobilize foot, and ankle.
    • Ensure that bandages are not too tight (or too loose) by examining it every 15 minutes.
  • Watch for any sign of circulation loss to hands and feet to prevent ischemia.
  • Do not forget to call an ambulance, even before the commencement of your first aid treatment.

Things to Note On First Aid Approach

  • Do not attempt to force a fractured or dislocated bone back into place – this could cause further damages.
  • It may be difficult for a first aid giver to tell whether the injury is a dislocation, fracture, sprain, or strain. If you’re not sure, always treat the injury as a fracture.
  • If collarbone is fractured, aid the arm on the injured side in a St John sling.
  • Should you suspect that a joint is dislocated, elevate and apply ice to the joint.


Do not always be nervous each time you feel like fainting. Except for serious medical problems, fainting occurs when your brain does not receive enough blood supply, causing you to lose consciousness (usually brief).

Fainting might have no severe medical significance. Or the cause can be a severe defect (often involving the heart). Therefore, all you need do is to treat loss of consciousness as a medical emergency until the shown signs and symptoms are relieved, and the cause is known. Talk to your physician if you faint more than once.

Whenever you feel fainting;
  • Lie down or sit. To lessen the chance of fainting again, don’t get up too soon/quickly.
  • Place your head between your knee when you sit.
Whenever someone else faints;
  • Keep the person on her or his back. If there are no injuries sustained and the person is breathing fine, raise the person’s legs above the heart level (about 12 inches/30 centimeters) if possible. Loosen belts, collars, and other constrictive clothing.
  • Prevent the chance of fainting again: To prevent the chance of fainting still, don’t get the person up too soon/quickly. If the person does not regain his/her consciousness within one minute, call any of your local emergency numbers.
  • Check for breathing. If the person isn’t breathing, begin a CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Call your local emergency number. Continue CPR until help comes, or the person starts to breathe normally.

If the person was injured in a faint-associated fall, treat bruises, bumps, or cuts appropriately.

Vomiting and Nausea

tummy achesFor Nausea

  • If the person can keep down with the signs, give them light, bland foods like crackers and bread.

For Vomiting

  • Let the person drink small amounts of clear liquids, water, or sports drinks.
  • Do not give the person dense food until vomiting has stopped.
Take Pain-relief Medication
  • Give ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), aspirin, or acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pains. Avoid NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and others if the person has kidney failure or heart failure. Don’t give aspirin to any child under age eighteen (18).
Try Self-Care Strategies
  • Apply an ice pack or any clean, cool cloth to the temples, forehead, or back of the neck.
  • Massage the back and to relieve any muscle tension.
  • Gently apply rotating pressure to painful areas of the head.
  • Have him/her rest or take a warm shower or bath.

Keep these first aid remedies very close to you all the time, you never can tell when it would be handy.