14 Health Benefits of Carrot Juice

A picture of carrot juice

What Is Carrot Juice?

Carrots juice is as nutritious as carrot itself. It has loads of health benefits, and it is quite refreshing. Let`s see what carrot juice can do for you.

14 Health Benefits of Carrot Juice

Boosts Immunity

A healthy immune system shields you from illnesses. Carrot juice is packed with vitamins A and C which boost immunity. What`s more? It is enriched with plant-based compounds that support immune health. Regular consumption of carrot juice keeps your body healthy and reduces the risk of illnesses.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels

Carrot juice contains enough soluble fiber to manage cholesterol levels. It decreases the absorption of fat into the bloodstream and reduces the risk of high triglyceride or cholesterol levels.

Improves Eye Health

Carrot juice is bursting with vitamin A and lutein which are essential for eyesight. Regular consumption of this juice reduces the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, blindness, and other eye defects.

Improves Skin Health

The high amounts of vitamins A and C in carrot juice, together with its vitamin E content makes it a perfect drink to improve skin health. These antioxidant vitamins prevent oxidative damage, hence improve skin health. They enhance the healing of wounds, minimize scarring, and combat skin diseases.

Supports Blood Clotting

People who have blood clotting disorders would find carrot juice helpful. The juice contains vitamin K which is essential for normal blood clotting.

Strengthens Bones

Spelt: Benefits and Side EffectsCarrot juice contains vitamins D and K, calcium, and magnesium, all of which are essential for bone health. Vitamin K particularly enhances bone mineralization, hence reduces the risk of fractures. Elderly people are less likely to suffer age-related bone conditions if they consume carrot juice regularly. Similarly, young people who consume carrot juice regularly will grow up to enjoy healthy bones.

Enriches Pregnant Women

Carrot juice contains folate, which is beneficial for a healthy pregnancy. However, moderate consumption is key, because carrot juice contains vitamin C which pregnant women should consume minimally.

Reduces Cancer Risk

Carrot juice contains high amounts of vitamin A and C. Its vitamin A content is present in the form of beta-carotene which prevents cellular damage that may trigger cancerous developments. What`s more? Beta-carotene kills cancer cells. People who suffer prostate cancer particularly find carrot juice beneficial as a result of its beta-carotene content which is potent at managing the condition.

Maintains Oral Health

Carrot juice contains minerals that are antibacterial, hence prevent cavity and tooth decay. The juice`s benefit to the immune system also enables the body to fight bacteria and toxins that get into the body through the mouth and try to live in the gums and teeth.

Combats Acne-related Issues

Carrot juice manages acne flare-ups. The juice contains natural retinoids and other compounds which modulate sebum production and reduce pimples and related conditions. To have an infection-free skin, you should drink carrot juice regularly.

Improves Liver Health

Carrot juice enhances the absorption of dietary fats and aids the removal of fat-based metabolites through the liver. Its antioxidant content prevents liver enzyme overstimulation and some other liver conditions.

Supports Cognitive Function

A decrease in cognitive function naturally comes with aging. For some persons, however, it is as a result of oxidative damage. Consuming carrot juice regularly helps to reduce the effects of oxidative damage on cognition.

Ensures Healthy Metabolism

Obesity and a number of other factors may affect metabolism. Carrot juice contains B vitamins which support a healthy metabolism. This drink also boosts energy levels by increasing the production of ATP.

Regulates Blood Pressure

dates benefitsCarrot juice contains potassium, a mineral which regulates blood pressure. Consuming healthy levels of potassium ensures normal heart contractility and the prevention of dysrhythmias and heart failure.

How to Make Carrot Juice

Ingredients (for 8 oz. of carrot juice)

  • 3 large carrots
  • a splash of water
  • freshly squeezed orange or apple juice


  • Use a firm brush to wash your carrots so you can eliminate dirt.
  • Cut the carrots into small pieces, about 2-3 inches long, so they can fit in the blender or juicer.
  • Put the carrot and other ingredients in the blender or juicer, and blend till it`s smooth.
  • If you used a blender, place a fine mesh strainer over a large bowl and strain the juice of its fibrous bits.
  • Pour your carrot juice into a serving glass. You may add some more water if you desire. Note that carrot juice is better served cold.
  • You could mix the strained pulp into muffins of bread to gain some good taste and nutrients, or simply discard it.

Types of Carrot

There are two main types of carrot: Eastern/Asiatic carrots, often called anthocyanin carrots, and Western carrots. Let`s discuss them briefly.

  • Eastern/Asiatic carrot is popular in Afghanistan, Iran, India, and Russia. They have purple roots, hence the reason they`re called anthocyanin carrots.
  • Western carrots, also called carotene carrots, are usually orange-colored. They are commonly found in North and South America and Europe.
  • Both types of carrot belong to the species, Daucus carota, and they have similar health benefits.

Tips for Buying and Consuming Carrots

Here are tips that will guide you in selecting the appropriate carrots for you to snack on, or use for your juice.

  • Avoid chlorine-washed baby carrots. Instead, buy whole, organic carrots.
  • If you find them, select the multi-colored, organic, heirloom carrots. They are usually more delicious.
  • Avoid peeling carrots: the fiber content and other nutrients are on the skin. Simply wash them with a strong brush to eliminate dirt.
  • Raw carrots have higher fiber content, while cooked carrots have a higher antioxidant content.
  • You may add carrots to stews and soups; you may even cook them in coconut oil to make a delicious side dish.

19 Carrot Facts

  • People cultivated carrots over 5000 years ago in Iran and Afghanistan, and from there, it spread to other parts of the world.
  • Grown from seeds, carrots take 70-80 days to mature. Some cultivars take up to 120 days.
  • The carrot plant thrives in cool to moderate temperatures.
  • People used carrots for medicinal purpose in Rome, Ancient Greece, and medieval Europe.
  • The heaviest carrot ever recorded was grown in 1998, and it weighed 8.61 kg, while the longest was 19 feet.
  • Carrot has the highest vitamin A content among vegetables.
  • The carrot plant produces flowers of various colors: white, red, and purple.
  • There are over 100 species of carrot.
  • The only edible carrots were white, black, red, and purple. The popular orange variety came about by selective breeding.
  • Rabbits love to eat carrots; it benefits their teeth.
  • Carrots contain natural sugar.
  • A cup of raw carrots contains 10 grams of carbohydrate and 4 grams of fiber. Its fiber content slows down the release of sugars (glucose) into the bloodstream.
  • The quantity of calcium in a glass of milk is equivalent to that in nine carrots.
  • In the 17th century, some people in England carried carrot leaves in their hair for fashion.
  • Carrots got popular in America after World War I.
  • The Celts called carrots “honey underground”.
  • For over 60 years, there has been an annual carrot celebration in Holtville, California.
  • Carotenemia is a condition which results from excessive consumption of carrots, and it is characterized by a yellowish tint on the skin as its major symptom.
  • Modern-day carrots are sweeter, more attractive, and more resilient to pests than the ancient carrots.

Now That You Know…

Carrot juice is packed with loads of health benefits. It would be great to incorporate it into your diet. Just ensure that you consume it moderately.