Try These Mosquito Bites Tips Out
Mosquitos are everywhere in the world and are usually quite common during warm weather. Their bites are not harmful but can lead to complications if it is not prevented or if left untreated.
People have asked questions like; why do mosquitos bite? The simplest answer to this question is they are attracted to human blood. Mosquito bite signs that may not be visible until a few hours later causes an itchy bump on the skin. Sometimes, it could grow into a sore if you over-itch it.
Research showed that it is quite possible for mosquitos to carry diseases, although your chances of being infected by a mosquito bite depend on where you live. One other problem of mosquito bites is the skin reaction or negative reaction of the skin to the bite.
One can develop hives, swollen throat, and difficulty in breathing through the bite of a mosquito. At this point, it is important to reach out to a Doctor with immediate effect for proper medical care.
It is also conceivable that you may not feel the pain or notice when you are being bitten by a mosquito, but at some point, you will notice the bump that would develop afterward. The first thing that would most likely draw your attention to the affected area is the itch, then the bump. This bump can linger for some days after the bite.
Itching affected areas can cause skin irritation and soreness. To treat mosquito bites, bumps, ointments, or creams can be used. Also, you can use one of the following available remedies in your home to help yourself in this situation. These remedies include;
Wow! right? One home remedy for mosquito bites, according to research, is your favorite breakfast-oatmeal.
Oatmeal has been discovered to reduce the itch and swell that comes with mosquito bites. How? This is because it contains some compounds that are known to be anti-irritants.
One of the ways of turning one of your favorite breakfasts into a mosquito-bite remedy is by making a paste out of your oatmeal. Mix oatmeal in a bowl of water, and make a moderately thick paste out of it. Put some of the paste in a clean cloth, tie the cloth and place the cloth-wrapped oat on the site of the bite. Leave your homemade remedy on the site of the bite for about 10 minutes, then clean the area afterward.
In a case where there are multiple bites, apply the oatmeal paste directly to your skin, spreading the paste across all affected areas. You could also have an oatmeal bath. Do this by sprinkling 1 cup of oatmeal in a bathtub filled with warm water. Do this 20 minutes before bath. After the bath, rinse your body with clean, warm water.
Crushed Ice
Cold temperature can also reduce the impact of mosquito bites. Placing ice on the affected area can reduce inflammation. In addition to this, placing cold objects on the area of the bite also provides short-term relief from the pain and itch from the bite by making the skin numb for a while.
Use a cold pack on the area or get a tiny nylon bag and fill it with crushed ice to do the job. Ensure that you do not leave the ice pack on your skin for more than 5 minutes at intervals.
In order to reduce the direct impact of the ice, as per its coldness, you can put a fence between your skin and the ice bag. Do not leave the ice bag or the ice itself directly on your skin for over 5 minutes, as leaving it for a longer period than that 5 minutes can damage your skin.
Honey is known for its amazing medicinal profile, both when it is applied externally on the skin and when it is ingested. This is why most skincare product manufacturers make honey of their priority ingredients. Honey has antibacterial properties, as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Since time immemorial, honey has been used by people across different locations to treat ailments like bruises, bumps, and sores.
No special ceremony is required for honey as a remedy for mosquito bites. All that is necessary to do is apply a tiny drop of honey to the affected area. This would eliminate the inflammation and reduce your urge to itch that area, as you would not want to make a mess out of your body by smearing the sticky honey all over your body.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is both an aesthetical plant (home decoration) and a medicinal plant. Just like honey, aloe vera is skincare manufacturers do not joke with it. Aloe vera over the years has been used to treat several skin ailments. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that are capable of healing minor wounds, reducing inflammation and infection. This is why it may be one of the best natural remedy choices for bug bites too.
Cut open one part of the aloe vera plant and apply the gel to the affected area. Leave the gel there to dry, then reapply again and again until you no longer feel the need to.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is one of the ingredients almost every kitchen has. It functions as both a boking ingredient and as a cleaning agent. Now in this regard, it is functioning as a remedy for insect bites. To begin with, it helps relieve mosquito bites’ pain.
Make a mucilage out of one teaspoon of baking soda and apply directly to the area of the bite. Leave the blend for about 10 minutes, then wash the paste off afterward. However, after this process, if you notice any skin irritation, please stop the process.
Basil is one of the ingredients in Italian recipes and mosquito repellants. As a mosquito bite remedy, it is said to contain a property known as eugenol, which is known to be effective in soothing itchy skin.
Boil dried basils in 2 cups of water, leave the mixture to cool off, then dip a clean cloth in the tea and dap the affected area of your skin with the soaked clean cloth. Or you could chop or squeeze fresh basil leaves and rub the extract on the mosquito bite.
Apple cider vinegar is yet another natural relief for various health conditions, ranging from issues with blood glucose to infections. Just like honey, no special process is required to apply apple cider vinegar on the site of the bite. Just administer few drops of apple cider vinegar on the affected area, and smear carefully and softly. Apple cider vinegar can reduce the painful sensation that comes with mosquito bites. In addition to this, it can also serve as a natural disinfectant in case you have been scratching the bite area.
If you have multiple bites, soak 2 cups of apple cider vinegar in your warm bath water for 20 minutes, then bathe with it. Also, just like baking soda, if you notice any skin irritation after the application or bath, stop the process immediately.
As much as onions push tears out of your eyes, they can also give your mosquito bite areas some relief. Onions contain antifungal and pain relief properties. When onion juice is applied to mosquito bites, it does not only relieve the pain it also prevents infection.
Cut one slice of onion and apply the wet area directly to the affected area. Rub in circles and continue the process for several minutes. Rinse the area afterward.
Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is from the family of mint. It is a leafy plant that has been in existence for a long time and was used by ancients to treat a number of ailments, ranging from stomach upset to anxiety.
For mosquito bites, apply diluted lemon balm essential oil directly on the area of the bite, or chop lemon balm leaves and apply the chopped leaves on your skin.
It is also known to reduce infection risks, speed up healing and reduce inflammation due to its polyphenols and tannin contents.
In conclusion, mosquito bites are harmless, but they can cause ugly bumps on your skin that would linger for days, especially when you get bitten in multiple parts of your body. Some home remedies have been identified to help relieve the pain and itch that come with mosquito bites.