7 Ways to Treat Dyspnea at Home

chin lift

Causes and Home Remedies of Dyspnea

Dyspnea, also known as breathlessness or shortness of breath, is a respiratory condition that can occur as a result of various factors. These factors range from mild to severe. In some cases, the root cause could be a slight change of weather or environment, and in other cases, it could simply be a sign of a severe underlying health condition like lung or heart disease.

The former causes can be remedied easily at home, while the latter requires immediate medical attention. When breathlessness is left to linger for a while without medical attention, it can lead to complications like loss of oxygen in the blood; and this can threaten your life.

The symptoms of Dyspnea and even Dyspnea itself can be distressing and uncomfortable, and in most people, it occurs mostly at night. As much as it reduces the quality of your sleep, especially at night, it also reduces the general quality of your life, as, on the one hand, you will be battling with catching your breath, and on the other hand, all your daily activities will be paralyzed. It is a common condition that can be treated or managed at home. However, if it persists after trying out the home remedies, it is advisable to consult medical experts for treatment, as Dyspnea could be triggered by an underlying health condition like heart or lung disease.

Identifying the cause of your shortness of breath may be difficult. However, this article explores the possible causes of this respiratory condition and how you can go about every one of them in terms of treating it. In other words, this article can help you identify the cause of your shortness of breath and what you can or should do to remedy it.

Causes of Dyspnea

The causes of Dyspnea differ from person to person and range from mild to severe. The following are possible causes or triggers of Dyspnea.

Mild Causes

  • Air pollution
  • Engaging in intense exercise
  • Panic or anxiety
  • Cold or flu
  • Stress
  • Change in temperature
  • Change of environment
  • Exposure to high altitude

These causes can be easily treated at home by following simple tips. However, after several attempts of different home remedies, if it happens to persist, then you should see a Doctor.

Severe Causes

Severe lung conditions like;

  • Lung cancer
  • Pneumonia
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • COVID-19
  • Chemotherapy
  • Obesity
  • Heart attack
  • Asthma
  • Low blood pressure
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs)
  • Allergic reactions

These triggers or causes cannot and should not be treated at home. They require immediate medical attention. They should not be treated with levity or left to linger for a long time, as this could lead to complications that might result in death.

Be it mild or severe, shortness of breath is not natural. Its cause has to be identified and rooted out. This means it is not to be ignored. Pay attention to it and ensure you treat it either at home (if it is mild) or in a hospital (if it is severe).

If you notice any of the following symptoms, you should consult a medical professional immediately;

  • Blue lips
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Medical confusion
  • Constant and uncomfortable tightness in the chest

Home Remedies for Dyspnea

Since mild cases can be treated at home, the question now is, what do you do when you experience shortness of breath? And how do you go about it? Some of the home remedies for shortness of breath include;

Breathing Exercises

When you experience shortness of breath, breathing exercises can help you. All you must need do is lie flat on your back and hold your abdomen, take a deep breath while expanding your abdomen, then let the air out slowly. Repeat this methodology as many times as you can until you feel stable. You can also try out other kinds of breathing exercises like diaphragmatic breathing. Nevertheless, this has to be done with caution and, in fact, under the supervision of a medical expert. This is because performing it incorrectly can lead to more complications than solutions, especially if your respiratory condition is severe.

Sit Forward

When the shortness of breath starts suddenly, do not panic, as this could even compound your condition, especially if you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. To perform this home remedy, get yourself a chair, sit on it and lean forward a bit with your feet flat in the ground. After this, place your elbows on your thighs and hold your chin in your palms. Maintain this position for a while, as it will create a free passage for air through your chest cavity, thereby allowing sufficient air into and outside your lungs.

Drink Coffee

coffee in a cupCoffee is packed with caffeine, a content that has been discovered recently to help improve the respiratory conditions of people suffering from asthma. It helps in the elimination of the tightness of the muscles in the chest. It has also been found to be effective in the protection and the boosting of the function of the lungs. Black coffee has compounds that can strengthen the lungs and improve the lung health of people living with respiratory health conditions, especially asthma. However, if coffee does not work well with you, stop it and try out other home remedies for your short breath.

Pursed Lips Breathing

This helps in the slowing down of your breathing pace. It does this efficiently and effectively. When it seems you are going to pass out due to how fast you are breathing, practice pursed lips breathing and experience a regulated breathing pace. This home remedy is most effective for people who experience shortness of breath either as a result of hyperventilation, panic, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It can also help you engage easily in straining activities without losing your breath.

To perform this home remedy, take a deep but slow breath through your nostrils with your mouth closed. Hold the breath for, say, 2 seconds and release it through your pursed lips. To purse your lips, position your lips as though you want to whistle, then let the air out via your mouth, with your lips pursed.


Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties that can eliminate lung infections that may be causing shortness of breath. In addition, it helps calm the muscles and also treats shortness of breath in the process. You can make tea out of ginger roots by blending the roots and adding boiled water to the blended roots, then sieve the chaff off and drink the water. Drink the tea twice daily, morning and night. However, if shortness of breath persists after this ginger remedy, consult your doctor to make investigations into what the cause of your shortness of breath could be, and also commence immediate professional treatment.

Steam Inhalation

This helps improve breathlessness for people with colds and flu. When steam is inhaled, it helps clear out clogged mucus in the airways and allows for smooth passage of air into and outside the lungs. Steam inhalation is an easy process. You need a bowl of hot water (not too hot).

Add a few driblets of eucalyptus oil into the water for a speedy recovery, bend your face over directly into the steam, cover your head down to the container of water with a towel to avoid the excess escape of steam, and inhale deeply into the steam. Ensure that the steam is not too hot to burn your skin. Continue to inhale the steam for up to 10 minutes. Repeat this process twice daily until you have a clearer air passage into and outside your lungs.

Using a Hand Fan

Fanning air across your face and taking a deep breath into the air caressing your face can improve short breath. This will allow you to breathe in more air such that your lungs get enough air to function.

Ways to Treat Dyspnea at HomeHowever, this remedy can only be effective in people whose shortness of breath is caused by mild factors. People with underlying health conditions like pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, or lung cancer may not experience any improvements through this method. Such people need immediate medical attention.


Dyspnea can be mild, and it can be severe. Identifying the degree of the cause of your breathlessness is a good first step towards tackling it. Dyspnea is not natural. In other words, rapt attention should be paid to it, be it that you experience it mildly or severely.