7 Home Remedies for Herpes

How To Relieve Herpes Symptoms At Home

Herpes is a health condition that is caused by a virus and is mostly transmitted through sex. Studies have shown that herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The virus that causes this health condition can live in the human body for a long time and trigger severe symptoms from time to time. Symptoms associated with herpes include blistered, red swellings and sores that later migrate into ulcers. Leaving these symptoms can lead to complications that can damage the skin. However, treating the symptoms can help improve the condition.

Although studies have shown that herpes currently does not have a cure, adopting remedies that can help relieve the symptoms that come with the condition can improve the quality of your life. This article consists of a carefully compiled list of natural remedies that can help improve your herpes symptoms.

These remedies have been tested across different people over a while, and they have proven to be effective over the years. Not only are they effective, but they also come with no side effects, unlike some chemical-based remedies that leave your symptoms complicated.

Managing the Herpes Condition

Coupled with natural remedies that can improve your condition, you can also adopt a healthy and balanced diet that will help boost the function of your immune system and make it strong enough to combat the infection from the inside. Also, adding fruits and vegetables to your diet can help improve your condition.

This article is packed with natural remedies that can handle your herpes symptoms perfectly. These remedies are available everywhere and are simple to use for this purpose.

It is important to consult your doctor before using any of these natural remedies for your herpes. This will help determine if they are suitable for you, will not give you any allergic reactions, and will not interact with your medications.

The following are natural remedies for relieving herpes symptoms;

Natural Remedies for Relieving Herpes Symptoms

The natural remedies in this article will be centered on herbs that contain natural properties that can get rid of herpes symptoms and foods that you can add to your diet to boost your immune system and help your body combat the infection from the inside. To begin with, take a look at herbs that can help you fight herpes symptoms effectively;

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has a long-standing history of being an effective remedy for almost every health condition, especially skin-related health conditions. It is packed with anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the skin and bring relief to inflamed parts of the skin. Studies have shown that applying natural aloe Vera gel on affected areas of your skin can help soothe the skin lesions caused by herpes and can treat the condition faster than some over-the-counter inflammation medications and creams.

Medicinal plantSince the aloe Vera plant is common and can be found almost everywhere, you can slice up some aloe Vera leaves, scrape out some gel, and apply it to the affected area of your skin at least 2 times a day. However, if the aloe Vera plant is not available around you, you can buy aloe Vera gel from pharmacies or drug stores and apply it directly to the affected area of your skin. Ensure that you check the label of the aloe Vera gel to make sure that you are buying a natural aloe Vera gel. This will help prevent complications of your symptoms.

Witch Hazel Herb

Witch hazel herb, according to research, has been discovered to be an effective antiviral remedy that can help treat some viral infections and suppress the symptoms of other severe viral infections. For treating herpes symptoms, it is best to have a warm bath in witch hazel herbs rather than drinking the herbs, as studies have shown that it is more effective.

Although, some people experience irritation and allergic reactions after having warm baths in witch hazel herbs. However, you can conduct a patch test with the herb on the part of your skin before bathing in it.

After the patch test, you notice some reactions on your skin. It is unsafe for you and might worsen your symptoms if you bathe in it. It is better to adopt other natural remedies that your body or skin does not react to. However, if you do not notice any irritation or skin reaction, you can go ahead and dilute some witch hazel herb with water and have a warm bath in witch hazel herb in the morning and at night before you go to bed. Repeat this for up to 3 days and watch your symptoms fade.

Licorice Root

Studies have shown that licorice root is a rich source of medicinal properties like anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Its antiviral properties, on the one hand, suppress the effects of the virus in the body, while its anti-inflammatory properties, on the other hand, soothe the skin and help relieve the skin of the painful symptoms associated with herpes. Unlike witch hazel, licorice root herb needs to be diluted with water before use. It is safe to use by everyone. Also, you can decide to bathe with it or just apply the extract to the affected area of your skin.

All you need to do is boil up some licorice root and bathe in the water after it cools. Recent studies also showed that the leaves extract of the licorice plant is also effective for treating herpes symptoms, and the extract can be applied directly on the affected area of the skin without any need for dilution.

Foods That Can Relieve Herpes Symptoms

This article is packed with a list of foods that contain natural and medicinal properties, as well as nutrients that can help boost the immune system and assist the body fight off the effects of the viral infection. You should add the following foods to your diet to boost your immune system and improve its functions.


Vegetables, especially ones that are rich in antioxidants, are the best for helping your condition. This is because antioxidants are known to boost the immune system and prevent processes that may lead to its breakdown. Antioxidants are also perfect for preventing the production of free radicals and oxidative stress that can lead to severe cell death and damage. With antioxidant-rich vegetables, you will lead a healthy life, and the quality of your life will not drop at any point despite having herpes. Some of the vegetables you should try out include; tomatoes, cauliflower, kale, and spinach. Coupled with their antioxidant properties, they are also packed with amino acids and lysine, which are effective in improving herpes symptoms.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids Rich Foods

Omega 3 fatty acids are another natural and effective immune system booster. It is also a rich source of anti-inflammatory properties and other healthy and medicinal properties that can improve the function of the immune system. Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in both foods and supplements.

However, getting them from food is the best. This is because people who had herpes and were placed on a strict diet with lists of omega-3 fatty acids-rich foods experienced improvements after 1 to 2 weeks of following that diet. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids-rich foods can help with numerous inflammatory health conditions, including herpes.

The following are omega-3 fatty acids-rich foods; oily fishes like mackerel, salmon, tuna, and sardines and seeds like flax seeds and chia seeds.

Vitamin C-rich Foods

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a natural antioxidant known to help speed up wound healing. Vitamin C can both be obtained through foods and supplements. However, getting vitamin C from foods is the best for treating herpes. Not only will vitamin C help reduce the inflammation on your skin, but it will also help the sores heal faster.

orangeCoupled with this, these vitamin C-rich foods are also packed with other healthy and natural properties and nutrients that can support the immune system and improve the symptoms associated with the condition. Some vitamin C-rich foods include citrus fruits, papaya, red bell pepper, strawberries, and mango.


Herpes may not be curable yet, but symptoms can be managed perfectly, and one of the best ways to do this is by following healthy diets and using healthy herbs just like the ones listed above in this article.